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Posts posted by Tiber_Septim

  1. And this is the final nail in the coffin.. Canceled sub.


    It's not an increase, it's a decrease for any decently geared commando (that can crit once every three seconds) during combat. If you're out of combat, you reload anyway. It's practically half the value now.

  2. Many people here obviously aren't playing with a good pre-made or against one. A couple of good healers will ensure one side destroys the other. No healing means you'll get steamrolled whatever damage you do. The sole requirement to deal damage is staying alive in the first place.


    Gunnery CAN and WILL work in group PvP, never solo. It may be the worst solo class in the game. With a group, tanks in front of you and healers behind, you'll wreak havoc. Sure sentinels and some others may outperform you, but you can contribute to focus fire immensely. Personally I rarely get outdamaged by any other class if my team is staying alive so that I'm ignored by enemy melee.


    No melee that stays long alive on your side: You'll get rolled.

    No healers to keep the melee alive: You'll get rolled.

    Decent healers and tanking: You'll drop whatever's being focused upon unless your team's outplayed.


    Stick to your team. Better, form a team and play with them. Avoid all 1vs1 situations vs melee and powertechs. It never gets more fun than scoring top damage and killing blows in a warzone after somebody denounces my gunnery build.

  3. .. Thank you for proving my point.


    So, it's Marauders/Sentinels fault that your teammates were stupid enough to whitebar them before they used their CDs? Next you'll be telling me that pencils are the cause of writing errors.


    Good thinking there, did you ever play the game well, or do you just pretend you know how to play it?

    To force them to use their bubble and not die in the process, you have to CC them in the first place. It's not like they have jugg damage.


    Don't know who's paying you to spend your whole day being the attorney of maras but it's rather apparent that you're not playing some of those classes in your sig.

  4. This resolve system is still rather garbage, treating snares, mezzes and stuns with pretty much the same importance. You still die to an equal geared operative by the time you're white no matter where you use your ability.
  5. Great guide but this still is the worst wz/bg/sc ever conceived, makes Tor Anroc look like the best thing ever. I can't wait for the patch that you can selectively avoid it, I quit it right away when I'm solo.
  6. Just wow, this "only 1.2 items" requirement altogether destroys the idea. What's the point of swapping stuff around when all 1.2 items look horrible? Why would I even bother? I was happy since I could upgrade lvl 40 PvP set into endgame stuff but now they tell me I have to choose between clown set 1 or clown set 2.


    Very, very cheap way to basically tell people to farm over the new stuff for another couple months so BW can enjoy guaranteed subs.


    Either you guys also include other shell sets in the patch that can hold transferred set bonuses or you can just trash the feature for all I care. Was that what we were looking towards to?


    I'm thoroughly disappointed with 1.2 as it is.

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