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Posts posted by Mirajj

  1. Running around on my Trooper, I was quite pleasantly surprised to find a very nice looking double barreled assault cannon. I equipped it, and took off...then was quite surprised to find that it only ever used one barrel. I checked a couple different things, and the cannon only ever uses the same barrel while the second one just hangs out on the gun, doing nothing but looking awesome.


    Is this intentional? It's not like there isn't things that don't have functioning double barrels in the game.

  2. So, after going through the extensive character creation process, selecting my characters features with care and heading off into game...I find that I get chest-pieces with hoods that "hide head slot" doesn't work on. Now I can understand that, since it's technically not a 'head' piece, but it's covering my head, and I don't want it there. If I wanted to see the head of my character covered, I'd uncheck the 'hide head slot' slot, and show whatever helmet/whatever my character's wearing. But I don't want to see anything on my characters head. At all. And making a something that it attached to the chest that covers my head which gets around the 'hide head slot' check is pretty poor going, imo.


    I want to see the head I created, not some "chest-piece" hood. At least please make this an option, as I understand that there probably are people who want a hood. But the 'hide head slot' slot should be for the head, and if it's checked, nothing should obscure the head.

  3. For something a bit more light-hearted than the usual things I see in this forum, I'm wondering what other spelling errors folks have found in the game. They are in there, and they are generally amusing when found.


    The first one I noticed? When you mouseover your xp bar in rested state, you get told a bit about rested state. It concludes with the following sentence:


    "You can get into a rested state by loging out of the game in a cantina."


    What ones have you found?

  4. Don't get me wrong I am really enjoying SWTOR and think its a great game but if I had to recommend one or the other to someone who was NEW to MMO's i would point them in WOW's direction.


    You would do that, considering the sheer startup cost to someone who's not played WoW before? It doesn't cost much to grab an expansion and go, but to pick up the entire thing from Vanilla to Pandas in one go? That's a steep chunk to take out of the wallet. Based on that alone, WoW no longer gets recommendations from me


    To the original post...I stopped playing WoW just before Cata launched. I tried it for 3 months in Cata, and didn't play much of the last month of that.


    I AM playing TOR now, and quite enjoying it. TOR has already overtaken WoW for me.

  5. Hm, my two biggest gripes are along the lines of most of the folks in here.


    I love "pets". In the 'other large and popular mmo' that I used to play, I had almost all the small, non-combat pets you could find or buy (without spending real $$). Believe it or not, that was the main draw to the DDE for me. I thought that the training droid 'pet' was a great idea. Instead, it's a waste of an inventory slot.


    I thought that the color crystals would be just that. Colors. I could have a stat crystal, and/or a color crystal. I thought that would be a great thing to have. So that no matter what the stats of your saber/bolts were, you could have a consistent, desired color (following the color restrictions, of course) and I find that's not what I thought, either.


    Ah, well. I don't know if Bioware will change any of this. But...I am quite enjoying the game. I have just likely bought my first and last "extra/bonus" version of anything from them.

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