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Posts posted by mjohnsonfhk

  1. I don't want a free ride, but i want to have fun in PVP which i can't have when i'm constantly stomped by wh geared people.


    PVP in the sub 50 bracket is really fun.


    it sounds like you dont want to put the time in otehr people did. You already get free gear with expertise handed to you. Back when i was young and i had to walk uphill to school both ways, we had to also join the 50's bracket in pve gear.


    you do want a free ride.

  2. who cares about sub 50 pvp.... its not even relevant.


    what are you guys, "king of the rats" ?


    We are a very strong class. There is no denying that. We are also a class that provides virtually no utility other than our damage.


    If you want to nerf our damage then we simply need more survivability. I think most powertechs would be in favor of that.

  3. rage juggs arent a problem if you are aware of where they are. If you see someone getting choked, chances are a healhty smash is coming real soon. Id suggest moving ?


    marking him is probably a good idea so people can try to avoid the smash. I dont know what other targets your group wanted you to target first but healers are always a good first target. So are powertechs. We will die in 5 seconds but if left free we will rain hell on you. Rage juggs do have some survivability even tho thye are not tank specced. If that makes sense.

  4. Yea I have a level 62 valor one and...

    I just do not see the point at all to that post.

    It is an op class in bad hands, and a ridiculous one in good hands

    I'm neither bad or good just an average players with it really but it rolls people


    Agreed. This man speaks the truf

  5. everyone complains about TTK then complains when they dont do enough damage.


    as much as i like seeing 5k rail shots, anything that can be done to extend fights is a step in the right direction. IMO.


    good players will still be good players.

  6. Heaven forbid we actually wanted to play a massively multiplayer game where the population was, you know, massive and had a multitude of players in its population rather than 10 max people on the fleet at peak times.


    Oh no, silly us!


    who cares, youve moved on to a dif server and having fun playing a massively multiplayer game where the population was, you know, massive..... Why should you get to transfer your alt ? The idea of server transfers is to populate servers, not overflow them like fatman.

  7. On my Sage I got hit for 9.3k and had my shield up at the time.


    This is the reason they need a nerf as I am in WH gear. I see consistent 3.6 to 4.3 all the time.


    Then after that a 7k or 9k hit. Sorry but that is just OP.


    the only truth in this statement is the 3.6 to 4.3


    spot on.

  8. No, I have seen 500 and 80k before. I personally using norse have hit 380 and I think almost 60k in BM gear in Novarre coast where I had to keep reminding my self to taunt. I bore witness to 500 and 70k on a guy who was in a premade.


    700k and 80k is completely doable if you are in a premade with communication.


    opf... just one post above youre stating how hard 700 k is to get.

    next post youre stating you can get 380 so 700 is doable.


    i know its "doable" under PERFECT circumstances. My point was, people are throwing that number out like its the norm... and its not.

  9. First stating I don't mean to offend. Apparantly I'm coming across on these forums lately like that.


    Why do you think 300kdam/150k prot is viable? When I can do 700k dam and 80k prot as full Pyro IMO is way better then those numbers. And the 80k is just from taunting. I just went against a jugg doing 450k dam, 250k prot and I'm not even sure that's viable otuside HB.


    the numbers you are throwing out are completely out of wack and not the norm.


    to get 700k damage you are getting outhealed and really not accomplishing much other than your stats. 80k protection is pretty damn good and means your healers are keeping your taunted targets targets alive if that makes sense.


    To do both in the same game, youre either living in a fairy tale world or you play with amazing healers on both sides of the ball.

  10. Assassins are good 1v1 but in group combat they are average. i dont see what all the beef is about. Now marauders on the other hand..... Deadly on both accounts.


    Maybe its just a rock, paper, scissors for my powertech. But there is no way i can kill a half way competent marauder.

  11. My 8-year run in SWG was spent as a Master Bounty Hunter. Over 300 Jedi kills, all solo. The best of times was when they lifted the Scout requirement, and I went BH/Pistoleer. The worst of times was walking to marks (pre-speeders) and the 3 month run where tracking droids were completely broken. Moral of the story:


    Good players get it done. Period. No excuses.


    You play your chosen class like a beast, and roll with the punches. FOTM will come and go. You can either rise above it or QQ on the forums about how you got owned. Sadly, most choose to do the latter. DPS spec Vanguard/PT have a lot of firepower. They're also very easy to counter...by good players. With 1 crappy defensive CD and no real CC or escape abilities, the math on this one is easy. But here's the thing...if you try to get into a DPS race with a high DPS class, you're going to lose.


    Pro tip: Use your brain. Button mashing against a Pyro PT/Assault VG is not going to get you anywhere except to the respawn area.


    ^ This

  12. honestly bioware needs to do anything it can to put a carrot at the end of the stick. If the game were runnign smoothly id agree with you all about bioware not listing a date. We need a date.


    There is virtually no communication on their end

  13. Agent dodge has been broken for quite a while.


    Agents is 3 seconds and broken

    Assassins is 50% ranged and melee defense for 12 seconds not damage reduction

    Marauders is 99% everything while sacrificing 50% of their health for 5 seconds, which is stackable with other defensive cool downs.

    Powertech reduces damage by 25% for 12 seconds


    Powertech defensive cool down is hands down better then agents and assassins.


    well you are leaving out hte fact that assassins have 2 other defensive cooldowns. Powertechs have 1 total.

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