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Posts posted by WizzyWarlock

  1. Just because we're in a boom for the past century (a blink of the eye in comparison to the time human civilization has existed) doesn't mean that galaxy was in the middle of a similar boom. We made it far longer than 3000 years without any significant advances. It's not unheard of that an entire galaxy would do the same.


    Sorry, but this just made me laugh so I had to post about it. "It's not unhead of that an entire galaxy would do the same.". Did I miss something? Did we travel to other galaxies and find alien life while I was sleeping?

  2. whats weird is you still being here if you dont enjoy the game..


    but yes, 226 on Imperial Fleet one evening and no one was talking..


    Yeah, because all the disappointed people leaving without reason would really help the future of the game.


    Bioware Dev: "Hey Jim? Why are the servers empty?"

    Bioware Dev2: "No idea. They just left without a word.".

    Bioware Dev: "Well, can't be a fault with our game then.".

  3. In my opinion that you do not care about, it is much better to know why the hell you're clicking on them rather than "Collecting 3 bear pelts" for no apparent reason that has any visual affect on how the character reacts to you or storyline moving with you.


    What does it really matter? It's no different than having a wall of text in a game like LOTRO. That tells you the reason but nobody cares. The only difference here is that it's voiced and 'acted' instead of just something you read, which I admit is nice at first but when all the quests amount to the same thing it just gets tedious.


    Class quests on the other hand have a continuous flow to them so I watch every one, but side quests where I hear the guys life story and then never see him again after clicking three glowing objects. As pointless as the walls of text from past games.

  4. I think they're talking about the side quests, which in my opinion are three minutes of voice overed fluff followed by, "Go click on three glowing objects.". If there was more variation to the quests then I'd be more inclined to listen, but after the 30th 'Go click on three glowing objects' after listening patiently for 3 minutes, I tend to find a use for that space bar.
  5. What is with these solo players in MMO's these days? Jeez people, it's a multiplayer game. When did the idea of 'multiplayer' become a single player game in a persistent world? Don't be stupid. People buy multiplayer games because they get to fight with or against other players, that's the whole point of multiplayer games, it's a whole different genre to single player games.


    If you're so sure that it just means 'people inhabiting the same world' then you really shouldn't be worried about the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer because, hell, you won't have to do anything with the other players, right?


    To switch subjects, people were saying they'd like to advance their characters without having to group or raid. This is the one thing I really liked about EverQuest, which I don't remember seeing in any other MMO since, though I haven't reached end game in a lot of MMO's since then. The thing I'm talking about is their alternate advancement, which was like levelling up but instead of levelling your.. well.. level.. each 'level' gave you a point to put into an alternate advancement ability. Things like increased hitpoints, better dodge ability, new class ability, and so on. I don't know why more MMO's don't implement things like this.

  6. And while many aspects of the game may require a player to have the help of others, that doesn't necessarily mean that all of the content should be focused on multi-player. In fact, I'd venture to guess that an MMORPG that required a join effort between players to complete most of its content would fail before it even launched.


    That's funny, because EverQuest was built in 1999 and is still going strong and still requires you to pay a subscription. How many of these solo style MMO's can you say that about?


    Solo play in MMO's is simply killing the genre. I play MMO's for a different experience that I could get out of a single player game. When MMO's become that single player game, as is the case with TOR, then I really start to worry about the future of the genre.


    If you want to play solo with lots of other people around you, try Second Life. MMO's are by their title Multiplayer games.

  7. A fanboy with blinders?


    because I see the game vastly improving and am willing support it?


    Who has the blinders on that can not see that this game is improving in the right direction and is unwilling to pay to play for content and wants everything right now?


    You've spent 74 dollars this game. You've gotten more than 200 hours of content.. and you want more for free? Really? Who has the blinders on?


    7 years of wow x 14 dollars a month = 60 x 4 (for expansions) = 1500$ (roughly) and you want the same content of a 74 dollar game?


    Ever heard of you get what you pay for?


    Who has the blinders on that can not see that?


    Firstly, how do you get more for free when you're paying a subscription fee? Second, why continue to pay for a game that I'm not happy with in the hope that it'll one day become that game? Surely it makes perfect sense to quit and wait for the game to improve, then come back again? Why keep giving EA/Bioware money for something that is below par in MMO standards?

  8. Congratulations, you can post screenshots from single-player games and multi-player games.


    Yes he can. And it just goes to show how awesome of a game we could have had if Bioware had decided to create something original. We all know what a Tatooine cantina looks like, it's in the very first movie released, aliens everywhere, shady gangsters, Jedi chopping arms off..


    And what do we get in TOR? Empty, dull environments. Personally, if they could make an MMO with graphics and design even slightly similar to that Mass Effect nightclub, I would be in heaven.

  9. This is actually the one thing that made me hit the unsubscribe / uninstall button. I'm quite forgiving with games generally, but the way the many worlds here have been designed and 'brought to life' - and I use life in the loosest way possible - just made it so I didn't want to continue.


    Take a look at this video of the Jedi Temple on Tython:




    Forward to 1:20 and you'll see a Jedi apparently sparring with some Padawan who are in various states of defeat. One is floating, one looks dazed, and so on. But they do nothing. They will stay in this state from now to eternity. Keep watching and witness the scene of the two Jedi coming in to heal two Padawan who have hurt each other. They stand there as if stuck in some sort of stasis field.


    Now imagine these two things alone, just these two groups of npcs, animated, the Jedi sparring with the Padawan, the Jedi rushing in to heal as one Padawan performs a deadly strike on another. Imagine just how much life those two things could bring to that area.


    Instead it looks like a 3D picture, a snapshot of a point in time when something happened but you're not allowed to witness. And this is how it is from place to place, planet to planet, so many things lack life and substance. The little things like small creatures scurrying around, a flock of birds (or alien creatures) flying through the sky, the rumble of thunder in the distance that preceeds an onset of rain. It's all missing. The locations are dull, lifeless and boring.


    We spend so much time inside this game world, running from location to location, fighting through mobs and finishing quests. If you're going to force us to move around in these worlds, at least make them worth moving around in. As I said at the start, I couldn't stand the bland areas any longer, they actually made me sleepy they were so boring (and I'm not kidding there). Until they improve I won't be returning.

  10. I've got a fair few, but they all sort of combine into one big thing that ends in the game being just incredibly tedious to me. Firstly there's the world designs and overall ambience of the areas, as in there isn't any ambience. I've never seen weird little critters scurrying about, flocks of birds swooping across the sky, the sounds of crickets or natural wildlife, all I tend to hear are my footsteps plod plodding as I move from one quest giver to the next.


    Along with the overall ambience of the areas, the lack of npc movement is just ridiculous. It happens all over but the most memorable location is outside the Jedi Temple and there's a video on youtube to show it. Watch from around 1:25 onwards.




    Now imagine that scene if everything was actually animated. A Jedi taking on five students, two healers rushing in to aid some students who had gone too far. Instead we get something like bullet time, where the world has stopped but you still move.


    This happens everywhere with npc's who do nothing, or just jump up and down on the spot clapping. Now you mix those two things in to my next problem and that's the actual quests. I can't tell you how many times I've had some quest giver chat to me for 3 minutes about his life, only for the quest to be, "Go here and click a glowing object.". Seriously, this is 2012, I had better quests in original EverQuest in 1999.


    And so you get a dull world with inactive npcs with very little sound besides the plodding of your footsteps, which makes the quests even more dull than they already are. It's a case of fighting through mob group after mob group to reach your glowing object, click it, probably get a little animated movie, then fight back through mob group after mob group to finish the quest. Repeat until level 50.


    So combined, those create my worst thing about SWTOR.

  11. But this is the crunch time, as soon as I hit 50, I felt it was finished, my class story had come to an end, it was done! Now in any mmo i've played, I never felt anything was done, it's not meant to feel that way. I lost interest in my char all of a sudden, and turned my attention to what others was doing at 50, and this is where I cried a little inside.

    I have to wonder, what did you actually expect to happen at 50? I mean, this game sells itself on its story, but just like every other story, it has a start, a middle and an end. It was either you've reached 50, congratulations, have a biscuit. Or you've reached 50, here's some random raids and stuff to do.


    Until they release a new expansion the story isn't going to continue. Didn't Bioware once state in an interview that when people hit 50 they expect them to roll an alt?

  12. I worry about the future of MMO players when the majority of posters here seem to be supporting the 'need for companions' idea. If people don't come first in your view and you can rationalise taking something from someone as 'personal use' then I pity you, or actually I pity your RL friends. If you have any.


    A companion is a computer generated non-player character that has no feelings or desires. A person, on the other hand, does, and when that person is able to win a piece of gear that would significantly enhance his character then he gets a little excited. Then you come along, a person who can't use it but whose companion can, and takes that item from him claiming that you can use it.


    No, you can't use, your soulless unfeeling binary generated npc can use it. You've just hurt someones feelings over greed and the complete lack of consideration for your fellow man. Way to go!

  13. The one I remember being odd was on Coruscant, where you have to intercept a letter or report for someone from 'The True Republic', as the council member is working with the Empire. When you do this quest you get caught and have to make the decision of taking the letter regardless or putting your hands up and allowing the letter to continue on its path.


    The thing is, allowing the letter to continue is a light side option. Huh? So it's light side to allow the politicians to deal with the Empire and possibly bring about the downfall of Coruscant, but dark side if I intercept that letter and bring to light their evil dealings?


    That one confused me so much I don't even do the quest anymore.

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