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Posts posted by sexililfae

  1. Been trying to get a response since 5.0 launched and I finally got a response from Customer service about it. Had to submit 2 tickets to get even this.






    My name is Fernando, I’m a Specialist here at Star Wars ™: The Old Republic™ Customer Support, thanks for getting in touch about your Data Crystals.


    I am sorry for the delay on getting to your ticket, with the recent Expansion launch we have a slight backlog, thanks for your patience while awaiting the reply.


    I've checked this for you and, first of all, I apologize about this misunderstanding. In your previous ticket, my colleague understood that you were asking about the Crystal Containers instead of the proper currency.


    As you mentioned, the Data Crystals and Warzone Commendations were converted into Credits with the release of the Knights of the Eternal Throne Expansion.


    As per the official message: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9098843 the Credits were automatically added without any warning to each character's balance based on the following conversion rates:


    1 Warzone Commendation = 50 Credits

    1 Common Crystal = 500 credits

    1 Glowing Crystal = 1,000 credits

    1 Radiant Crystal = 1,500 credits


    The problem with this automatic conversion is that, as the Data Crystals and Comms were completely removed from the game, they're not showing in the logs anymore and therefore we don't have a proper way to verify this from the Customer Service department.


    In this case, I'll submit your report through my system by myself but as we need some first-person report I'd also ask you to contact our QA Team by typing /bug on your chat so they can track and test this bug. Unfortunately there's not much more we can do about it from the Customer Support department.


    I'm sorry about this and I truly wish I had different news for you, thanks for contacting me and please do it again if you need any further assistance.





    Star Wars ™: The Old Republic™ Customer Support




    So here's my bug report (done both in game and on here). I've seen that I'm not the only person who has had this issue. I had quite a few crystals on several of my characters so there should have been a noticeable difference in credits. None of the credit amounts changed on ANY of them.


    Are we gonna get a fix anytime soon?

  2. So there are two elites so far that I've run across that I can't kill because they're NEVER there. These timers need to be drastically reduced.


    Rakghoul Overlord on Taris

    Berserk Hutt B0-2S Battle Droid on Nar Shaddaa


    These are the only two I've personally run across so far, but I'm sure there's more. Can we PLEASE get an under an hour respawn timer for these elites, please?

  3. I personally agree with the op. Apparently manners weren't taught to several in the general chat because personal attacks run rampant then feelings get hurt and it all gets played off as a joke or whatever excuse is made. I was personally attacked just minutes ago just for posting that i wanted to see if someone was willing to sell me a crystal at or below a certain price and I get attacked and treated like I had committed a really bad crime. Beyond that I've seen it happen time and again enough that I wonder what exactly happened to this generation where its apparently acceptable to treat people like crap and say whatever you feel like.
  4. I've been trying my hardest to find either a schematic of this or the actual vest on the Galactic Trade market, but I can't find it for nothing, which makes me very sad. I really liked the look of the Temple Watchman's Vest and wanted to find a similar look but higher level, and found people recommending the Aspiring Knight's Vest. Can anyone tell me the average cost for this vest? Or if anyone is willing to sell me one?? My Knight really needs it. :(
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