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Posts posted by Voidence

  1. It is so sad to see all the damage they have done with 7.0. Maybe I should move to other games for 6 months in the hopes they make fixes.


    Careful what you ask or say, They have removed a few of my posts, its like Canada up in here these days! I mean I guess chasing off the people still around or kinda around goes along with the wanting out of this game for new jobs, Here is and idea, JUST QUIT and let others with real passion for this game develop it!

  2. Yeah that's another downside to this system, as opposed to the older constantly Live and playable Public Test Server idea.


    BW/EA just dont give a damn what the playerbase wants/says. The game is dying because they think they are smart and know what they can and should do. And thats obv working well for them. I loved this game, and still do. But the ppl running it are idiots.

  3. They aren't offering character copies and I'm not dl the pts client just to play on a lv1....no thanks.


    This a million times. You would think with all the *smart* people working at BW/EA they would know this. But I guess either they aint as smart as they think or just dont care, you pick.

  4. 1 planet is a lot of content. I can see someone not wanting to spend 30+ bucks on it. But if there is a charge for Makeb, I really don't see how people can demand it be free. If it is free, great! But lets be honest... Bioware needs to make money off of the game, no?


    If any content that is not a legit expansion has to be payed for by players with a sub, I will be done with this game. Think however you want, do whatever YOU want, But I and many others will most likely be done with this game. Not that it seems as if they care much.

  5. I will reserve my judgement on if I am going to quit TOR when/if it goes F2P, until I hear what the model will be. If I can keep paying my sub and get EVERYTHING in game, then I will keep playing. If I have to spend real money to be able to get anywhere (new pvp gear, quest areas, levels, etc) then I will be gone.



  6. Bottom Line Summary of my Posts:


    1. Advocates against Logs have 0 sound and reasonable argument against them. The whole basis is, "People's performance isn't the rest of the groups business." Why would someone in a raid, be allowed to be carried? Please answer this.


    2. The game is made easier. Please provide a link to a legit achievement in another MMO, some kill of some end tier boss that came at a reasonable time, (When the tier was current) If people ask me, I can and will provide multiple evidences backing my background, people claiming that the game is easier should have to prove they have raided at the top level to have any valid argument for those of us discussing the top level of raiding.


    1. Why because you say so? They have had plenty of good arugments against public logs, you just dont like them.... And it IS thAat simple.


    2. I dont agree it makes the game easier, but I will say it does open up people to act like tools. And tbh, bragging about being a super hardcore raider is a lie. Why? Because any REAL HARDCORE raider doesnt care about some pug's dps. Real hardcore raiding guilds have members who will turn in the parse so that they can see what happen. They are not worried about some pugers dps in a HM FP like you are.


    3. YOU are the type of player that makes most of us that dont want dps meters in game not to.

  7. OP is absolutely correct it is exactly like vanilla wow. When they actually made getting GM or HW gear basically something anyone could get.


    That was the turning point for vanilla with me


    And now the people who were legitamate BMs are now in a week or 2 will be surrounded by BMs who put in a fraction of the time to get the same exact thing


    It is so funny awhile ago someone put a post up on the beginning of the end due to the lack of having to turn on your sprint button everytime. I read it an pretty much agreed and now the change to valor increase, color crystals for all etc, it is simply becoming ez mode for all

    And on top of all that the raiding is simple too


    And ofc combat logs


    They might as well just sell the rights to blizzard at this point


    And I bet you didnt trade kills on llum ever? Right? Heh

  8. Are you saying you shouldn't need to put any effort into getting gear for your character?


    So Bioware might as well just give everyone 8 level 50 toons from the beginning, all with epic gear so that nooone needs to put any time or effort into doing anything?


    You sound like a genius.


    I dont think he is, But lets be real most ppl with valor rank over 60 got it the easy way. You know with all the trade killing that went on in llum. I bet about 1% of all BM or better got it the legit way, the rest didnt. I also think the reason they cvhanged it was so people would be less inclined to trade kills on llum.

  9. Better option than having no one to WZ or FP with.


    They why when there were server ques didint people just wait it out and play on the server with the people they wanted to? Instead they cry and whine on the forums, got what they wanted (ie more servers) and now are back tracking saying can you merge some servers now. You players will NEVER EVER be happy. And its pointless to try. MMO players are so selfish and entitled its beyond sad and stupid.

  10. So you want to be carried? If that player is never shown that his dps sucks how will he know he needs to improve?


    Damage meters teach.


    Do you really think it's fair that 7 players in a pug are being held back because one of their 8 either doesn't know how to play or is slacking? By the way you're thinking you encourage slacking and bad playing.


    Why is it when someone says NO to combat logs they are baddies/fail trying to get carried? Everytime? If you wanna go that route then everyone who wants combat logs must be a elite ***** amirite?

  11. You got personal logs so that you can see how you are doing? What more do you need?


    Personally I really like the decision BW has made with only showing me mine, I like it. I want to CHOOSE who can see how I am doing.


    I agree and wasnt it these same players who said they would be happy with personal logs and now they get it and are not happy? Who would have thought? /sarcasm

  12. alright..stop with the crap already.


    Stop being one of the "this should have been in at launch" people. Well you know what? It wasn't, that is in the past... and start enjoying what's coming.


    Don't you understand? Players like him are never happy, and will always find something to complain about.

  13. This game is not versioned towards endgame raiding. Bioware said that. If you fully expect very hard content I doubt you will ever find it (only if BW sells their soul) in SWTOR as they mentioned they wanted people to experience everything the game has to offer.


    I was a dedicated raider myself but I actually like the fact (like someone mentioned) that I don´t have to approach it like a job.


    The game has nitid flaws no doubt about that but I´m not going to mention it again.




    So you complain the game is easy but you infer that basic macro support should be ingame. Might I ask why?


    Cause macros are the easy mode of mmo´s tbh and I´m more than happy that they didn´t implement it cause then you will be as good as your hardware allows it (not mentioning people with programming skills have advantages).



    Basically things that turn a game into easy mode (I agree it is easy atm so it would make it even easier) are passable. Manage that yourself. You don´t need stuff telling you what to do. You lost aggro on a mob? Figure it out yourself, don´t ask the game to do it for you.


    This, so many times. Funny how content is too easy now, yet hardcores want macros/mods and the like to make it... Wait for it... Easier. Make's ZERO sense. But dont you know that the hardcores know what every MMO's needs and should be.

  14. I play on Dark sion, and mind trick both get in to the HEAVY category every now and then, questing on planets stills feels dead, 3 different guilds I was in on dark sion have died or are slowly dieing. Bottom line is people are leaving at a alarming rate, the server cap is WAY TO LOW, this is supposed to be a mmo, yet feels like a SP game most of the time, I dont think mergers will even help this game, at this point I feel like it is a heavy rock sinking to the bottom of the ocean


    I play on Mind Trick as well, and I'm going to call you out right here and now as being a liar. I have 5 alts plus my main on Mind Trick I NEVER have any problem at just about anytime to find groups for anything. I know for a FACT that half the people whining about needing mergers are just jumping on a bandwagon, why I dont know but some of the servers people have listed as dead I have jumped on and found to be very much alive.

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