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Posts posted by thecomfycat

  1. I don't like him either >.<, personally he is a bit too macho man.. I do like Talos more.. he is more mysterious... but somehow I got married with Adronikos :(...


    Well, I'm actually quite fond of him so far, and I like his gruff default appearance. But then again, I also loved Hunter from the Imperial Agent story (and I'm going to QQ forever about that one, haha), Zevran from DA:O, Anders from DA2, and Kaidan from Mass Effect, so my opinions/ favorites seem to be perpetually in the minority.


    A roll in the hay with Urtel gets you +15 with Andronikos.


    Dumping him hard the day after nets you another +15.


    Is this legit? I only ask because I usually seem to get approval from Andy in multiples of 27 (IIRC). Or are you just trying to say that he generally approves? Also, is this after you've started the romance with him?

  2. so i have a two questions.


    1 im a level 18 assassin on Balmorra (sorry if i spelled that wrong!) and im in the middle of doing the quest were you get the info from a computer protected my Coloicods ( again sorry if i spelled that wrong but all the names are hard to type and say) and i don't know what to do, cause when i kill one four come to take its place! so do i just have to run and hope my companion holds them of while i get the info, or is thee one that i have to kill and then kill all the others? cause it seem impossible so if that a bug or is that meant to happen?


    2 is there any other point in Balmorra like this one that seem impossibly hard.


    thanks for your time and i hope you know what to do


    PS sorry if this is in the wrong part of the forums


    1. Yes, it's supposed to happen like that. Don't run all the way in, just keep fighting them and they'll stop spawning more after a little bit.


    2. Yes, during your last quest there, Into the Pit, there is a pretty challenging fight against the Mutated Colicoid Broodmaster that you should look up to get some tips on how to beat it (the basic part to win that fight, though, is to kill the adds that spawn).


    Overall, if your class quests seem a bit too challenging, just put them on hold and gain a level or two, then when you go back to them they'll be much easier (for example, finish Balmorra and the bonus series, then go back and squish those bugs like ants).


    Edit: Also, anyone talking about leading the bugs down a hallway, or adds spawning on a timer, is referring to the Broodmaster fight from Into the Pit, and not the fight with the bugs that keep spawning (during Scientific Inquiry I think the quest is called). Just stay where you are, keep fighting those bugs, and they'll stop popping up eventually.

  3. Thanks for the reply! I don't know him well enough yet to speculate his motives/sincerity since I just started the romance, but hopefully I will soon :)


    He doesn't seem to be all that popular, which is too bad because it's always amusing to chat with people about the romances (as on the BSN), and pick apart these types of situations. I wonder why a lot of girls don't seem to be interested in him?

  4. I'm just wondering if Andronikos says anything interesting (jealous or funny etc) if you sleep with that Urtel guy on Alderaan after starting Andy's romance.


    I wasn't interested in Urtel, and was too afraid I wouldn't hit escape in time if I tried it out just to see what Andy would say. Too bad I can't reload.. :)

  5. I don't remember having any options to flirt with hunter at all on my female agent. I went full light side while I was playing her and got the ending to defect which is cool because after everything the empire did to her, I hope I can bring them down from the inside.


    Most of the flirt options that I remember are during Act 3, and they were in pretty much every conversation I had with Hunter at that point. My agent was also full light side. They had a great love/ hate thing going. Oh how I wished I could've joined the conspirators, and flown off with Hunter instead of killing her. *QQs forever*



    Wait, Hunter was a woman? Is that only in certan paths, or did I somehow miss a universal reveal?


    I'm going to have to roll another IA.




    Yes, it's universal, so you must have missed it. It's revealed after you defeat Hunter, in that convo you have right before she dies. There might be a conversation option that skips the reveal, though? Perhaps the DS option misses it?

  6. No he shuts it down. Everyone who did the romance told me.


    Anyway insects can't understand what sex is, it's like if humans were watching insects moving their wings without understanding what they are doing.


    You have the option to have him keep his link to the hive open or closed. He'll show up with it suppressed, but if you tell him you prefer him as a full joiner, then hell turn it back on for you. You get a slightly different conversation after the smexy times depending on which you chose.


    Personally, I greatly preferred the conversation you get when he suppresses the hive.


    Am I the only one who wishes I could've joined the conspirators, and flown off into the sunset with Hunter to squish the Sith and Jedi? lol.


    I ended up with the LS ending as a free agent. I was full LS, so I think the only other option for me was to join up with the SIS (or to not give anything to the Minister). If I ever play another agent, I'm going to play it neutral and try for the blackmail ending. It would be nice to have the upper hand over the Council like that.


  8. @Evolvana: I flirted outrageously with pretty much anyone I had the option to, both before and after starting a romance with Vector, and it didn't seem to have any effect on Vector's romance.


    Ah, Vector. I can. only even remember him commenting once (on Voss) about my agent's flirting, and I always have him along with me while hitting on NPCs (haha, poor guy). So far, I also haven't lost any affection with him for flirting with other guys either


    Now, if you play a smuggler and you romance Corso, it's a totally different story. He always has something to say, whether it's an NPC flirting with the PC (even if they're just commenting on her being attractive), or if you chose a flirt option during a dialogue. Corso will always say something cute/jealous, and you lose some affection for flirting. So I guess it just depends on the romance and the character.


    Either way, I don't think you can break your companion romance by flirting with any random NPCs you find along the way (even Corso's romance, and he seems to be more the jealous type).

  9. I don't think the male Sith warrior is Steve Valentine (doesn't sound like him?)... and he's not listed on IMDB for TOR at all. But I play as a female anyway, because the LI for Sith warriors is another favorite of mine. Have you guys seen Malavai Quinn?


    But, um, Corso is of course my favorite! Hehe :) I'm looking forward to more flirt options with male NPCs so that I can hear Corso's silly jealous comments! His quips when someone else flirts (unprovoked) with the Captain are also funny, like the one in the first cantina on Tatooine when you start your class quest there, and the bartender comments on the attractive Captain ;). I think there's even a screenshot of his response somewhere in the thread.

  10. Yes, I also noticed that I was referred to with male pronouns in some of the loading screens. It's really annoying, and I hope (but doubt) it will be fixed.


    I saw.... somewhere... about the females being referred to as "Sir", and it was stated by a dev that this was intentional. I wonder if I can find that again.... ah, here we go. It was in the Best Buy developer chat. Here's the quote from the transript:


    Guest-2057: Regarding dialogue options, oftentimes, female characters are refered to as "Sir" or "Lord". Is this an unintentional oversight in the voice acting, or actually part of official Star Wars lore?


    Gaming-BBY: >>James: Yes, this is intentional as it’s part of Star Wars lore.

  11. Just wanted to chime in with some more Corso love. I didn't think I'd like him quite so much, but I keep finding myself taking breaks from my (main) Operative to get more time in on my Smuggler! His country boy accent is so cute, and his battle quips and other comments have been surprisingly funny (I lol'd pretty hard the first time he said "yeeha!").


    Anyway, even after reading so much Corso hate on the boards, I was pretty sure I'd like him. I mean, Anders is my favorite character from Dragon Age 2, and he's also widely hated. And since the woman who wrote Anders also wrote Corso's romance, I'm very excited to see how it plays out!

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