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Posts posted by Ekot

  1. So EA, I'm a subscriber, I pay my subscription every two months, but because I missed a day and was prefferred status for 24 hours, when I constantly subscribe every month, I'm getting no early access?




    My point is, I've been a sub since august, but because I paid month-by-month I don't get the same benefits?

    It's horse sh**


    I pay month to month, didn't let my credit card expire nor miss a payment (by a day), and I didn't have an issue. Why are you not dealing with Customer Service rather than ranting on a forum like a child?

  2. I'm not a pro with this AC, but I have a 55 shadow and a 25 sin. I would spec balance or it's equivalent for an assassin. Google shinarika's guide, who I believe is the class rep and is pretty darn good in all facets of the AC, for more information regarding spec, rotation, and gearing.
  3. OK, so im dont know about other servers but, on Jedi Covenant, we already have issues with DEAD fp qs AND Low pvp population, so when events come around they become NOEXISTANT. Now i have no problem with events i think they are a great part of the game, however having them BACK 2 BACK like this, without finding a way to keep the other aspects ofr the game going for those that enjoy them more is BS! NOW i KNOW you (bioware/EA) dont want to do cross server qs for pvp/WZ but if you are going to continute to refuse to do this than find ano0ther way. loggin in to the game and not being able to do anything but the basic storyline/planet quest or an event i have no intrest in because THERE IS NO Q for pvp/fp is completely eff'd up and not fair to the subs who pay for this game and shoiuld always be able to acces trhe parts they enjoy.

    I would much rather have events like these than run flashpoints everyday. In fact, I think the last time I ran a flashpoint was for hk, lol. As for pvp q pops, they may be a little longer lately compared to servers like pot5, bastion, even harbinger, but it's not that long of a wait. Oh ya, and I fully support cross-server queues but it doesn't sound like they can do it with the hero engine bs.



  4. 1) NExample: use Force Wave, walk backwards while waiting on global cool down and follow up with Telekinetic Throw, then run.


    Bring on the trolls and haters =P

    Old thread, but the quoted statements are cute.

  5. Worse. Much worse. Which sucks because my new pvp obsession is sage/sorc but I like sage animations better.

    It feels like you are able to get away with more as a sage. I started playing my sorc again a few days ago - the lighting gets old real fast and is a dead giveaway of your position.




  6. Yep it was just a bad night...last night things were back to normal. But I agree, soon as I see a good Sith team roll in...win or lose, it's fun!:)

    Like you, I'm a recent transfer too. While it's pub dominated I have been in wz's where the imps crush the pubs, and I mean crush. It's regs, it happens, but guilds like Disciples and others like GI, GT, Vossen play both sides here and they're all decent to excellent PvP'ers (/respect).



  7. This wz was one on 11/21/13.


    Speaking of:


    Gametype - Warzone

    Section - Overall damage

    Class - Operative

    Rank - 1

    Toon - Vps

    Record - 2711963

    Link - http://i.imgur.com/795kGb1.jpg


    Gametype - Warzone

    Section - DPS

    Class - Operative

    Rank - 1

    Toon - Vps

    Record - 2185.3

    Link - http://i.imgur.com/795kGb1.jpg


    Gametype - Warzone

    Section - Damage Done/Death Ratio

    Class - Operative

    Rank - 1

    Toon - Vps

    Record - 2711963/0

    Link - http://i.imgur.com/795kGb1.jpg


    Congrats to Vps for shattering the overall damage record by over 700k and for beating the #1 op dps record as well.


    Gametype - Warzone

    Section - Overall damage

    Class - Juggernaut

    Rank - 2

    Toon - Yuuzhan

    Record - 2081202

    Link - http://i.imgur.com/pesjgdy.jpg


    Yay for 2 mil!!!! :p

    Grats on the 2 mil dmg!


    I'm 100% positive that VPS was DF spec for that 2.77 mil, otherwise I'm calling hax if he was scrapper spec. He's an impressive healer too.


    I haven't logged into JC for easily a month.. I'll log into today and see if I'm still in his guild :/, I thought he may have moved to POT5 like many have...


    /Toka Conji

  8. As long as everyone wants to be a winner and everyone wants to be a Charlie Sheen, the ranked warzone comm system will ensure that there will be faction imbalances.

    "I'm bi-winning! Win here, win there, win win everywhere!"

    -Charlie Sheen



  9. OP, don't listen to the posters in this thread. It's obvious they themselves play Assasins/Shadow. Assasins/Shadow are arguably the best class in PVP. They have a plethora of offensive burst and formidable defensive cooldowns to counter each and every class in the game. In order for Sorc's to be viable in Arena's the entire team strategy must be predicated on playing defensive and protecting the Sorc, along with saving all of their CC abilities to mitigate the assist train that Sorc's face every arena match. In WZ's it's bit different. Sorc's do pretty well providing they have good healer support. With elite healer support a Sorc will decimate a WZ. When it comes to arenas, that's a entire different story. One thing that you can count on each and every match you enter as a Sorc, is that the opposing teams already know you're the easiest one to kill, so you will be the focus every match, and will spend more time kiting then you will standing and casting. If the opposing team has any stealth classes you're as good as done. They will pop out of stealth, and completely lock you down. And since Sorc's give out crits like Government cheese, expect to die quickly unless your entire team is working in unison to protect you. In Solo q, you can forget about that, in team ranked, no one is gonna want you unless you're playing with people you know, that's because the team will be more effective with a Maurader, Powertech, Sniper, etc. If I were you I would stay away from Sorc until this game is re balanced. Playing as a Sorc in Arenas is equivalent to playing a Warlock in WoW, minus the Fel Armor, Soul Link, Death Coil and Health Stone. That's how naked defensively the Sorc's have been left by this development team.

    Quoted For Truth

  10. "Bubble and the heal, heal and the bubble

    Minute after minute, hour after hour

    Everybody's running, but half of them are los-ing

    What's going on in the warzone, somebody is tossing

    Warriors say I gotta learn, but nobody's here to teach me

    If I slow them down, how can they reach me

    I guess they can, I guess they will

    I guess they leap , that's why I know my life is out of luck, fool"


    Hahah, thanks for the laugh! Good stuff.

  11. yes, I do think sorcs/sages have something of a legitimate QQ reason. it really doesn't matter if you're a healer or a dps. it's child's play to push you into bubble. and when that drops...so does the sorc/sage. :2cents:



  12. They're OK.


    Comps were screwed up...


    Old ranked there would be much more coordination, guarding, cc'ing, strategy, etc.


    What I really don't like, and they've addressed it via the forums (musco): Getting half the regular coms for winning the old warzones.


    Overall, I give this Patch a C-.



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