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Posts posted by kronomandar

  1. i liked warhammers method of dealing with this better.

    higher level players entering lower level zones while flagged for pvp were turned into chickens that even a level one could one shot.


    made for some fun times as opposing groups if higher levels would meet up in lowbie zones for the sole purpose of chicken fights.


    RIFT didnt have explicit world pvp, however on the pvp servers it happened....a lot. pve questing zones of the two factions were brought closer and closer together as levels increased, until you were essentialy fighting the other faction over quests.

    periodic world events/bosses also saw the factions clashing. faction population ballance was of course an important concern, but it never seemed to reach the imbalance experienced in TOR.


    of course, the gankers will argue that by lowbie bashing they are trying to encourage world pvp by trying to get the higher level players to come defend their factions lowbies. this is plainly so much ****. if they wanted world pvp, they'd be in lvl 50 zones trying to gank lvl 50s, not bullying lowbies.

  2. Yes, that's why I quoted it. He was the one complaining about marauders.


    ...or was he?


    yes, he was complaining about godmode marauders doing that leap -> knockback -> leap again thing.

    i was expecting him to also mention the rain of pebbles ability they always seem to use right before they stunlock you and orbital stike you to death while they hide in portable cover that renders them immune to CC.

  3. single handedly running the ball across the line is a problem.you dont see the goal keeper running down the football pitch in football trying to score do you ?


    the only time this ever happens is when the other team LETS it happen.

    i have both a 50 jug and a 50 sin, so i am one of those who are the cause of your tears.

    as a jug, i can only leap my way to a score when the players on the other team position themselves for me to leap to. the problem here isnt the leap. the problem is the other teams bad positioning.

    sure, i can score from mid to goal line in a matter of seconds, when the planets align in a perfect conjunction. but i'm reduced to a slow crawl if the other team has half a clue about how the match works.


    its even worse as an assassin. not only do i need the other team to be a bunch of complete idiots who have just queued their first warzone ever, i also need my team to have a clue, to see me jumping up and down in a position to recieve, and to pass me the ball. nine times out of ten, the ball carrier on my team will be a delusional powertech who believes he's the best one to run it in solo, only to die while stunned in a fire trap.

  4. leaps in huttball are an intended mechanic, not an exploit.

    as are pulls and knockbacks.

    decent players know where not to stand so they arent used as targets for leaps, slightly better players know where to watch to keep enemy players from providing a friendly leap target for the carrier.


    force shroud + force speed will not get a sin/shadow through two sets of fire. this is why players of those classes often wait on the far side of the first fire, hoping to recieve a pass. decent players know where to look for such stealthers.


    using either of those abilities (leap/speed) is not as simple as you seem to think it is. often is requires players on the other team to make mistakes that you can then take advantage of.


    reducing the ball timer to 6 seconds is a laughable suggestion. as already said, if the carrier is stunned twice in a row, he'd explode while still under the effects of the second stun without having moved at all.


    if you want to improve your factions chances of winning, i suggest you stop queueing. the failing is not with the leaps/speeds, warzone mechanics or the amount of thought the devs put into the match.

    the problem is you.

  5. Next time wait a few minutes after disappointing match till you make such topic.


    one must strike while the tears are hot.


    losing leads to buthurt, buthurt leads to nerdrage, nerdrage leads to forum QQ.

    it is the Sith way to embrace their emotions, to feed upon them even as they stretch forth their hand, grasping for yet another tissue.

  6. I think we are all waiting for a game maker to make a MMO revolutionary like the old games.


    revolutionary like allowing players to create their own dungeon instances that other players can then enjoy?

    check out Neverwinter and its Foundry ;)

  7. They know that... they have said that they didn't expect the demand for PvP and are trying to fix that now.


    this is just so much ****

    months before SW:TOR was released, RIFT went through an IDENTICAL experience.

    are you trying to tell me that Bioware was not watching their most recently launched competitor?

    nor is this limited to just RIFT and SW:TOR


    IMO, Trion handled RIFT post launch better than Bioware has handled SW:ToR


    my only fervent prayer at the moment is that Cryptic gets the importance of PvP for the success of a MMO, and doesnt stuff up Neverwinter. atleast the Foundry will make end game content or the lack of it a non issue for that forthcomming MMO.

  8. Like this guy ^^^^


    You are who the OP is talking about... nothing but negative comments and yet.... here you are.


    Please tell me how you're only here until your sub runs out and then it's off to Guild Wars 2. LOL!


    i already unsubbed, my sub has already run out. i'm not planning on playing GW2.

    i still check in on the forums here from time to time, hoping to see signs of improvement.


    if you want a positive comment, i'll give you one:


    SW:ToR is a great single player RPG up until level 50. Bioware understands this and does everything they can to encourage players to roll alts of every faction/class/race in order to experience the fullest extent of the game.

  9. I wonder the same thing... I feel like I never hear anything positive from 90% of the forums. Just all the reasons they hate the game. Meanwhile, they're renewing their sub for another 3 months. :D



    PvP and the game in general are so awesome that no one has felt dissatified enough to unsub.

    servers turning into ghost towns, the subsequent server mergers, along with the soon to come decent into free to play are all due to completely unrelated issues and are the signs of a healthy game, anyway.

  10. Take out mvp votes....really. I don't even know why some people bother, they just randomly click a name.


    Just finished another warzone with the top damage, top protection, top ojectives, top medals and some people with meh stats get the votes.


    just a guess, but they might not have voted for you because despite all your big numbers, you werent actualy trying to win the match. instead you chose to medal farm.


    if you play something like a rage spec jug, topping damage/protection/objectives all in one match is as easy as falling over.


    big aoe smash numbers look impressive, and if the enemy is grouped up on a node in civil war or novare coast you can get lots of objective points as you HULK SMASH into the biggest groupings of enemy targets. throwing out taunts gives you something to do between smashes besides waving your glow stick around for meh damage.


    if you want the MVP votes, play to win, play the objectives. dont just herp derp BIG NUMBERS!


    as an assassin, there have been times i've recieved almost every MVP vote from a pug team in a huttball, while having the lowest damage/protection. i play to win, sometimes winning means i spend most of the match in stealth waiting for the ball to be thrown to me.


    P.S. i have a rage jug too. they are fun. they earn bulk medals with minimum effort, but those big numbers dont reflect your contribution to a win.

  11. Leaps to me.... 3k crit.. Smashes me... 5-6K crit.. Choaks me... 1500 a tick. Pushs me. Don't know the dmg from that, but it's pretty much gg after that. Leaps back to me to finish me off. People complained about operatives, but these guys have just as much burst and cc ability as operatives use to have.. The smash alone is almost as much dmg as hidden strike and backstab combined as of now. They're also harder to kill and have a gap closer. This was on my operative healer, and i am full wh. Usually I can out heal most dmg from 1 person, but this jugg was a beast. All his cc and dmg made it pretty hard to do anything. By the time you get a chance to even react you're sitting on only 5-6 k life.


    the leap roots you. however, if you parry the initial leap, you will not be rooted.

    the smash is a force attack, it can be resisted if you have the means to buff your resist. if not, it can be avoided by taking 2 steps out of its small aoe (see the bit about avoiding the leap/root thru parry), knocking back the jug will also get you out of the smash aoe. alternatively, stun him and run, he just used his leap, so you have a short time before its off cooldown again.


    use your CC breaker on the choke. if you allow the full choke, it gives a huge buff to the next smash. break the choke, deny the smash buff.


    the force push does very little damage. however, when following a choke, it fills the targets resolve bar. see the previous comments about parrying the leap and moving out of the smash aoe for his follow up.


    los and kite. if you cant los or kite, /quit.

    yes he has a leap on a short cooldown, but you also have tools that can enable your escape immediately after each leap.


    for my last bit of advice, go watch the karate kid 2.

    best defence: no be there.


    the rage jug (thats the big smash spec you're dealing with here) is the squishiest of all jug builds. even as a healer, you should be able to solo kill it if you play right

  12. ... I have one in my guild that can switch his guard flawlessly between our players[heals or not], trying to re-direct the protection to match the attackers focus fire...


    then your problem is solved. queue with your awesome guild tank more, QQ less.


    ...not striking deals like " you better guard me".. zomg yer so fail.

    see what i did there?


    if you pug queue, dont expect pug players to play how you want. its their 15 dollars, they are entitled to play however they like.


    now, to address your original concern...again....with additional arguements...

    ... however even in situations with no healers present, the fail tank replies have been "I will loose too many health points if I shield you. I only shield healers. ". I'm going to test the actual hp loss, and compare all mitigation values that may/may not effect the "precious" tank's health. Anyone else test this?

    why do you event need to "test" this. simple logic answers your question.

    if the tank does not guard you, he sufferes only the damage he recieves.

    if the tank does guard you, he suffers the damage he recieves PLUS a portion of the damage you recieve.


    tanks that guard with no healer present recieve more damage and die faster than if they had not guarded. who woulda thunk it?

  13. ... but instead would rather cling to some wivestale about shielding healers exclusively...


    i wont even guard a pug healer if that healer doesnt have the sense to heal the tank trying to keep him alive when both are recieving damage.


    you say there are many situations where a guard on a dps is justified, and this is true.

    however there are just as many situations where guarding a dps is not justified and is infact counter-productive.

    each situation must be judged on its own merit. by the tank. not by you. many of those situations will result in your untimely death. so sad. but it was for the greater good.

    dying in pvp is meaningless. winning the match is more important than keeping you alive.


    finaly, after having glimpsed something of your attitude and knowledge of pvp in this thread, i think you have misapplied your question.

    you should not be asking why tanks arent guarding dps.

    instead you should be asking why tanks arent guarding you.

  14. Well... Thanks for the useless information. Lmfao, whew boy, yer lookin for a pissing match but when you post like that... Thanks. You made me laugh.


    why did you even bother making this thread if you're not going to listen to valid contributions simply because they dont validate your own standpoint?


    the point of aoe abilities causing the tank to recieve more damage than he otherwise might is very pertinent to your original question.

    but because it doesnt suit your unstated question (QQ, why wont tanks guard me? more QQ), and you're own answer to that question (because they must be bad, i cant possibly be bad) you choose to belittle the messager. is the message so difficult for your small/closed mind to process?

  15. Wow. You say I'm a baddie for playing a pyro PT. You elite fail tanks are truly amusing. So a realistic scenario is 5 vs 2 in yer world, and you claim the ability to " tank " 5 rival players long enough for me to respawn.... What the hell are you thinking? Against those odds.. The turret is gone. Done. This topic of discussion in yer story is invalid.


    i didnt call you a baddie for playing a pyro PT.

    i called you a baddie for not understanding tanks and pvp.


    i also called you a baddie for assuming all pvp fights are even. they are not. 2 v 5 is much more realistic than 2 v 2.

    specificly in civil war, 2 can defend a node vs 5 long enough for help to arrive by off setting their deaths/respawns.

    thank you for reinforcing my earlier opinion of you when i implied you would take a bike to a different node. it seems you would do exactly that, since you already mentaly surrendered the node before the tank would even be dead.


    Very nice. Thanks for dispelling the phobia and that tanks are actually receiving way less damage than they fear they are. I will test this tonight.

    the tank has higher mitigation than the guarded target. if the attackers were to hit the tank, they'd do less damage than they would if they hit the guarded target.

    if they hit the guarded target, they do more damage, but it is divided between the tank and the guarded target, so that each take less individualy from that single hit.


    however, no tank is an island, pvp is a messy situation that often involves more than just the single attacker, the tank, and the guarded target.


    as more attackers are added to the situation, and more types of attacks (specificaly aoe attacks) the equation starts to turn against the tank and the use of guard.

    a single aoe ability hitting both the tank and the guarded target results in the tank taking significantly more damage than he would if he wasnt using guard.


    smart players will hit the guarded target instead of the tank. smarter players will aoe them both.


    P.S. i play a dps hybrid build of a tank class. i dont play a pure tank. i have the ability to guard if needed. that doesnt mean i will guard you just because you're standing near me.

  16. Really? So let's say yer tank and my pt are defending and two rival players attack. Let's pretend they are smart and decide to focus me the pt first. Are you suggesting that not shielding me will increase the odds of us winning the 2 vs 2? I completely disagree with you and require more data from you that would illustrate how a tank not shielding his team mates makes any sence. Best scenario dictates you shield me first then taunt, with hope that my dps will drop one them first.


    try a more realistic situation, such as 2 v 5.

    if the tank were to guard you, you'd both die about the same time. then the other team would take the node.


    if the tank doesnt guard you, you die. respawn and take the bike back to the node (assuming you'r not an idiot and take the bike to mid. big assumption on my part, i agree). you make it back to the node just before the tank dies. now all you need to do is take as long as possible to die while the tank is biking back.

    sure, you'll both be dying a lot, but those 5 attackers will not take the node.


    tanks have a role in pvp, but that role isnt just to keep you alive. sometimes what is required is to take a long time to die. guarding you would be counter to that.

    if you're in a premade, presumably the tank is working with the team and knows what to do when.

    if you are pugging, all bets are off. if you are pugging in a glass cannon spec that is only viable with a guard, the baddie isnt the tank who doesnt guard you. you're the baddie for being the wrong tool for the job.

  17. you're kinda correct.

    its not so much a noob spec as a noob killer spec.

    sure its an easy build to play, but its an even easier build to counter.


    as such, the only players who die to a smash spec are the noobs.


    the good news for those playing a smash jugg, there are a lot of noobs out there!

  18. firstly, OP is trolling.


    secondly, quitting is bad, quitters are bad. players who quit for game related reasons automaticaly quallify as "scrubs".

    there are some acceptable reasons for quitting, such as a parent needing to attend to a child. most out of game reasons would be acceptable.

    there are no acceptable game related reasons. claiming your team is bad isnt a reason to quit, it is an admitance that you are bad (your ON the bad team, ergo, your bad. your team has failed, ergo, you are fail).


    penalizing quitters with long queue bans is counter productive. it simply encourages the would be quitter to AFK instead.

    i'd rather a quitter who might be replaced by a better player (any player who doesnt quit is, by default, a better player) than have an afker who wont be replaced. ever tried getting a pug team to vote kick an afker? its a hardmode mission all of its own.


    my suggestion for a solution to both the OP's problem and the larger communities problem with the OP:

    quitting automaticaly counts as a loss for the quitting player, regardless of the state of the match or its unltimate outcome.

    additionaly, the quitter cannot earn xp/coms/creds for 30 minutes and cannot queue for 5 minutes.

  19. What are your recommendations on "ELSEWHERE" ?

    nothing current, though RIFT has some new pvp content introduced in the latest patch, including 3 faction pvp


    GW2 now has a release date.

    that is your only option in the near future


    Dominus is another one to keep an eye on, though that is further down the track.

    3 factions, built from the ground up for open world pvp.


    imo one of biowares greatest failures was not watching and learning from RIFTs launch and post launch. everything that RIFT went through, every mistake they made, bioware replicated.

    the launch and first 6 months of SWTOR could have been greatly improved if they had of been paying attention to their most recent competitor.


    for myself, i'm keeping an eye on the forthcoming neverwinter D&D FTP MMO.

    not for PvP reasons, but purely because they are including the means for players to make their own content!

    concerns about lack of endgame content will be negated by the communities ability to make it themselves.

  20. the problem with open world pvp in swtor is that the games engine cannot handle large scale fights.

    this is why old Ilum was instanced.

    this is why future ilum will also be instanced.

    the only way to fix this is to throw the entire game away and start over with a completely different game engine. not gonna happen.


    if you dont mind small scale open world pvp, then sit back and wait for the new ilum

    if you dont mind medium scale open world pvp that suffers such bad lag as to be all but unplayable, no matter what kinda machine your running on, then sit back and wait for the new ilum.

    if you want large scale open world pvp of any kind, then look elsewhere.

  21. Can CC be resisted without resolve?


    depending on the CC ability, yes, they can also be parried/deflected

    resistance is a stat. (mouse over your defensive stats, you'll see resistance in there.)

    it is ussualy very very low, but certain classes have abilities that temperarily boost resistance.

    other classes have abilities that render them immune to CC for short periods (juggernaught/guardian can spec for a 2 second CC immunity after force charge/leap)


    check the CC ability in question too see what kind of attack it is and that will enlighten you as to how it can be defended against.

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