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Posts posted by Galaxagos

  1. I've left 2 tickets over the last 3 days. First time maybe was my bad as I listed the issue as a bug and was told by a return response to my ticket that it should not be posted there and to resubmit another ticket. Ugh. Okay, I'll follow the rules.


    I then proceeded to create another ticket this time in the Other category. Still no response to date. I've been a loyal subscriber since day 1 and put a ton of time into this game (almost 16k achievement points) and all I ask is for someone to address my 1 issue I have due to a bug with the game. Here was the issue I'm looking for someone to correct from Bioware.


    On my character Hippiegala (trooper) on the Shadowlands server I've killed the Cartel War Robot and did not receive the achievement. All I'm asking for is to have the achievement recognized. I don't find where this is a bug anywhere so it must be working for others. Please address.


    Thanks for your partnership Bioware in getting this resolved. FYI please work on some training issues with those that respond to tickets as they could elaborate more in their descriptions when responding.

  2. I know many people want instant gratification these days and lack of patience for western civilization is growing more and more thin. However I was curious how others felt about this proposal I would make to Bioware.


    Would others be okay and not flame developers or post unreasonable timeframes for new development if they took 3 weeks off of developing new content to see what they could all collectively do to work the bug list including achievements? I realize by fixing some bugs you may create others (hopefully not but in this day and age.....) but with 3 weeks of collectively addressing these with a much larger group of developers what could be done?


    I realize new content feeds the game and fixing bugs only improves the experience, but the game has been out over a year now and you definitely have enough high and medium level bugs that don't involve cosmetic issues to work on. I would challenge Bioware to see what is possible in July 2013. To help set this up and make sure you are addressing the concerns of your audience run a poll for 2 weeks and collect the data. Based on that make your decision to delay new content in July and make it bug month or at least what can be accomplished in 2 weeks. Have some quick hit and real bug fixes.


    Just a thought and hoping this is considered at least in group team environment there to weigh the pros and cons of doing just as I proposed. What do you as a forum member think?

  3. Maybe I'm oversimplifying but if anyone feels the money is too much you should definitely quit. Bioware/EA is running their business the way they want. We as consumers have choices. I guarantee the company understands what makes money and what doesn't. As long as people are complaining but paying, nothing will change because they provide a forum for you to voice your opinion after your credit card gets accepted. At this point if the money goes away the game folds and everyone goes home. At the end of the day they have made their money and the second it stops making money they will shut down and cut any losses they have if any. There is no charitable contribution to keep people at work and pay for servers. We complain and get frustrated because we as gamers elected to devote so much time and that is why we are frustrated.


    Traffic on the forum shows your passion one way or another and this is the crowd that EA is hoping to tap into, myself included. As long as their is traffic, there is probably subs and money. If there are subs and money the PR department can continue to market and respond to consumers in a manner that invokes some reaction, hopefully positive. If you truly want to make this game better or in some of your opinions "get back at the man for doing this to you", just stop talking about the game and not provide this company another sent. It would be the loudest message you could ultimately post.

  4. I have to agree with most that posted here. I understand the marketing, pricing, and strategy for the Cartel Market. Even with subs there is a need to tap into your core base of players for some pay options. I get that. It fuels future development. However the core folks playing that put the time in and keep this game alive though higher populations which attract new players and keeps a healthy environment are penalized with gear that should never be for sale. It must be earned. I agree on the holiday front. There is no need to charge for fireworks. You want to stimulate an event, not kill it by forcing those loyal followers to pay. I suggest the following to possibly fix this situation we are all in now because we know that EA, Bioware, or whatever maintenance group that is running this needs this info.


    1. If you aren't going to change your pricing that is okay. Just offer more cartel coins to subscribers. Well played by corporate america to provide you just enough coins to make you think you are getting something but if you want to participate in any real fun....you have to pay because your allotment is 10-20% of purchase price. Up the amount provided to subs so they can acquire at least 2-3 things versus being shut out. Now we have to consider hoarding if we only want to spend $15 per month.


    2. Lower the sub price per month to $5 if you aren't changing anything else. This won't happen because of maintenance and development costs to produce new content but it should occur. Feels like $15 now is an unnecessary greed play.


    3. Lower prices on Cartel and keep anything that can be crafted alone. Don't touch because why would you continue to craft then???? Can't believe any focus groups went for this if asked and if so....Bioware needs to really rethink who they want representing the player base.


    Just my thoughts. Take it for what it is worth. Enjoy as much as you can. Life is too short. Express your opinion but in the end we all have choices. If you don't feel you are getting the response you wanted no sense complaining. Just quit. Less stress in the long run. Again take the advise for what it is worth. Happy Holidays.

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