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Posts posted by Chiefbadmojo

  1. Ahhh, the commandos. The spearhead of the Republic armed forces. Armor-clad, BFG-wielding men and women succeeding where others merely try their best. For us failure is never an option. We do not sneak away, we do not rely on some "force" to help us out. We eradicate the corrupted empire one day at a time. Planet after planet. We are the galactic clean-up crew. In fact, we are the A-Team from outer Space! :cool:


    My Commando is dark side. Being a part of the Republic does not automatically make me a tree-hugging hippie freak, and I do not "cherish life". I am a warrior. I will kill those who oppose the Republic, and I will stop at nothing. Sacrifices must be made, it's all means to an end. We have one goal, and one goal only: To win this war. I will take no prisoners. No quarter will be given. No mercy will be shown.


    When I play my bad-arse commando I feel like the Boondock Saints. And I feel their "prayer" sort of fits with my moral choices. "No you filty sith, you will not go to prison. You will not get a trial. You will die by my hands here and now".

    Now you will receive us.

    We do not ask for your poor, or your hungry.

    We do not want your tired and sick.

    It is your corrupt we claim.

    It is your evil that will be sought by us.

    With every breath we shall hunt them down.

    Each day, we will spill their blood till it rains down from the skies.

    Do not kill, do not ****, do not steal, these are principles which every man of every faith can embrace.

    These are not polite suggestions, these are codes of behavior and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost.

    There are varying degrees of evil, we urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the bounds and cross over, into true corruption, into our domain.

    For if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three [*]. And on that day, you will reap it.

    And we will send you to whatever god you wish.



    [*] = Me, My BFG and M1-4X



  2. Ugh, I had ONE misclick that gave me 100 LS points. Was hoping that wouldn't affect me down the line. But surely there must be more than 10k LS/DS points in total?


    But yeah. Even though it kind of funny it's a horrible system, just as in ME and DA (and I love those games). It takes away all the "what would you do" aspect of RP, and instead turns it in to a "what do I need to choose to get the points I need for X item"-game.

  3. UI is my biggest in-game concern. It just doesn't work the way I would like it, and I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to move everything. And yes - I need more quickslots at the bottom of the screen.


    Warhammer Online had the best UI customization I've ever tried (haven't tried Rift), I would love to see something like that in absolutely every game ever.

  4. Couple things:


    A) When I try to see all my posts or new threads, I get an error saying I do not have access or permission. I am logged in, as you can see, as I am posting. There is no earthly reason why I should not have access to this, what gives?


    B) Why is there no forum search? Am I missing it?


    I ask because I raged pretty hard a few days back in a sunken delirium and I want to delete those posts from the internets forever. Pretty please?


    A) Yeah. I get that too. Can't find my own posts, I do not have permission to do that apparently.


    B) LOL!! :D

  5. Agree. It doesn't make sense to have to register your credit card to get the 30 days. And if you don't have a credit card, you actually have to buy game time to play the free month you are entitled to.


    I do have a credit card though, so no probs, but it's still not a great way to do things.

  6. Use your mouse to point at bad things and click to make them go away :D


    You can move your ship with mouse or wasd. It's nice to use the keyboard to dodge stuff while being able to fire at other stuff. Right mouse button fires missiles.


    At Taris and at the fleet (and probably more places too) there are vendors where you can buy ship upgrades. Some of these upgrades will have "use" abilities, and will show up in the bottom left corner together with the ships health bar.


    Other than that it's really a railshooter. Try not to crash into stuff, you will lose lots of HP.

  7. Hopefully they will fix the queues, so we won't need to do this anymore, but for now anti-afk is great. If you wait 2 hours to get in, then after an hour realize you need to do something for let's say 30 mins. You don't want to wait another 2 hours when you get back.


    I can't spend 4 hours in queue after work. Then I never get to play. So i press the spacebar every 19 minutes or so. Don't see how that is better than abusing some bird-thing.

  8. Personally I blame society and reality TV. Everyone on jersey Shore would be a Loot Jawa, and somehow acting like that is socially "acceptable", albeit by a vocal minority.


    Most people are not "MEMEMEME!!!"


    It's not even "some people just want to watch the world burn". They are not evil, as that would imply actual thought process.

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