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Posts posted by Eislor

  1. On my Jedi Sage :


    While I was making an approach to start a conversation with a republic admiral :


    " A Jedi ? Well, paint me blue and call me Chiss. "


    I ran into this line before while playing a Jedi Knight and I thought it was funny. However when my Chiss Jedi Consular met the Admiral it took on a whole new level of funny for me.

  2. I posted this in the Customer Service thread about this problem. This solution worked for me.


    I tried finding a solution and came up with something. I renamed the old assets folders so they wouldn't be seen(they were labeled assets_swtor_main_0to73 and assets_swtor_main_144to145), then ran FixLauncher,exe. When I started the Launcher it updated itself, re-downloaded MainAssets 146 and got back in game. A 5 minute download was much preferable to a 24 hour download.
  3. Here’s what you need to do by October 20, 2013 to receive your rewards:

    . . . snip . . .

    Previous Subscribers: Reactivate your subscription and also receive 500 Bonus Cartel Coins just for reactivating.


    So does this mean we should all unsubscribe now, then reactivate on October 19th (just to be safe) and we'll get 500 CC?

  4. I love the female Sith Inquisitor's dry delivery, I got another laugh from her tonight on Belsavis.


    Commander Byten: I'm Commander Byten, Imperial Non-human Relations. My men were extracting a key political prisoner from the lower cells. Something went wrong.


    Sith Inquisitor: Yes, the pile of corpses does suggest a slight hitch in your plan.

  5. After you put the crystal in, there's a little button on the bottom right that you need to click in order for the change to occur, did you click it? Also if you were placing the new crystal on the old crystal you will also get a pop-up asking if you really want to do this because it will destroy the old crystal (this pop-up appears after click the apply button), did you say yes I really, really want to do this?

    Check if the new crystal is still in your inventory.

  6. . . .


    hehe sometimes general chat is quite amusing, slightly off topic but there was a guy raging on Tython last week and it's so true of MMOs :)"Ok how the hell have only 1 in 10 manka cats got teeth"


    So didn't you tell him to stop hitting them in the face, because he's obviously breaking their teeth. Try to be a little helpful man. :D

  7. Have you tried kiting him? A couple of his attacks hit HARD, try not to be there when they come up. Use a stim to increase your Aim, and you can get a concoction from some of the Cantina vendors to increase your Presence, use both. Finally are you geared as as much as you can be?.

    If you still can't take it down, ask for help beating it down.

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