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Posts posted by Arijharn

  1. First up, I just want to say that I have greatly enjoyed the new story-line. It's very engaging and, well, it's actually great to have an actual story again, as opposed to almost throw away's like Revan was (seriously, Revan could have been performed by any character and it still would have been workable... I digress).


    What I'd really like to know is that will we get another level cap increase as the story goes on? The extra five levels kinda just breezed on by, and if there is still (much) more story left for 'season 1', then I think increasing the cap again would be a good metric indicator of your character becoming even more powerful and picking up a few new tricks along the way. Especially since Arcann always goes on about how powerful he is yada yada (although personally I'm just waiting for Vaylin to play her hand, also romance option... even with that influence you may or may not have, make it happen).


    Progressing through the story on it's own is all very good imo, making choices that matter is even better, but it's also a RPG, which means that somehow the character just 'has' to grow along with it, and level increases is the simplest way (and the most tangible to reward the players).

  2. Anyone else have this problem? When you arrive on Rishi (at least Imperial side) and you go to the ramp that goes like \_/ towards Rishi proper heading from the spaceport, whole sections of world geometry aren't visible until you cross the ramp into the Traders Lane (I believe). It happens to a lot of my guildmates at least.
  3. To The-Powers-That-Be.


    First of all, I'd like to applaud the new direction that you guys are seemingly taking by putting a lore important character in reach for players of all walks, from raiders to casuals and everyone in between. It's a good design philosophy that I hope you guys continue into the future.


    Now for the meat n potatoes of this post, after playing Shadow of Revan since early access, and having gotten something like 6 or 8 lvl60's all doing the questline, I would like to have another look at the solo revan fight as part of the weekly (and, by extension the normal solo questline itself).


    Revan's cc abilities have got to go.


    I quite like the fight in essence, the galaxy's 'greatest' hero with his/her allies to stop the imminent threat. The actual fight however is tedious due to how many cc abilities Revan does and how quickly he does them.

    Force Choke, Force Push, his Saber Throw knockback all have way too long a duration with relative quick recast times. They add absolutely nothing to the fight other than to waste time, it doesn't make the fight more interesting and frankly it's not fun. Doing it every week just hammers that point home. Getting force pushed into a force choke isn't interesting at all. The fun lies in hacking or shooting revan, not being controlled by him.


    Please revise this fight to make it less tedious. Thanks.

  4. I'm just wondering whether if anyone else could confirm whether this ability upgrade is bugged or not, or if there's something about it I'm just not understanding or missing. I'm playing a Lethality operative and the ability Lethal Strike (no idea what it's mirror is called, sorry) says it gives Tactical Advantage. The thing is, I'm 98% sure it isn't actually giving Tactical Advantage at all, or if it does, it doesn't give it upon the main damage (possibly the dot?) although come to think of it, I don't remember seeing another dot come up on the target either.


    So, can anyone confirm whether it's bugged, or am I just seeing things, or not seeing things as the case may be?



  5. I was hoping, just hoping that the powers that be will either find a way to instance those elites in the world currently or drastically increase the respawn time. As it is, it's frankly ridiculous how long the wait period is for them. Please, please please put them on a 1min timer or something, or just a regular elite respawn timer.
  6. G'day guys and gals. Making this thread to get a bit of a springboard and other player opinion on this idea. It should hopefully come as no surprise that game development can be a long process. While Shadow of Revan is now in the public eye, I am almost willing to bet dollars to donuts that they're (meaning BioWare) are kicking around ideas for the next expansion, or even the expansion after that and that their software engineers are being busy beavers working to see how feasible any of the designers zany ideas can be, or even giving those designers their zany ideas to begin with.


    Well, I have a zany idea:


    Competitive Class Storylines.



    To provide further personal growth to class storylines by adding something beyond expectations by a 'scripted' opt-in pvp experience.





    The Emperor has been laid low. The Hero of Tython has defeated the immortal, and to the galaxy at large the Emperor is either dead or worse; missing. The Hand knows better. Entrusting none other than his new Emperor's Wrath, the Hand directs this relentless force of nature to stymie the Republic's overconfident nature by assassinating a target that would erode not only the Republic's support, but would also shatter their morale.

    Grand Master Satele Shan.

    After some hurdles, the Emperor's Wrath and his cohorts finally corner the Grand Master, descendant of the great Revan himself. However, Satele Shan is not entirely defenseless. By 'coincidence' or by the machinations of the Force, Satele Shan is flanked by some of the Masters of the order, which may amusingly include by coincidence, the Hero of Tython himself.

    But this could not dissuade the Wrath at all, in fact if anything it egged the Wrath on and promoted our champion's passions. It's time to show the Republic and indeed the galaxy itself that the Sith Empire is not dead yet.





    • Expertise is ignored

    • Match making is used as much as possible, players are bolstered to an 'appropriate' level.

    • The player who is taking part in his class mission is further boosted to the point where he's essentially scripted to win. This is a non removable buff for that area that persists through death.

    • The other player(s) are suitably rewarded for taking part in the other person's storyline. It is an Opt-In process via functionality added to the minimap section (alongside other opt-in processes such as Galactic Starfighter, PvP etc). Rewards could be something like mark tokens such as warzone or planetary commendations, but awards close to high end gear or other items, such as rare adaptive armour sets or reputationi to facilitate purchase of high end gear. Possibly in addition to Warzone or even Ranked Warzone commendations (although it wouldn't be ranked)

    • If set, regardless of the opposing players appearance, they will take on the appearance of the class mission initiator's stated 'Nemesis' if appropriate. For example; you play a Trooper as your main, but in your family tree you have a Chiss inquisitor Assassin marked as the Trooper's nemesis. Whenever you play in a class storyline where you'll need to interact with Darth Nox/Oculus/Imperius, that image will show up. This could also tie in if, as Emperor's Wrath, you have an audience with the Dark Council, sure enough, your Nox character will appear in his or her respective seat.

    Alternatively, functionality could exist to clone the physical appearance of whomever you match up against and use that gear if you are suitably impressed enough.

    • If a match making person isn't found, then an AI will inhabit the 'skin' of the respective role. The AI will be more aggressive and exhibit general player tendencies such as a lack of Leash and intelligent use of abilities (randomised in terms of dps spec)

    • Where possible, players will be matched against those they previously have experience in combating in these missions. For example; Arijharn has played JoeBloggs the trooper several times in the past, a weighted score will give these two players a higher chance to match up. Both players will know who they're up against before the mission proper so they can make any last minute decisions on whether to proceed or not. If they don't proceed, then the class storyline player may attempt to grab another player from the queue, or an AI player will spawn.

  7. but I still feel that disbanding Imperial Intelligence and the Operations Division was the stupidest thing the Empire could have done.


    I completely agree with you on this. During wartime operations surely an Intelligence arm is needed more than ever? Star Cabal may have been incredibly influential, but surely this would have been common sense? No, I guess not.


    I do think that Darth Marr is pretty cluey though and is the de facto ruler of the Empire since the Emperor is stuffed in a 'coffin' somewhere after getting his *** handed to him so I would think that Darth Marr would see the need to reintroduce the intelligence service. Having said that though, I would also like to think that just how many problems constant sith oversight has caused so may be willing to dismiss the possibility of another Darth Jadus, especially since he himself is disgusted by all the sith infighting that has occured and the grevious loss of resources as a result.

  8. Here's my take on a couple of things:

    1) The Republic is pretty damn corrupt. Case in point: The whole Belsavis prison planet. The Sith Empire is also pretty morally bankrupt (see Sith infighting, which is why the Empire is on the ropes as it is... although Isotope-5 may even the odds somewhat considering they've secretly been mining Makeb for however long between Rise of the Hutt Cartel and Shadows of Revan)


    2) Revan is charismatic and powerful enough to believe he can get away with getting what he wants, and disregard the consequences (or more likely; accept them as inevitable). More than anything, I think Revan desires stability. The continual wars between the Sith Empire and the Republic has killed untold billions on both sides every time there is an ideological spat between the Sith and Jedi. Revan is experienced in both, has been a Sith as much as he has been a Jedi. I'm pretty sure he see's the flaws and vulnerabilities of both. The problem being of course, is both the Sith and Jedi teachings have become so ingrained into the cultural identities of both the Sith & Republic that it's impossible to separate them. It may be that he views it as corrupt enough to declare martial law with the might of his legions and systematically dismantle the governments of both in order to bring some semblance of stability to the galaxy.

  9. I'd like to see some sort of boost to our melee damage considering we're a melee class. The idea of tying 'devour' to proc Assassinate outside the 30% would be pretty awesome.


    I'd like to see something like the return of Ancient Knowledge, but not if it's tied to Shock. Perhaps if it was tied to a Crushing Darkness or Creeping Terror crit.

  10. First time I did it the expansion was only a week old with my immortal juggernaut in full campaign with Quinn as backup. Easy.


    Second time I did it was a madness assassin with Talos. Easy.


    Third time I did it as a lethality operative with Lokin. Really quite difficult to the point where I asked a guildie for help (embarrasing imo).


    4th time with an adv. prototype powertech with mako. Easy.


    With the operative though, I wasn't even using the rakata level gear that you could buy with planetary commendations.


    The best advice I can offer is to actually ignore the boss if not completely, then to a great degree and concentrate on the adds that spawn. Even if they do heal/buff the boss for a little bit, that's okay as long as they go down relatively quickly. I would recommend concentrating on one at a time because the effect one or two puts on the boss is pretty minor.


    The rods that drop aren't 100%, but if you kill the adds statistically speaking one should drop in time for the generators to be targettable.


    Due to LOS and the generators, I've found that you've got to be almost inside the actual mini rooms at the back to even be able to select the generator. But also be careful, somehow I managed to bug the end of the encounter once by the boss dying and somehow the mini shield went back up!


    Personally I'm not looking forward to playing it with a Sniper due to the mobility needed, but then again I'd have a lot more dps to spare too so it will likely even out.


    The big laser beam only fires at certain stacks that the boss gets after being recharged by the generators and/or the mini robots that spawn (after a while). I don't think I've ever seen the boss fire it's laser at all since my immortal jugg days when I was learning the encounter. Remember that every move that the boss makes, it spends it's stack. I think it only fires it's laser after about 60 stacks, which means you aren't being very thorough and are probably guilty of having tunnel vision if nothing else.


    Learn 2 Play may be an incredibly rude way to put it, but it does contain a kernel of truth. As long as you can formulate a strategy and keep to it, not panic, and remember to look around and keep yourself mindful of the situation around you, then you can kill this boss. Being able to kill it quickly isn't so much important as you kill it.


    With the planetary commendations you honestly don't really have an excuse to not having some purple gear for yourself (I know I didn't with my lethality operative), as long as you didn't go crazy buying stuff on corellia beforehand (which you probably didn't really need too, unless you hadn't upgraded since Hoth or something) you should be able to pick up something nice.


    I personally find healing companions to be essential on this fight because I always seem to take the odd shot from the missiles. If you stand up on near the dias area (where the holoterminals are) I don't think I've eaten any of those gravity mines (although once again, not sure if that's because he only fires them at certain stacks).

  11. The answer is none because the game is simple and doesn't do anything graphically of that nature.


    Please, every other thing has a death animation in the game. Since Revan is a humanoid he could have followed any other death animation bone system that the game has as well.


    Revan's probably as dead as Darth Malgus.

  12. to me the answer is simple. if it is enjoyable and you can push your dps higher than the groups sentinels then most groups will ignore inspiration and heals. So if you really want to play a shadow - DO IT WELL. dont half-*** it.


    lol. Seriously.


    For simplicity, If your dps is at 3000, and the other 3 are at 3000, but your position can be taken by someone who can also do 3000 but on top of that can boost their (and 3 others) DPS and/or heals by 15%, who are you going to bring? Can you do math? Because the answer should be obvious.

  13. My guildmaster has decided to go another route re: tanking, that is to maximize damage (aka threat) admittedly at the cost of some survivability.


    It does have a greater reliance on healers (but they're pre-casting anyway right?) but given that his group can down 8 man nightmare dread council then it obviously works for them.




    In terms of itemization, he has his 4 slot tanking bonus, and he's sitting around 23% defense, 55% shield and 39% absorb, but he also has some power pieces and last time I checked the stalker underworld mainhand.

  14. I'm glad you changed your mind Kitru, but I was also going to say that class balance would have to be a pretty tricky thing, that's probably not forecasted out several months in advance of when a fix will go in or not, but is an organic process that involves multiple classes getting looked at at once.


    People saying that Bioware wouldn't have statistical analysis of how their classes and etc are working is plain obtuse (at least give them some credit as professionals), but I would also say that the word of the community isn't enough to make them hotfix changes, but would be enough for them to look at their drawing board and investigate whether the issue is real or not or whether they agree given current pve/pvp content.


    None of this is an excuse for their silence, I'm not an employee of theirs, but people with experience in project management or even game design should know that you shouldn't try to 'force' them to come to the table by giving ultimatums especially since you might not know how their development cycle works.

  15. I'm not a fan either, it's too bright personally. I kept track of my ward charges anyway like I'm sure everyone else does, but while I think it's great they added a visual indicator, I feel it's too in my face. Not a fan of the spinny thing either personally.
  16. Ah I thought you were attempting to use it as if it means someone else had passed them in power.


    I honestly think that's a ridiculous position to take. The keyword being 'were', as in... they were but no longer. Why? Because some of them are dead (Jadus is captured, but I doubt the council would let him live due to the whole Sattelite business idea he had... at least, I wouldn't let him live afterwards). Hadra gets killed by anyone waltzing along the pub corelia storyline as well.


    Also, it's kinda meaningless to compare 'power' levels between two people who never met, but at the end of the day, a couple of people that you're championing fell (as in, not even their 'power' was sufficient to save them) and yet the Sith Warrior (or Inquisitor) still live.

  17. If it was a straight cooldown reduction on retaliation and wasn't linked to saber ward, I'd be on it like a flash. But I don't really pop it unless I'm in trouble. Maybe that's an error of thinking on my part, but I don't get much use out of the ability. When I do pop it, I have threat pretty solidly, so benefitting from the threat of spamming retaliation just that fraction bit more isn't going to do much because blade barricade is practically always up anyway!
  18. Believe it or not, but I haven't really tanked since launch of rotch since I still haven't even got to lvl55. But I can't imagine my tanking has changed all that much with the exception of aoe tanking with the addition of saber reflect. The increased cooldown on Sunder may have some effect. (generates 5-1 rage + 2 if talented right?)?


    At 50 to quickly establish threat I'd roughly do:

    Saber -> Charge -> Backhand -> Crushing Blow (this is delayed in preference to Backhand because of the cast animation is a bit slow) -> sunder and then if rage then I force scream. By this point I usually would have about 2 rage I think then I'd probably smash if I could get it for free.


    I don't really rotate, but merely prioritize. I try to group vicious strikes together to maximize the cooldown towards Enrage.

  19. For pve this is something I'm going to go for:



    Vicious Retaliation is something I've always been a bit dubious about. Saber Ward gives me a bit more survivability and Retaliation is basically always getting spammed anyway, so honestly? not sure about it's worth. It's that or Warmonger but there were a couple of instances in normal where I wish I had force charge again to quickly get stuck into the next mob and quickly establish threat etc.

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