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Posts posted by CastonFolarus

  1. Let's see.......I'll try to provide at least one of each type of companion(Ranged tank, ranged dps, etc). And I'm going to ignore the ship droids, HK-51 and Treek.




    What the class currently has, minus Vik, plus Iresso and Rusk. - Theme: TRUE Republic soldiers. And Forex.



    Jedi Knight:


    Elara, Corso, Guss, T7-01, Zenith +1 of the following: Ashara/Jaesa(LS)/Kira/Nadia - Theme: Just sort of cherry-picked companions till I thought I had a good balance.



    Jedi Consular:


    Elara, Corso, Guss, Talos, Tharan + 1 of the following: Ashara/Jaesa(LS)/Kira/Nadia - Theme: Just like the Jedi Knight, I just swapped T7 and Zenith for Talos and Tharan. Makes for a lot of healers, but so be it.



    Smuggler(got a few of these):



    1. Akaavi, Andronikos, Torian, Vik, Kaliyo - Theme: Tough mercenaries and Mandos

    2. Doc, Mako, Vette, Gault, Risha, Tharan - Theme: Scoundrels

    3. Corso, Blizz, Akaavi, Risha, Gault, Mako- Theme: Best of the BH and Smuggler Companions



    Bounty Hunter:


    Akaavi, Blizz, Mako, Torian, Vette, Vik - Theme: Just switch Vik for Skadge, Vette for Gault and add Akaavi. Best crew ever.



    Imperial Agent:


    Lokin, Quinn, Talos, Temple, Vik, SCORPIO - Theme: Subterfuge, and Vik for heavy lifting/demolitions



    Sith Warrior:


    Light-sided: Ashara, Elara(cast out of the Republic), Jaesa(LS), Talos, Temple, Torian - Theme: Good people working to change the Empire. And Torian.

    Dark-sided: Jaesa(DS), Lokin, Pierce, Scourge, Xalek - Theme: Death to the Republic!



    Sith Inquisitor:


    Light-sided: Ashara, Elara(Cast out of the Republic), Jaesa(LS), Talos, Temple, Tharan, Torian - Theme: Pursuit of knowledge and power to change the Empire. And Torian.

    Dark-sided: Jaesa(DS), Lokin, Pierce, Scourge, Xalek - Theme: Death to the Republic!



    BTW, has it ever occurred to any of you that we have NO male Jedi companions(depending on how you count Guss)? I never noticed before, but now that I have, that sort of bothers me.

  2. Ashara seems more devoted to the jedi to you? To me her entire companion storyline was about finding out who she was and it wasn't a jedi. She pledged herself to the legacy of the inquisitor, and is that legacy by being an apprentice.


    And yet, she refuses to get married without the approval of the Jedi. That speaks of a loyalty to the Jedi that surpasses that which she has to the Inquisitor.

  3. Been going over the info we have on KotFE, and this paragraph stuck out to me:

    "You're able to recruit help and additional companions from an expanded cast, including companions who were previously exclusive to other classes. Building that alliance involves going to all the planets in the galaxy and doing activities and missions that build faction. If you want to recruit a character who's favorable to the Mandalorians, you'll be able to do missions for them. You want to recruit a character who hates the Hutts, you'll do missions to build your alliance standing against them."


    This has got me thinking: If our player character has been gone for 5 years, what have our companions been doing in that time? We know that both the Republic and the Vitiate's Empire have fallen, the the Supreme Chancellor is under the influence of the Eternal Empire, that Setele and Darth Marr are not(and the Jedi and Sith have both retreated to their temples). This is a new galaxy to us, and our companions have been forced to survive in it. How have they done so? Who have they fallen in with and what have they been doing?


    I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on the matter. Here are my own, as best I can guess.



    Sith Warrior



    Vette: Back to her theiving ways, trying to help her people. She might fall back with her old crew. Regardless, I don't think she'll stick with the Sith for very long.

    Malavai Quinn: Back to what remains of the Imperial MIlitary. Probably has a big promotion, what with all the dead Imps lately. For all we know, he's a Moff. Or at least a Colonel. Regardless, he's a prime candidate for killing. Given that you USED to be able to kill him, I think Bioware will be offering us another chance.

    Jaesa Willsaam: I'm hoping that, regardless of her alignment, she'll balance out a little. If she's DS, she'll mellow a bit, and if she's LS, she'll get little more passionate. This way, they don't have to have two different versions of how to get a hold of her. On the other hand the LS version of her may still stick around the sith, hoping to change what's left of it to the Light.

    Lt. Pierce: Like Quinn, I think he'll stick with the Imp military. He'd be a valuable asset for a badly beaten up organization like that.

    Broonmark: I guess he'll just go about the galaxy fighting, like he did before the SW found him. If there's any companion that the SW won't recruit back, it's Broonmark, I think.




    Bounty Hunter



    Mako: Really not sure what Mako would get up to. Her clone story still isn't completely fleshed out, and it would be nice if she kept at it. I do hope that non-Bounty Hunters can recruit her thought. It would be cool to see her working for the Smuggler, for instance. Not sure if she'd even be with a faction at all. It'll be cool to see how 5 years have changed her.

    Gault Rennow: Gault will still be Gault, looking to fleece some poor bugger out of their life savings again. No way he'd align with anyone or anything other than himself.

    Torian Cadera: Mandalorian to the bone, I think he's one of the characters, along with Akaavi, that the quote above if referencing: " If you want to recruit a character who's favorable to the Mandalorians, you'll be able to do missions for them."

    Blizz: Frankly, I think Blizz will stick with Mako. It's a big galaxy, and the two seem to be fond of one another.

    Skadge: Still going to be a murderous Houke. Another prime canidate for killing. My guess is he'll start running a Black Sun outfit, just like he used to before Belsavis. Chance of being recruited back: .01%, I think.




    Jedi Knight



    T7-O1: T7 will still be with the Jedi, I think. I hope every class has the chance to recruit this guy. It'll be really interesting to see him at the side of a former Sith or a Bounty Hunter. Every class deserved their own Astromech droid!

    Kira Carsen: She might stick with the Jedi, and she might jump ship. She's always talking about quitting the Jedi, "spending the rest of our lives having fun". If any of the current Jedi/Sith companions are going to leave their respective Order, it's going to be Kira. But I think, in the end, she'll keep serving the Jedi. In her own way.

    Doc: Doc will still be with the Republic, but he might be more respectable now. Still a bit of a scoundrel, but probably a bit of a war hero too. Might have fallowed through on his decision to start his own medical journal too.

    Sgt. Fideltin Rusk: Still with the Republic military, still refusing promotion. Maybe Havoc Squad?

    Lord Scourge: Certainly not with the Republic. Probably back with the Sith, although they probably see him as a traitor. So maybe he'll go his own way. I do hope he can be recruited by our Sith Warriors and Inquisitors though.







    Aric Jorgan: Definitely still with the Republic military. I think Probably made Colonial by now.

    Elara Dorne: I can't see her doing anything but sticking with the Republic. As an Imperial defector, it's not like she has anywhere else to go. I do wish she's be recruitable by non-Troopers, though. I mean, a Heavy-Armor healer? Yes please!

    M1-4X: Republic to the datacore, this droids not doing anything it wasn't doing already. Wouldn't change its programming, even if it could.

    Tanno Vik: The Republic military is a sinking ship. I think Vik would be bailing well before 5 years of defeats. Probably switched to the private sector. More money to be made, that way.

    Sgt. Yuun: Sticking with the Republic is my guess. He might still be in Havoc Squad. Though he may have left to start tracking something else besides Imps. A Findsman has many other places he could be besides Havoc Squad.







    Khem Val: Depends on

    whether Khem is Khem or Zash

    , but I don't think he's going to be with the Sith any longer. Given how weak they've become, he might be disgusted with the Order altogether.

    Andronikos Revel: No loyalty to anyone but the Inquisitor, I think Andronikos will get back to pirating.

    Ashara Zavros: She might stick with the Sith, but my guess is that she'll head back to the Jedi. She seems more devoted to them than even to the Inquisitor. Shem might even be recruitable by the Jedi Consular or Knight. That'd be an interesting set of conversations.

    Talos Drellik: Probably headed back to the Imperial Reclamation Service. He might even run the thing by now.

    Xalek: Xalek seems to be the kind of guy that would really enjoy the life of a Sith. I don't think he'd be leaving it. Maybe he's the one to guard the Inquisitor's power base until his/her return.




    Imperial Agent



    Kaliyo Djannis: Off to her next employer. She never had any loyalty to anyone but(possibly) the Agent, so she may even be with the Hutts again. For now.

    Vector Hyllus: He might still be with the Empire, he might now. Really not sure what Vector would be doing in this new conflict. Probably still a Joiner, though.

    Dr. Eckard Lokin: Lokin could be anywhere. He might be hanging out in a variety of safehouses, he might be with Sith Intelligence. Maybe even working for Lana.

    Raina Temple: Probably stuck with the Empire, given her loyalties. Sith Intelligence seems like the logical place for her to go.

    SCORPIO: Still searching for her next upgrade. Might be cool to see her join the Eternal Empire.



    Jedi Consular



    Qyzen Fess: He's not particularly loyal to the Republic or the Jedi so much as to his Scorekeeper. He probably left the the Republic behind to go hunting for worthy targets.

    Tharan Cedrax: Really not sure about Tharan. Doubtlessly doing something scientific, hoping to make a breakthrough. I have no idea what that might be, though.

    Zenith: Still out to kill Imps(both kinds) and protect what's left of Balmorra. Not sure if there's anything else this guy has in his life.

    Lt. Felix Iresso: His storyline about the datacron data in his head is still left hagning. I could see it becoming a plot point. I doubt Iresso is going to leave the Republic MIlitary. He might even be with Havoc squad, serving with Yuun or Rusk.

    Nadia Grell: Definitely still with the Jedi. Her last conversations make it clear she won't be going back home after what she's seen and done.







    Corso Riggs: I could see Corso returning to Ord Mantell, I could also see him joining with the Republic military. He might also go freelance and simply kick butt wherever it's needed. Corso is a wild card right now. He could go a lot of places.

    Bowdaar: Bowdarr is the same way. There's a lot of directions he could go. Although I kind of hope he heads back to Kashyyyk. I think it's long past time swtor headed there.

    Risha: Queen of Dubrillion, anyone? Although I could also see her taking over Port Nowhere and running the Smuggler's old criminal empire while he's gone.

    Akaavi Spar: Back to the Mandolorians, methinks. She never left that lifestyle behind, her goals simply aligned with the Smuggler's, for a time. I hope my Bounty Hunter gets to recruit her. He deserves a proper Mando to romance. And Akaavi is awesome.

    Languss Tuno: Given that he was trying to emulate the Smuggler, I could see Guss becoming as much like him as possible, right down to the grubby freighter and the motley crew of miscreants that follow him.




    2V-R8/C2-N2: Our friendly neighborhood ship droid is either taking care of our character's collective ships, a key helper in the storyline("I know for a fact at least one old droid companion was there to help you out of a tight spot", from the Massivelyop article hints towards this) or scrap metal. I'm fine with any of these options.


    HK-51: Without an owner, I think that HK would default to serving the Empire. Or at least fighting the Republic. It's what the Maker programmed it to do. On the other hand, maybe HK will set itself to guard it's master's legacy. For instance, if owned by the Sith Inquisitor, it will protect its master's power base until he/she returns. Given the fact that we'll be running into an HK-55 droid(who supposedly is programmed to protect innocent people rather than eliminate them), I'm thinking we might be given a choice between the two. Or both? Please be both!


    Treek: Still a mercenary fighting for whoever she chooses to fight for.


    Anyone else got any thoughts on what their companions are up to by the start of KotFE?

  4. I'm leveling up my Bounty Hunter right now, and I'm trying to pick up the HK parts as I go. When I was one Hoth, however I found the HK part around the wreckage, but the game did not allow me to pick up the part saying "You do not need this right now". Do I need to have a character in my legacy actually ON the HK parts quest in order to pick these up? Or do I only need to pick the parts once?
  5. Well, it's been a long time since I submitted anything to this thread, but an idea hit me as I was playing my JC this weekend, so I looked for a prompt that suited it and wrote it out as best I could. Tbh, I think it ended kind of abruptly. So if folks are curious enough for a resolution, I may write a follow-up. Not sure, though.


    Now, for your reading pleasure:


    Prompt: ...Like No One's Watching

    Title: Footloose

    Characters: JC, Nadia Grell

    Word Count: 2756

    Spoilers: Not really




    There were times that Nadia surprised herself with how quickly she had become accustomed to space travel. She’d only left her home planet for the first time one standard year ago, but was already used to the slow hum of the hyperdrive as her new home wandered the great void of space. It was no longer a strange, foreign sound to her ears. Rather, it was comforting and steady, like her own heartbeat. And it was still amazing to her that the technology contained in the small room just past the engine compartment held the key to passing from system to system in mere hours.


    Nadia leaned in closer to the engines, closing her eyes and letting the hum fill her senses until there was little else to occupy her. This was as close as she had gotten to truly emotional peace in the past several months.


    Of course, this new feeling of peace towards space travel did little to help her sleep. It had only been a few months ago that she had seen her father die at the hands of the Sith. The anger from that confrontation still seethed within her, no matter how her new Jedi Master tried to assuage it.


    Jedi Master. Jedi! For all the anger she still felt, nothing could replace the wonder within Nadia’s heart at counting herself a member of such a renowned order of warriors. These past six months of learning had been nothing less than amazing. Already, she could count herself as proficient(though hardly impressive) with a lightsaber. In particular she favored the double-bladed style, similar to the combat techniques her father had taught her as a child. The weapon was far heavier and more unwieldy than it looked. But with practice and patient tutoring by both her Master and Qyzen, his Trandoshan bodyguard, she had learned quickly how to dispatch the enemies she now faced on these long journeys through space.


    As formidable a weapon as the lightsaber could be, however, it was the Force that troubled Nadia the most. It was far more difficult to master, perhaps because now she was forced to use it, instead of being used by it. Before her training, her experiences with the supernatural power were instinctive and hard to initiate. Emotion led her to the Force, be it through wonder, frustration, anger, even sadness. Now, her master asked her to call on the Force when she was calm and serene. A far harder task than she ever anticipated. She could feel the power at her fingertips, but couldn’t command it like she could when she was emotional. Her Master said that it was far more powerful to do it his way. And Nadia believed him. She knew his experiences were far more expansive than hers, and she had decided to follow his instructions, no matter how frustrating.


    Frustrating. Now that was an interesting term to use on her Jedi Master. It wasn’t that he ever did anything to cause her any anxiety. In fact he was the steadiest, most calming presence Nadia had ever felt. In all the time she had known him, he’d never raised his voice to her, or anyone else. Even in combat, he was the model of tranquility. Even when he spoke commandingly, it was a quiet command. As if obedience was both expected and asked for. Powerful, but respectful. Nadia had never met a man or woman like that before. Which may have been why he confused her so.


    He was attractive, there was no way around that. He had handsome, distinctly masculine features, but they were graceful too. His hair was oddly silvery, though his face was undoubtedly youthful. Nadia doubted he was more than five years older than herself. And yet, he was already a Master of the Jedi Order, powerful in the Force and trained from a very young age. Through a lifetime of that training, his body had been well taken care of. Vital and healthy, lean without being too muscular. Taller than most, but not overly so. A true swordsman’s build. Everything a young Sarkhai girl was raised to value in a mate.


    But for all of that, he kept himself at an arm’s distance, even when they were training. Never once did he look at her in a way that even a friend would. Nadia did not have so high an opinion of herself that she expected any romantic overtures or declarations of undying love. She respected him too much for that. But it was hard to learn from a man who didn’t seem to have any interest in even being friends. He was always dispassionate with her. And it wasn’t like he was that way with everyone. He and Qyzen seemed to have a way with one another that implied a deep respect and admiration. It was clear that he was friends with Lt. Iresso and Zenith as well. And with Dr. Cedrax and Holiday, he even seemed…content. Like he was around people that allowed him to be himself.


    But the moment Nadia entered the room, he became cold, distant. Not like he was before she was his Padawan. Back then he’d been kind, warm, charming even. All in a quiet way, of course. Why he changed was beyond her. And the fact that she didn’t know why he changed his demeanor around her nor how exactly to approach him to address this issue, was keeping her up on nights like tonight. So she wandered the small ship, leaving her spacious quarters for the small conferene room where her father had sat for so long, or up in the cockpit to watch the stars fly by, or down by the engines to listen to them hum, like she was doing now.


    Deciding that she had had enough of listening to the hyperdrive for now, Nadia stood up and walked out of the engine room, so silent Qyzen didn’t stir as she passed by his small nook he’d chosen for a bedroom. Her lessons in stealth were coming along nicely. Her Master had no great talent in that skill, but Dr. Cedrax did. He and Holiday had made great strides in teaching her what they knew of the art, and Nadia was improving much faster than they expected.


    Just as she was about to head into her room, however, she felt something. A strange feeling that stopped her dead in her tracks. It wasn’t anger. Nor was it grief, joy or peace. No, this was a feeling Nadia was all too familiar with. This was fear. Not pure fear, like that of confronting a Sith assassin in a dark alley. No, this was a deeper, more emotional fear. Like the kind a person felt when they knew they had done something wrong and was waiting for someone to find out. Waiting for a parent to come punish them for disobedience or a peace officer to arrest them. It made Nadia uneasy, not just because she was feeling it. But because she knew where, or more accurately whom, this feeling came from.


    Nadia’s Master, Gharas Tellick, Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order, was afraid. Of what, she wasn’t sure. But whatever it was, this was no small feeling. Nadia’s own nervousness at this discovery only heightened her awareness of her Master’s turmoil.


    As her feet began walking almost of their own accord, Nadia felt like an observer trapped in her own body. Just down the hall from her room was the training quarters. She’d spent many hours in that room over the past several months, learning all she could from her Master. But what was he doing in there, alone? What training did he have to do on his own? And at 3am Standard Time, when he should be sleeping. That made Nadia crack a smile. She was hardly one to judge the man for being up at this time.


    But the point remained. No one should be in the training room at this hour if they were doing as they should have. Only C2-N2 should be up and about, and he never went into that room. All the broken training droid parts seemed to set the fragile protocol droid on edge. And the only person besides Nadia and Gharas to be in that room regularly was Qyzen, and he only came along to assist with Nadia’s lessons.


    And yet there was a familiar presence in that room. A presence Nadia hadn’t felt since the day she became Gharas’ Padawan. Sneaking closer to the training room, Nadia leaned against the wall, not wanting the automatic door’s sensors to detect her and give away her own presence to her Master. Closing her eyes, Nadia focused on the sounds from the other room. Then she touched the wall, letting the vibrations of the ship fall away as the motions of the figure beyond that door came through to her senses loud and clear.


    There was woman’s voice beyond the door. She was singing to a steady melody that was both beautiful and haunting.


    Two black SoroSuubs driving in a slow parade

    Headlights shining bright in the middle of the day

    One is for his wife,

    The other for the woman who loved him at night

    Two black SoroSuubs meeting for the first time


    And as Nadia listened to the song, she became entranced. It was more than the words the woman said. It was the feelings of the other person listening to them. The fear was still there. The shame for that fear followed. The chorus of the song, sung multiple times, brought it to the surface.


    And the Jedi said he was a good man

    And his brother said he was a good friend

    But the women in the two black veils didn't bother to cry

    Bye Bye, Bye Bye

    Yeah they took turns laying a rose down

    Threw a handful of dirt into the deep ground

    He's not the only one who had a secret to hide

    Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye


    The shame, it was so powerful that Nadia sank to her knees. She felt suddenly as if nothing mattered but her inability to conquer that fear she was feeling. It was a despair she’d never believed possible. How could anyone feel so ashamed of anything? To feel like there was no way to overcome it? To feel so hopeless.


    It was the first and the last time they saw each other face to face

    They shared a crimson smile and just walked away

    And left the secret at the grave


    At the end of the last chorus, Nadia felt the shame start to subside. It became a dull ache to the fear that still boiled within her connection to her Master. Deciding that she had to know what her Master was doing, Nadia crept closer to the door. She didn’t care if it gave her away, she had to know why he was putting himself through this.


    But that was when the music changed. It became faster. MUCH faster. The strings of a guitar and a constant beat of a drum played so quickly Nadia wasn’t sure what to make of the music. There was nothing like it in the music of her people. It was a man who was singing now, and his voice was light and…happy?


    Been working so hard

    I'm punching my card

    Eight hours, for what

    Oh, tell me what I got.

    I've got this feeling

    That time's just holding me down

    I'll hit the ceiling

    Or else I'll tear up this town!


    The music built up as Nadia wandered ever closer to the door. And suddenly, she was overwhelmed by a feeling of utter euphoria. All the shame, the fear, every feeling that was anything but sheer relief disappeared in a blink of an eye.


    Tonight I gotta cut loose!


    Kick off your Sunday shoes!

    Please, Louise

    Pull me off of my knees

    Jack, get back

    C'mon before we crack

    Lose your blues

    Everybody cut footloose!


    Nadia found herself sitting down, her heart fluttering and beating harder than as if she had run ten miles. The emotions were too much. First the desolate fear, now the overwhelming relief from that fear. How in the world she was going to get to sleep now, Nadia had no idea. WHAT WAS THAT MAN DOING?! Seizing herself, Nadia concentrated on something her Master had only begun to teach her. Force Sight. He had told her that it was possible to see something behind walls or even miles away, if a Jedi was determined enough. Purging herself f anything but the desire to see what her Master was doing, Nadia’s whole world suddenly fell away. It was as if she could see the whole room, and not just from one perspective. She could see, almost feel, everything from everywhere.


    You're playing so cool

    Obeying every rule


    And when the Force showed Nadia her hearts’ desire, she saw something she honestly never expect to see in a million years.


    Dig way down in your heart

    You're burning, yearning for some

    Somebody to tell you

    That life ain't a passing you by


    He was dancing. Her Master, a man she respected more than anyone alive, a man more calm than the vacuum of space itself, was dancing. And not just a simple dance, swaying his hips or snapping his fingers. No, he was moving to and fro wildly, his feet moving in tandem across the floor in steps he had obviously done so often he no longer needed to think. His hands, meanwhile, were strumming the strings of an invisible guitar, his fingers a blur as he performed for an audience that was just as nonexistent.

    I'm trying to tell you

    It will if you don't even try

    You can fly if you'd only cut loose,



    Suddenly, Gharas tossed the nonexistent guitar aside and open his arms and face to the ceiling. With an ease Nadia could only hope she possessed someday, Gharas used the Force to lift himself off the floor. Then he started spinning, twisting, flipping, turning in the air faster than anything Nadia had ever seen. And as Nadia focused on her Master’s face, she saw that he was smiling ear-to-ear. Laughing, in fact. Then screaming in delight. And she felt every bit as good as he did right now. It was truly astounding how wonderful it was to feel what he was feeling. Nothing Nadia had ever known could compare.


    When at last the music ended, Gharas landed on his feet, a calm a serene look on his face once more. The face Nadia was used to seeing. And Nadia was sad to see it again. That smile had been so wonderful, she wanted to see it again. And again. As often as possible.


    “Nadia. Please come in.”


    Her heart stopped. How long had he known she was there? Had this all been a plan of his? Some weird Jedi test? Make her think he was normal for a minute before becoming the stoic teacher again? She sighed. It didn’t matter. One way or another, she’d been caught red-handed.


    Sheepishly, Nadia stood up and walked through the door. The stoic Master was gone again, replaced by a man who seemed just as embarrassed as she was.


    “How long have you been watching?”


    Nadia shuffled her feet, “Somewhere around ‘Two Black SoroSuubs’.”


    Gharas sighed, but seemed to have been struck speechless by the whole situation. Suddenly, Nadia felt…funny. A smile crept across her face. Gharas soon had one to match. She let out the first giggle. He started to chuckle. Her giggle turned to laughter. His chuckle turned to chortling. Soon enough, the two of them had burst into a collective fit of laughter, the kind that brought tears.


    Once the two of them had composed themselves it became clear that little discussion of this manner would be appropriate in their respective states. At least, not now. So Nadia gave a quick bow of respect and left the training room as quickly as possible. But as she did, she saw a lopsided grin on her Master’s face. The kind that a man wore after he’d just made a fool of himself but felt pretty good about it. It was one Nadia genuinely desired to see again. In fact, by the end of the night she had several plans in mind to accomplish exactly that.



  6. Well, this is my first contribution to this thread, so correct me if I'm doing something wrong. This one was done a late-night writing binge, so I hope you can ignore any writing errors. It's a Zombie of the Stomping Grounds prompt. Figured someone should respond to that one, and I didn't see anything for it. And my FemBH seemed to fit the bill.


    Things you need to know about her: Her name's Zasch, she's Mirialian, she's married to Torian, but is NOT a Mandolorian(thinks they are a little silly), and she's mostly lightside. Mostly.



    When his new wife ordered Gault and Mako halt the ship mid-jump after reading her mail, Torian didn't ask why. He could tell it was something she didn't want to talk about. The way she stood, her arms folded under her armor's breastplate and her silent, emotionless face made it clear that she wasn't interested in a discussion. And as soon as Mako said the new course was locked in, she walked down to her workstation and began assembling a new gun barrel she'd stopped working on weeks ago.


    Mako said that their destination was some urbanized moon in a backwater system called Derrelia. It would be a solid day's journey, even at .2 past lightspeed, so Torian passed the time sparring the Skadge(about the only thing the Houk was up for, most of the time). After a shower, he went to sleep in the bed he now shared with his wife every night. He woke up to find her lying next to him six hours later. It still amazed him just how...pleasant that was.


    But he could tell she was still awake. Her breathing was just a little less steady when she slept than it was now. With a smooth warrior's movement he wrapped her in his arms. She grasped his hand gratefully, and was asleep in minutes. No words were said. They weren't needed between them. And even after a solid night of sleep, Torian felt himself drifting off to sleep again, his wife's warmth leaning against his own.


    When he awoke again, he was alone. After donning his armor, he walked out to see Blizz tinkering with 2V-R8's wiring. He still had that plan of making the factotum droid into a solid combat model. Gault was leaning against the loading ramp door, an exasperated look on his face.


    "I just don't get what's so important," he said, "I've never even heard of this moon, and we left Ceego the Hutt's contract just lying out there for the next bounty hunter to snatch up. That's a payday we haven't seen since Correlia!"


    Mako's light tone answered from her sitting position on the ship's central staricase, "Gault, she likes credits more than you do. So if she says it's important, then it's important."


    "Still," came Skadge's gruff voice from next to the storage lockers, "Gotta be something on this dump worth doin'. I'll check the local cantina. See if there's a fight to get into, or a job that needs done."


    "If the boss lets you, you mean," said Mako, "she doesn't like you wandering off, Skadge."


    Skadge laughed haughtily, "I'd like to see her try and stop me."


    "You're not the only one," said Torian with a smile, "Of course, she may just decide to dump you on this planet and take off. Then where would you be?"


    Skadge folded his arms, "A step or two behind her. She knows I'd track her down. Got a lot of dough on this lady bein' the next big name in this galaxy. If she thinks I'm going to let her get that kind of famous without lettin' me in on the take, she's got another thing comin'"


    Mako sighed, sharing an exasperated look with Torian, "Honestly, I don't know wh-."


    Strong, steady steps from the second level of the ship silenced everyone.Torian's wife tended to have that effect on people. It took either a very brave person or a very stupid one not recognize her power. Her electrum-bonded mercenary's armor, her staunch warrior's stance. She even moved like a person who could take on anything and laugh while doing it. It was that attitude, more than anything else, that made Torian fall in love with her.


    "We're here," she said shortly, "Torian, you're with me. Gault, Mako, go pick up some provisions. Prices should be pretty good here, but don't go near the lower streets. Skadge, you do whatever, just be back by the time we punch out. Everybody clear?"


    Everyone nodded, and began to clear out.


    Torian's wife walked over to Blizz, who was still concentrated on his work with 2V-R8, "Watch the ship, little man. Kay?"


    Blizz nodded exitedly, "Blizz make sure nobody sneak on. Pay more attention to guarding, less on work. Never happen again. Promise!"


    She let one of her rare smiles seep onto her face, but it was more distant and hollow than others that Torian had seen her give. She put on her helmet, an off-Mandolorian brand Torian had bought her shortly after he signed onto her crew. He still hadn't convinced her to wear actual Mandolorian armor, since she still wasn't Mandolorian. But he had yet to see her wear a different helmet since.


    And once he put on his own helmet, they were in their own little world, the two of them. Perfectly in sync, the bond that only watching each other's backs(in every possible way) could bring. A private comm channel, monitors of each others' vitals. Technology and personal chemistry, blended into an extremely lethal combination. No one could match them in a fight, and they both knew it. These days, they took on contracts no one else would touch for pay only the elite of the galaxy could afford.


    Which is why Torian found it a little shocking when she led him to a small, nondescript building in the middle of the slums and told him to wait outside. The moon was just like any other urban planet Torian had every seen, though they reminded him mostly of Nar Shaddaa. It was a metal jungle, just as dangerous as the natural type. He knew his wife could handle herself, but concern still crept into his chest. And she could sense it, even if her helmet didn't register his increased heart rate.


    "I'll be fine, love," she said, "be back before you know it."


    Torian nodded, "Be careful, cyare."


    And so, he waited. No words from her, though hear heart stayed true and steady on his helmet monitor. When at last she walked outside, she was carrying a small tin, no bigger than a blaster rifle's power cell.


    After a short pause, she said, "Let's take a walk. No helmets."


    Torian shrugged, pulling his helmet off and tucking it under his left arm. His wife did the same with hers.


    The streets weren't too bad on the walkway they were on now. But as she led him deeper into the urban jungle, he could feel predatory eyes on them. At last, they stopped outside a designated 'bum' area, where dozens of burning trash and refuse piles littered and dark, dank street.


    "You asked me, once", she said, "why I joined the Great Hunt. I never really gave you an answer. You ready to know?"


    "I'm ready for anything you wanna tell me, cyare." Torian answered.


    His wife smiled that same sad smile, "I'll try not to drone on. Forgive me if I do. I just figured that, if anyone should know, it should be my husband. The last person who already knew who I was before all of this...."


    She held up the small tin, giving it a little shake. Torian heard the distinct sound of a powder-like substance inside. Ashes.


    "This is all that's left of him. And his mind had gone long before that."


    Torian stayed silent, unsure about what he was about to hear. But he wanted to know, all the same.


    "He was a local doctor here. My mother was a drug addict he tried to 'help', but she died just after I was born. He never did tell me whether he was my real father or not, but he always treated me like his own daughter. And he taught me everything he knew about his craft."


    Torian smiled, "I always did wonder how where got your skill with kolto."


    His wife shrugged, "He was a good teacher. And he made GREAT kafee. Also, he wasn't afraid of the local gangs because they needed the healthcare he practically gave away. Course, that's what got him, in the end. Once one of the gangs decides that they can take losing the services you provide, as long as their competitors lose them as well....they bomb your clinic. Kill your patients. take everything you own or care for. Leave you with nothing, not even your mind."


    Torian ached to put his hand on his wife's shoulder, but resisted. She was a strong woman, and not fond of physical affection. At least, not in public. And Torian he wasn't sure if she wanted him to touch her right now.


    "He was never the same, afterward," she said wistfully, "The other local doctors tried to help. You can heal tissue all you want, but there's only so much you can do for a mind. They said it was a bad skull fracture. His body was there, but the damage to the brain was permanent. The most they could do was keep his body there, a drooling mess. I was fourteen, at the time."


    The laugh that escaped her lips was something Torian had never heard from her before. It was mirthless, it was tired....and it was angry.


    "I had never held a gun before. My father abhorred the things. But the next morning I went to one of the local shop owners who pointed me to a few honorable types who knew how to use them. I spent the next seven years learning anything any of them would teach me. And when I turned twenty-one, I decided it was time. I walked through the streets my father used to practice medicine in. And I killed them."


    "Them?" Torian asked.


    "All of them," she said, "Every last gangster I knew had a hand in the attack, even if they only let it happen. Took me two years to wipe them from the planet. And every time, I left a calling card."


    She took out one of the small kolto vials she used on a daily basis to keep Torian from bleeding out after a fight. On the vial was the street address of the building she had visited earlier.


    "Each time, I left one of these. They would lead the gangs to the building where my father's broken husk of a body was left on a respirator and a feeding tube."


    Torian could feel the cold rage in her voice, something that could bring fear into anyone. Torian thanked the Force it wasn't directed at him.


    "Near the end, some of them even figured it out. Some tried to run. some tried to hide. Most begged for mercy before the end. And the death I gave them was the only mercy I could find for them. More mercy then they had for my father, anyway."


    At last, she breathed a heavy sigh, "Course, once I was done, the local gangs had plenty of beefs with me. A lot of people out for my head. Spent two years on the run, living in hidey holes in the gutters, in the sewers. In cheap hotels, when I could afford them. That's when Braden found me. The rest, as they say, is history."


    She cleared her throat, her breath catching for a moment, "So I've been waiting to close the books on this for a while. I figured that my father's living corpse would serve a reminder to the gangs not to blow up any more clinics. Might do some good. But there's only so long you can keep a body going before it give out. So that's what I'm here to do today."


    She motioned to the decrepit streets around them, "My old hunting grounds, for whatever they're worth. Figured I'd show them to you, before I vow never to set foot on this rock ever again."


    Torian was silent for a few moments making sure that his wife had said what she wanted to day. Then he spoke.


    "You are more Mandolorian than you know, cyare."


    "Well, I married one. Shouldn't be a shock that I have some similar traits."


    Torian nodded, "Yes, but it goes deeper than that. Your drive to avenge your clan, and your father. That's very Mandolorian."


    She shrugged, "I always thought I was just being a good daughter."


    Torian nodded, a smile across his face, "Exactly."


    Finally giving in to the urge he had been resisting, Torain put his hand on his wife's shoulder and turned her to face him, "Now, as I'm a proper Mandolorian husband, might I suggest a...day trip? Through your old stomping grounds? Wipe out a gang of thugs or two? It'll make you feel better."


    Zasch smiled, looking down at her helmet's impassive expression, and then at her husband.


    "It might at that."



  7. Yeah, you're right, it stops after KoToRII.


    In the end of KoToRII, you can ask Darth Traya what will become of some of the crew members. I can't remember if you can ask about Atton. But maybe that was worth a try if you have a save-file close to the end of KoToRII.


    She basically says that Atton remains a fool, but the Force always has a use for those. Very non-specific.


    Always been curious what happens to him as well. along with the rest of the Exile's crew.

  8. My favorite of my toons is Eighan, my Zabrak smuggler. When he was still a little child(about 4 yrs old), the ship he and his family were travelling on was attacked by pirates. The pirates were quickly dispatched by Imperial forces. However, the captain of the Imperial rescue vessel, corrupt Sithspawn that he was, decided to mark the rescued passangers and crew as 'Cargo', enslaving and confiscating them as Imperial property. Eighan's father managed to overpower a shuttle pilot and escape with Eighan, but Eighan's mother and older sister were left behind in Imperial hands.


    Eighan's father never forgave himself for being unable to save his wife and older child, and died a broken man when Eighan was 17. This left Eighan with a great hatred of the Empire(and distaste for the Republic for allowing the Empire to continue), along with a constant need to be on be move. He sought refuge in the stars, joining a number of freight crews and smuggling captains, learning anything anyone would teach him. He soon found he had a knack for piloting and gunplay, particularily duel-wielding(he's ambidextrous). Eighan's last captain before he came ot Ord Mantell, an old Duros, left him his ship and his last contract with Rogun the butcher, giving Eighan the start he needed to begin his rise to power as a Privateer of the Republic.


    For those of you who want a chart:

    Name: Eighan Dothe

    Age: 29

    Gender: Male

    Planet of Origin: Iridonia(Born there, but raised on the Zabrak colony of Feldrona)

    Occupation before Smuggler: Pilot and mechanic for a variety of ship captains

    Ship Name: Starstream. It was the previous name, and Eighan didn't mind it.

    Romance: Akaavi Spar, former Mandalorian.

    Relationships: Treats his crew like family. Corso is like a brother, Risha a sister. Bowdarr is his most trusted friend and bodyguard. Guss is his lieutenant-in-training. And Akaavi is the best wife he could possibly ask for(though hardly the doting type).

    Physical Attributes

    Hair color- Sandy-blond

    Hair length- Long, for a Zabrak. He has it wrapped around his horns, and is particularily proud of it.

    Eye color- Green

    Body type- Average build, but strong leg muscles due to many tiems he has led his enemies on a merry chase.

    Height- 6'1

    Weight- 192

    Blemishes- None. He's proud of his pretty mug.

    Tone of voice- Violent and angry, particularily when it's tim to kill Imperials.



    1. Empire.

    2. Slavery.

    3. Republic being timid with the Empire

    4. Bullying

    5. A fair fight.



    1. Akaavi(He didn't know beauty or perfection until he met her), and their 9 (future)children.

    2. Unfavorable odds(Well, beating them, specifically)

    3. Flying(No feeling like it)

    4. Playing cards

    5. Drinking soft liquor


    Fun Facts:

    1. His older sister, who he lost to Imperial slavers, is Darth Imperious, his universe's Sith Inquisitor. He has not found this out as of the end of the current class quests, though they have fought multiple times, along with the other 6 player classes.

    2. An early partner of his on Ord Mantell, Coltun Orrick, is the current Major of Havoc Squad. Their Anti-Imperial values are shared, and they count on one another to bail eachother out of hotspots.

    3. He's not attracted to non-Zabrak women. It isn't that he doesn't realize that they CAN be attractive, or that he dislikes how they look in general. Just that if they don't have horns on their head, he won't dance the horizontal tango.

    4. He names his two blasters after contant insistence by Corso. His offhand blaster is Ath, named for a figure from Zabrak mythology who ushered Zabrak into the afterlife. His mainhand blaster is Sash, Zabrak for 'dancer'(meaning literally 'dust dancer', refering to ancient Zabrak courting rituals).

    5. He wears a locket with a picture of his old family before beaing torn from them. It shows his father smiling(something he never saw), his mother looking tired but happy and holding baby Eighan in her arms, and his sister(about 6 yrs old in the photo) laughing and carrying a play lightsaber. It's the only thing that he still retains from that time, he never takes it off, and only Akaavi has ever asked about it. But he simply isn't ready to face the memories yet.

  9. My Smuggler, the Zabrak gunslinger Eighan: As a hard-liner Repubublic privateer, he sets up a criminal organization with the primary purpose of making the Empire's life difficult. They steal imperial credits, artifacts and cause general mayhem on planets they control. And he goes right into the thick of it, a smile on his face.


    Akaavi Spar: Over the next two decades, she and Eighan have nine children: Corso, Spar, Berra, Canderous, Bowie, Risha, Varic, Novic and Guss. Of course, they all have names in Mando, not that Eighan could understand a one of them. Akaavi continues to be by his side, no matter her 'condition', and insists on raising their children in the Mandalorian way. 'Tough love' doesn't even begin to describe it.


    Bowdaar: Keeping with his promise to watch over Eighan and his future children, our friendly shipboard wookiee has his hands full. He's no Mandalorian, but what better sparring partner/bodyguard/nanny could a bunch of Mandalorian rugrats ask for?


    Risha: After a few more years of indulging her wanderlust, she goes to Dubrillion and(with Eighan's help), claims the throne that has been a long time coming to her. Afterwards, she marries Mr. Nice Guy, of course. And like Eighan and Akaavi, the two of them are productive, producing three heirs who grow up to be close cousins to Eighan and Akaavi's horde. Two of them even marry, much to the shock of all the parents involved.


    Corso: Eigan's best man and closest partner, the two of them spend their days getting into trouble, only to get out of it again just as quickly. The most awsome uncle Eigan's kids could ask for, Corso shows them a thing or two about handling a weapon that even Akaavi doesn't know. But after a few years, Corso begins to feel the need to settle down a bit(but not too much!). At Eigan's suggestion he gets in touch with Beryl Thorne, their contect on Taris back when they were just getting started. He becomes her new bodyguard and eventual husband, and the two of them raise a horde to rival that of Eighan and Akaavi's.


    Guss: Every criminal empire needs a mascot, right? Guss refuses to leave Eighan's side through all of his adventures. And with each new one, he learns another leason about what to do(or what not to do :D) when he takes over the day-to-day operations of Eighan's vast criminal holdings. Eighan continues to tell him, even as the decades roll on, that he's just a few more years away from being ready to take over.

  10. What I CAN see, though, is non-combat child pets that you can customize (like a legacy, sandbox feature). That way you can make them your same race and have features like same hair and eyes. Maybe there would be cool social gear and emotes to come with them. You can bring them out and show them off at fleet. Otherwise they hang out on your ship.


    Also they could give you a buff when out during combat, even though they can't get attacked. Maybe something like "protective instinct" that increases your damage done a bit.


    That....actually sounds pretty cool. I've usually been in favor of the 'not including children in game' side. But this could actually be done, and wouldn't be too difficult. As long as they had a time lapse in-between, it could be done.


    Kids are usually something saved for the fanfics, but this sounds like it could be implemented in-game. Put this in the suggestion box, I say.

  11. Is there a *single* organic female companion in her 30's or 40's? I admit that I haven't seen them all.


    I would put Akaavi in her late-twenties, early-thirties. But then again, Mandolorians tend to age much quicker than normal people(mentally/emotionally I mean). She talks about being given her first weapon at 3 years old. Still, I can't imagine her being younger than 27. And I can see her as old as 37. And please, BW, never tell me what her age really is. Let my smugglers who like older women keep their kink.

  12. Just completed the last conversation with a romanced Akaavi, where she talks about how Mandos all seek to one day have children to add to their clan. My smuggler asked her if she was "looking for someone to make rug-rats with". Akaavi replied that she "knew there could never be a child of our bodies", but that we might find children to adopt one day.


    Just one problem: my smuggler is a zabrak. So, barring either him or akaavi have serious fertility issues, a "child of their bodies" should not be a difficult thing to manage. I mean, I chose to play as a zabrak specificlally to see what Akaavi said different during this scene. For science. And I'm just wondering if this is a conversation bug or if that's all Akaavi ever says. Cause if it is.....it doesn't make much sense.

  13. Best thing about Akaavi? Every time my smuggler says "It's so hard to be humble, knowing how great I am....", +40 affection. Love it.


    And kidding aside, my main smuggler loves Akaavi. She's got the tough exterior but on the inside....well, she's still a ******, but she does have the capacity to love someone. And so does Risha, but I think Akaavi takes it a bit more seriously, when all's said and done(this is NOT to say that Risha doesn't love as deeply, just in different ways). And for the more flirty smugglers, Risha is probably your gal. But for the select few who don't start cracking jokes at EVERY opprotunity, Akaavi provides a welcome relief.


    And my main smuggler, he just doesn't like being flirty. For the most part, he stays away from flirt lines. And he HATES it when girls start acting like ****es in heat around him(I mean, that girl on the Hutt's barge on Nar Shaddaa *shudder*). And to be honest, he felt like he was nothing more than an object to that Alderaanian noblewoman, which he found just plain insulting. So when Akaavi just point-blank asks him if he's interested in her as a woman, he's "YES! FORCE, I LOVE THIS WOMAN!"

  14. If the child is Force-sensitive? Yes, the non-Jedi parent loses their parental rights as well for the sake of the child.


    Really an interesting counterpart to the Sith in this era, who are noted to be very family-centric, big on bloodline and heritage. Your typical Sith is a loving and attentive parent as such things go - they may be grooming their children to be ambitious psychopaths as per other Sith ideals.


    As if I needed more reasons to go Imp....

  15. In the current (TOR timeframe) iteration of the Jedi Order, they probably do that to prevent the Jedi from becoming too attached. This Jedi Order is pretty militant about attachment so I could see them doing that whether the child was force sensitive or not, and then, if not, educating it and sending it off into the world to be a productive member of society later (or even possibly adopting it out at a future date).


    But what about the non-Jedi parent? Do they lose any and all parental rights as well? THAT is what I'd be damned pissed about.


    As a Jedi, you have to accept certain things as far as family goes. You can choose to disobey them as you will, but non-Jedi shouldn't be held to the same standard. IMO.

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