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Posts posted by MagnisLupus

  1. Merc Arsenal is doing more damage than it ever has based on meta averages. That's because all the poor performing Arsenal players quit after 1.2. And that's why Arsenal got a second nerf in 1.2c. Nerfs INCREASE class performance as measured by meta averages. Correspondingly that's why melee dps will continue to get buffed. The surge of new, poor performing, poorly geared players into those subclasses virtually guarantees their meta average productivity will remain low and will attract further buffing from BW. Indeed Zoeller is already on record as stating that they will increase TTK which is a melee dps buff and a ranged dps nerf since that increases the percentage of combat time that is at close range.


    What?!?! Do you have any clue what you are jabbering on about? ONE ability was hitting harder than it was, while others were hitting LESS.... now that is not even the case, now the ability that WAS hitting harder is hitting for LESS, NO ONE has proven that merc was doing MORE DPS after 1.2, why are you making stuff up?

  2. lol, you guys just now crying? Play an Op or Scoundrel then you can ***** with some purpose, you guys' DPS epicness was not meant to be, most of them were random failbugs on bioware's part >.> ... but continue the fest by all means


    Can't say that I disagree, you guys have been getting this treatment all along, and keep getting it........ my question is why? Why keep playing if the game developers are ruining your enjoyment of the game with poorly thought out changes?


    edit: btw we were never "DPS epicness" we were more or less in line with every other class except perhaps smugglers/agents before 1.2, they already destroyed your class well before then.

  3. Felt so good about the /fail changes that I unsubbed....... it's not just the mess they made of the bounty hunter class that upset me, but their increasinly hostile additude towards non-force classes in general, and the poor direction they seem to be following with their "balancing".


    I'm sorry, but when someone puts all of their work into leveling and gearing a character and then the game developers in one fell swoop just completely destroy any chance that person has of playing effectively with that character and then have the outright NERVE to tell you "it's the way we intended it", you cannot expect people to be happy with that and just blindly keep playing as if nothing ever happened, people are going to quit and rightly so! You do not deserve subscribers if you address them with such utter arrogance and disregard.

  4. You know, it's funny, I keep trying to look for a reason to come back, I really want to like this game, and I really want to forgive the devs for their /fail "balancing" act......and they just keep doing it, they just keep giving me more of a reason to stay away.


    Glad i quit, the devs are showing far too much arrogance for my liking.... I think the only thing that could bring me back to this game now is if it went completely free to play, because at this point it's not worth paying $15 a month just to spend your time building your char only to have it completely destroyed by arrogant devs and forum whiners in the next patch.


    Bioware really needs to take a step back and look at what they are doing, and deal with the people in their staff who are pushing these moronic changes through.

  5. My Merc and Powertech and the numerous other alts i have/had are now the captain and crew of the U.S.S Enterprise, It's five year mission... to explore...new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations... to boldly go where no man has gone before.


    In other words I'm playing STO right now and am enjoying it..... kinda refreshing to catch a break away from the WoW clones.

  6. What's even less fun is thinking that the nerfs in the next major patch could be even worse..... they didn't stop at just one nerf for agents/smugglers..... and i doubt it's gonna be that way for bh/trooper either........ people better start coming out of the woodwork and speaking up about this. A little unity between the classes that people are not going to stand for any more nerfing.... Bioware clearly has not a clue and can not be trusted to make these kind of decisions...... Use your sub as a bargaining chip, it's all you have.
  7. You're the kind of person that laughs at car accidents and instead of wondering if everyone's ok yells out the window of your own car "learn to drive!"..... as long as it doesn't affect you is that right?


    Well genius, it just so happens that TM is the least of anyones worries right now(even though it got nerfed far more than just the stated 10%)..... DFA and overall damage are what has people concerened now, not to mention the way they gimped healers, and BH pretty much as a whole.


    .... but since it doesn't affect you, then who cares right?


    And FYI, it was QQing that brought about these "balances" in the first place, QQing in response is a perfectly normal reaction....... it appears Bioware has a bias as to which QQers they listen to, and THAT more than anything is WHY these changes are bad, because it indicates the direction Bioware is taking this game..... you like knee-jerk reaction nerfing and classes being nerfed into obliteration? Then fine, bend over and take it like a man, some of us are NOT happy with Biowares approach to "game balancing" and are not going to bend over and take it.

  8. I'm leaving this game, so much nerfing pushed me to full time diablo, terra online, GW2. Wow's back untill then. bye failoware


    Honestly i was kinda bored with swtor way before I learned of these nerfs.... strip away the story and the voiced dialogs and what do you have left? A wow clone...... I was hoping the new content would breathe a little new life into the game for me, but it's far too little to justify the nerfs....... if the nerfs make the cut tomorrow, I just can't see myself being bothered to pay for this game any more.... take the fun out of playing, and what reason have you got left to play?

  9. You guys are assuming that he's a merc pyro and not a powertech pyro, if he's powertech, he has no CC.


    A trick you can use if you don't have a CC... target boss and set mako to attack him, immediatly switch targets to the droid and kill the droid as fast as you can while mako keeps the boss busy, she wont survive long, so open up on the droid with everything you have....... you probably will not be able to get threat on the boss in time to save makos life, and will in turn yourself die because of lack of heals, but that doesn't matter, the droid is down and you can respawn and take on the boss alone.


    This is one of the easier class boss fights that I can remember, I took him at lvl 26 on my merc, and lvl 25 on my powertech, you should have no trouble steamrolling him once that droid is down.

  10. I agree, he makes the best tank, hold agro most of the time, and dishes out DPS better than the other companions.


    Tanking.... Blizz is my favorite tanking pet, I kinda doubt Torian out tanks him.... For dps I don't think he stands a chance against Gault, who just so happens to be my preferred dps companion...... Torian may be the better balanced tank/dps companion, but to say he is the best at both sounds extremely suspect....

  11. lol. "of course" they not nerfed. -10% tracer's longer cooldown on knock back skills thats all we have vs melee.


    Noone seems to mention probably the worst overall bh nerf.... DFA reduced from 8m to 5m.... and with the cd on dfa, they basically made dfa completely useless......... after 1.2 i can't see any reason to use it at all.... ever.

  12. Like I said above, practically every other companion (Skadge excluded) would make more sense as a kidnap victim.


    I would rescue Skadge, somebody's gotta complain and he's a pro.... besides i like him standing guard over the cockpit.... keeps Bieber Fett from getting any ideas about Mako, could you imagine the way skadge would bully a little twerp like Bieber Fett if he tried to walk past him into the cockpit to talk to Mako? I don't think that tincan armor would protect him much against the atomic wedgie Skadge would proceed to inflict upon him.

  13. Im not saying DPS becomes priority, but when i am standing there with everyone full health and my resource is fine, then course im going to through DPS in, you would be stupid not to


    I guess it depends on the situation.... i've seen healers get cockey and dps when they should have been healing, and then the inevitable wipe..... i get a little nervous when i see healers dpsing more than just a little.

  14. i like my pistol... you use your right hand to shoot your gun and your left to use your suit powers


    Unless the bh is a total panzy, i doubt he would have any trouble supporting the weight of a rifle or carbine in his right hand while doing something else with his left.... and i don't mean shooting the rifle with one hand while launching missles or flame thrower... you don't even do that with your pistol, whenever you use your gauntlet, your pistol drops to your side.

  15. To me that makes you basic player, any good player will throw in as much DPS as possible inbetween healing, helps you beat enrage timers to :p


    Helps cause wipes when the healer thinks he is a dps and forgets to heal.... i rather a healer concentrate on healing, let the dps do their jobs.

  16. Honestly i think agent has it worse than we do, they totally wrecked op/scoundrel for PVE just to sate the emo pvp kids who think the game is all about them and whine because they suck.


    Having said that, I'm pretty sick of the direction this game seems to be taking with the "balancing", and come 1.2 if all of those nerfs make it into live, I'll likely unsub.... it's not so much the nerfs that bother me as much as the reason for the nerfs, the game is not enjoyable for me when it's obvious that bioware allows the ranting and whining of a few loud idiots on the boards to prevail over reason.

  17. Because DFA really did a lot in pvp?


    Sure, there are occasions where a well placed DFA would be very effective, but for the most part people used it just to up their warzone numbers.


    And a lot of people don't realize that the difference between 5 and 8 meters - isn't really all that much. If you were using it right to begin with - again - you won't see a noticable difference except you will hit them with more damage before they move out of it because it hits and ticks faster now.


    Even without logs on live I know that my Heatseekers are hitting way harder - my tracer missiles are hitting for almost as much as they did on live anyways, and barrage is proccing almost twice as much as it does on live.


    All of that adds up to a buff - not a nerf.


    Again - you aren't on the PTS testing - you don't know how the changes actually work, and it seems like you don't really know anything about the class either so quit spewing nonsense.




    Not everyone pvps..... the DFA nerf is going to affect PVE far greater than it will PVP..... i could almost live with the TM nerf if not for this, and this is going to affect every BH, not just arsenal mercs.... DFA IS a BHs opening move and they cut it nearly in half.


    And PTS is completely pointless in that there is no way to accurately compare PRE vs POST, and if BW chooses to not adjust based on player feedback... and they seem to be alrerady dead set on pushing this stuff through, so why bother?

  18. Star Wars Galaxies sanction hacking stuff, including your weapons to make them stronger.



    ...as long as you used the fake, in-game "slicing" abilities that is.




    The Matrix Online also allowed hacking, but again, only through official in-game methods. Actual hacking, the way people outside The Matrix would do to give themselves an advantage inside The Matrix were banned, as usual. :p


    Don't confuse the two.... that's not hacking, those are gameplay mechanics.


    I've played mmos that had built in farming and leveling bots, totally ok and totally not hacking if it's built into the game.


    Hacking requires actually circumventing normal gameplay mechanics through use of dangerous third party software which is often infected with keyloggers and trojans...... those who use these third party cheats usually end up whining on the forums because their accounts got hacked later on..... i've played more mmos than I care to count and seen it a million times, you can't really help but laugh because they fully deserved it.

  19. who cares whether it's known or not - if it was known by everyone then there would be more ************ about HSM than tracer and that would have gotten nerfed instead.


    I don't care what anyone like you thinks to be honest. All I care about is the actual numbers, I have tested it, and I have proven the "nerfed to be ineffective" cries to be 100% untrue, in fact it is the complete opposite.


    You would be surprised how many idiots are out there just spamming tracer.


    Now, if you don't have anything constructive or intelligent to say, please go away.


    You haven't proven anything to anyone..... no offense, but you have no combat logs pre 1.2 to compare against, you have no idea if you're gaining or losing dps, you're just guessing.


    edit: and I bet that big 5 meter DFA is really helpfull ehh? might as well have just taken the ability from us completely because now it's pretty much useless.

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