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Posts posted by clastodix

  1. Personally... I'd have to say that Nadia, Ashara, and Kira are all Revanites at their core. It's a playstyle I prefer as well. A grey path.


    At least one of these is actually a Sith turned Jedi so you can't count her as falling even if she acts Corrupt unless you start counting all the men that were corrupt when they start off as well.


    A Second one is a non-Jedi/Sith Force User trained in a grey path to begin with and only tries to be truely Jedi if you push her in that direction that just happens to join one of the Orders as the story progresses.


    And the Third even though she does fall to Corruption still Rejects part of what it means to be a Sith which is what made Revan himself so dangerous an adversary on his own.


    As for Yuon. If your going to count her falling. You also have to count her male Counterparts as that story progresses which outnumber her 3 to 1 in falling to the influence of the dark side. You just see it much more in Yuon because you deal with her more closely as it progresses until you free her. Which would mean that it is the Males that are more susceptable in that story arc.

  2. I prefer having overcrowded Starter Maps as long as everyone has the same chance. The competition you have at start is more exciting then waiting 4 days for no invite.


    See. myself. I don't see it as the same chance really. I consider it like a Black Friday Sale at Walmart... Somebody will get peppersprayed. Somebody will get shot and some people might deserve to be arrested when it's all over and yet in the end it's still not actually fair because somebody else lined up 6 hours earlier than you for the same limited number item and they are willing to pull nasty stunts to get it or steal it from somebody else and there are several more that are going to get ahead of the pack because they are going to devote ammounts of time to it that others just can't.


    Like the one fellow that I saw some streaming stuff for yesterday that was level 31 and had been up for a day and a half last I heard just straight levleing to try and get to 50. Quite frankly this guy even if we'd started the same time as him would still be ahead. We'd just have the illusion that it was fair.

  3. I got to say. I know a lot of this stems from WoW but also other games. I can remember some of the nostalgia but I also remember fighting each expansion to prove my tanking spot as a feral druid again and again. Having to rewrite the book on how to do it.


    But I am looking forward to Mists of Pandora... I have a feeling that will sort players out a bit between the skilled and the clones. Partly because there just plain won't be talent trees for people to copy and paste into their characters and spread sheet rotations for them to follow.


    It'll be an interesting thing to play for me and see how people really do once that hits because a lot of choices will be about personal style.

  4. So, leaving aside for a moment the whole "entitlement to EGA" debate, and assuming that you buy in to the idea of a staggered launch, what is the justification behind doing concentrated bursts of invites every weekday morning when no one is playing?


    I fail to see how that helps control population on the servers or level population in the newbie areas.


    Wouldn't it be better to do a continuous timed rollout as opposed to taking 18 hour breaks?


    Even if it worked, and even if BW had a good reason, the way Bioware did it looked lazy and callous.


    One thing to understand from what I've talked to some people about this before and after the Early Access and watching the server times.


    SW has a lot of the older crowd involved in their Early Access compared to some of the other games for several reasons. Such as timing of when the game is coming out and just plain the typical age of star wars fans to begin with.


    That takes work into consideration for a lot of us. That left them with the unsavory choice of waiting until the late afternoon to start staggering their invites or they could do them early knowing that a lot of people in the range of their invites for that wave or set of waves will not be on for a while.


    Realistically speaking considering that people will get home at varying times over a number of time zones. It's better to do it early in the day as far as we americans are concerned so that your hitting the mid day or afternoon of say the european crowd and then watch as that crowd files in from work and as they are winding down your U.S. Servers will be picking up because people are getting home from work there.


    That way you don't really favor either side of the continental equation with releases and you have a steady stream of servers to watch and update and decide if you need to bring another one online and instead of a mad rush and hurt feelings because your letting the Europeans on at like 3am or something to accomidate evenings for our side.

  5. I have a bad feeling that come launch day we're still going to have the same issues that every MMO has on launch day, server crashes, massive queues, lag, etc....


    I obviously hope this isn't true and BW actually manage to avoid what very few (if any) popular MMORPG's haven't. But if it is true I think this'll come back to haunt BW, as any issues could have been sorted out in those couple of extra days they gave us, and come the actual launch things might have gone smoother.



    Actually. if BW did their job right with this and I am thinking they have. We may have a bit of this but not nearly as bad as most MMO's have on the first day. I've seen queue's as long as 8 hours for MMO's starting out. Time long enough that I could litterally go to work. Work My shift and then come home just in time to catch the end of the queue time to get on.


    We may see a few crashes. A bit of Queueing as some try to crowd around what they think are "popular" servers trying to get a high population one that they think will see more end game content than any other and yada yada yada.


    But we'll probably be better off for it overall.

  6. They are instanced ! It does not matter if there is 1 person in the area or 1000 you are only going to see a handful of people because the zones are instanced, when you cross into another zone the game checks and if the current instance is over populated it will create a new one for you or put you into an existing one with few people in it....


    How can people have played the BETA and not even understand this ? The game even gives you a tip whilst playing telling you how to change the instance your in to find friends who could be stood right in front of you.


    Parts of the game are instanced. Certain class specific area's and flashpoints and things like that are. The Stuff that you run through one of those green barriers to get into.


    That is what is instanced.


    This is not new to games. It's a concept that's been around a while.


    that does not mean that everything is. And that does not change the fact that say 500 people crammed into the same little area trying to quest and fighting over mobs is a bad thing. So the instanced argument isn't as much of a counterargument as your trying to make it out to be.

  7. BioWare has no idea what they are doing, as can be easily seen by the days and days of hate messages across multiple forums. Their credibility and reputation just got burned up in a few days. What's left of it will get burned up over the grace period issue in five days when those pre-order problems hit. This is the first launch I've ever seen that has been blown due to public relations. :(


    If you think all the hate messages on here prove much. They really don't for the most part. Yo ucan usually tell the real gripes from the sense of over entitlement that most people have on Bioware Forums.


    Most of what we've seen is just people griping because they've got it in their heads that companies will give them whatever if they just complain loud enough. Working in Retail I've been dealing with a lot of this over the Holiday season in my Job as well. It rarely works out in favor of the customer.


    We even had a few posts encouraging this type of behavior on the forums in fact.

  8. im amazed by all these "Avatar"-less trolls in here.


    Must take too much time to actually pick an avatar.... or..

    maybe... its the avatar of a troll?


    It took me a long time to even decide on an avatar. And I'm still not sure if I'm entirely happy with it.

  9. Wasn't excessively long wait times to access the SWTOR EGA foretold by the Mayan's as a sign of the end of times?


    I've never believed the whole 2012 rumors until now. I would say make the most of it kid, just suck it up and enjoy the game while you can. Looks like we only got a little over a year until we're all screwed now anyhow!


    No. I think it was the Aztec's fortelling the NerdPocalypse.

  10. World PVP died forever ago in wow.....now all people care about is arena and BG


    what they care about is Honour points. Their fastest way to get them is by doing Arena's and battlegrounds... So it's actually the Honour Point System that killed off a lot of the world PvP going on. it stopped being about Prestige and all about getting that currency to buy the next set of gear or getting that ranking...


    But even before that PVP servers tended to have a bit of respect going on. I got burned out bad on PVP a long time ago. But I still go quest on a PVP server from time to time just to get away from the annoyances of some PVE servers to a place Where I don't get yelled at for jumping in and helping an opposing faction member take down a tough mob as long as I watch my AoE's and such for example.

  11. then this is will be news to u what do u think is going to happen to u if the server as

    around 80/90% players that is not of your side?

    do u think u can quest in peace?

    do u think u can shop at your AH and get all the stuff that the dominating side gets?

    do u think u can win any open pvp event if ther the start to have then like wintergrasp in wow


    If some of the PVP servers on WoW are any indication? I can expect to die a bit but be relatively left in peace for the most part without too many problems. Certain things not withstanding as much like perhaps the wintergrasp events not going in my direction as often but I can live with that.


    I'll actually have to watch my back more on the PVE servers in flagged situations than I will on the PVP Servers.


    They've shown an interesting Phenomenon that there tends to be more respectful tendancies on the pvp servers in these cases than there are on the pve ones where these types of environments are limited. A "I leave you alone and you leave me alone" mentality so to speak that has evolved over the years.


    now of course there are a few that either haven't developed this mentality or purposely break it but they tend to be the minority.

  12. Republic stories boring? Check.


    Democratic stalemates and ineffective partisan bickering in a gridlocked Senate boring? Check.


    Rust colors, robes, and earth tones boring? Check.


    Jedi and their completely non-nonsensical philosophy that emotions are bad and that you should probably get a lobotomy. Check.

    Self-righteous speeches of Freedom, Justice, and Liberty, while murdering billions, developing super weapons that put the Death Star to shame, performing experiments on unwilling subjects, brokering political deals with street gangs, etc. Check.


    Far more aliens speaking gibberish, forcing you to read subtitles. Check.


    Far more aliens that are annoying. Check.


    Why in the world would you play Republic? :D


    You see, the Republic is like that young college kid. Who apes all the things he/she just read from their textbooks about Freedom, Democracy, Equality, yadda yadda. All the while, he/she is wearing clothes made in sweat shops and paying taxes to a government involved in atrocities the galaxy over. This young person is completely naive and lives in a fantasy land courtesy of the security blanket laid out by their previous generation. Adults tend to find these individuals annoying in their bright-eyed naivete.


    In contrast, the Empire is the middle aged adult who's been through the crucible of life. Naive-eyed idealism has faded to lay bare a strong sense of pragmatism. This person also wears clothes made in sweatshops. Pays even more taxes to a government involved in atrocities the galaxy over.


    The difference is that the middle aged adult representing the Empire knows full well what is going on, and doesn't pretend otherwise. He/she accepts it as the price to bear for their lifestyle.


    Of course, there's also the subset who simply like to shoot lightning at people. I can't imagine there's a whole lot of people who saw a JC throwing pebbles at people that went, 'Woa! That's *********** awesome!'. :p


    For me... It's not about throwing the pebbles... that's nice and all... But I enjoy throwing Droids and other large pieces of debris at peoples heads. I jsut wish I could pick up random droid 34 off the street and throw him at somebody too.

  13. Yes, its a rather sad condition that has begun afflicting the worlds Bee population. Ever since 'Batman Begins' came out, millions of Bees worldwide have wanted to be Christian Bale. Since cosmetic surgery is obviously unaffordable in a honey-based economy, they have opted to play videogames that feature character customisation in order to live out their dreams.


    Insectologists are very concerned about this issue, as they are spending more time online and less time pollenating flowers. There is also the cruel irony that Christian Bale is actually allergic to bees, and now has wear a complete bubble wrap bodysuit to avoid inadvertent stings from Bee-Fans.


    Ok. You just made my day.

  14. Another reason why PVP in mmos fails.


    Reason #43: PVP centric players predominantly choose the "bad side" when committing to a PVP environment, causing faction imbalance, long queues, and one sided open world PVP.


    This is not actually why a lot of people went Horde in PVP for a long time. It was because the racial bonuses heavily favored the Horde side when pitted against other Players.

  15. Fem Trooper is voiced by Fem Shepard.. enough said..


    That gets my vote.


    But more on topic. I've played enough of these kinds of games to tell you. Some servers are going to lean more towards one and some are going to lead more towards the other. But overall it's all going to balance out for the most part and be pretty close to even. Just like the Beta Test Numbers showed.


    And Quite frankly there are going to be several of us that in the style they've given us that are going to play both sides.

  16. IF they do not have everyone in tomarrow they are in for big problems. You cant advartize 5 days early access then not grant it.




    I beleive they will let all the remaining pre-orders in tomarrow. Theres no reason why they cant do it. They already gave favoritism to people for bieng uniffical pre-pre-orders which no other mmo company has ever been stupid enough to do.


    Actually... If you were to discuss it with the propper kind of lawyer for this thing. You would find out that in most cases. the fine print is king. That is where all the detailed stipulations of how things do or don't apply and such are found. the big print is just there to catch your eye.


    An Example I deal with regularly would be between the Walmart.com Website and The Walmart Stores. The Prices can vary between these two places and does upset customers at times and give walmart employee's no end of grief. However. In small red Letters. half the time in places that customers don't bother looking, specially when they want everything right now, It is marked on the site in places saying "Prices in Store May Vary." This is in small print. It's in red at this point but it is still small and somewhat out of the way. This "fine print" actually saves Walmart from the issue of "advertised pricing" that is different between the two different Locations.

  17. If there are people complaining that server are half empty, maybe they should increase the wave numbers...


    They still could do something like this. I saw something about a 5th wave yesterday in a yellow post.


    But There are also two things to keep in mind. There are error's that can be found in light capacity server environments as well. Some can even be detected at that stage when they aren't a big deal that could be potentially disasterous once a server gets full and fixed before it is a problem.


    The second thing to keep in mind is that we don't have nearly as many of the younger ones currently involved in the pre-order scenario so we may see lighter servers in the morning and heavy servers in the evening potentially through christmas.


    Covering Bases is not a bad thing but they also did most of the waves so early this morning that they may be more flexible come afternoon if things go well.

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