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Posts posted by Twisselmann

  1. Bamorra (Republic and Empire)


    I can confirm that it's the same for both factions, since I had found 4/6 before finding this thread, and realized 3 of mine were the same as found by the above posters. This the final missing one for Balmorra:



    Under the southern bridge (x, y: 733, 1614) connecting Gorinth Canyon to the Sundari Flatlands. Found it while exploring the southernmost section of the heroic area (Trash to Treasure area mission for Republic, same as the other heroic for Imps with the droid on the highest building on the north side) in the northwest of the Flatlands. You can't see it with your binoculars from on top of the bridge, so I recommend taking the lifts down and just running as far south as you can; then it's right in front of you.



    Thank you to the two previous Balmorra posters. It's nice to have this achievement done.

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