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Posts posted by phoenixlink

  1. the healer all you tend to do.


    is Kolto probe x2 on targets to gain TA and minor Hot,

    use Diagnositic scan to regen energy

    use kolto injection as required.


    thats pretty much all you need to know for healing.


    recouperative nanotech is getting buffed in 1.2 and as of yet i haven't been able to test but i'm assuming it will be added into the rotation.


    as for dps the melee build seems to be the most effective in pvp with being able to vanish and do some good spike damage.


    though i havent played as a dps operative yet

  2. engineering is more aoe damage.


    if your going to be running pve staying with marksman is good.


    The operative healer has a tougher time in some situations compared to the Inquisitor .


    more due to the lack of utility and only about 6 skills ever really being used.


    Operative healers in Ops tend to be tank healers and nothing else

  3. The sorc/sage will still be the strongest.

    their aoe heals and lightning sheild are incredibly handy.


    mercs and their speed and kolto sheild make them second.


    Though Ia are getting a buff . their still only usefull for tank healing.

    and out side of that role life is hard in certain FP


    16man tends to favour Operatives more than 8 man. being you can have 2 sorcs for raid healing and a op for main tank healing.

  4. Your major focus with your Op heals is keeping your TA's maxed at all times.


    generous use of KP to generate. should give you 2 which will allow you 2 insta heals at minimum. give any new TA's generated during this time sometimes i can get 6-8 free heals.


    kolto injection gives me a free TA with every cast. i only ever cast this twice in a row at maximum till i have my 2 TA's then use them again.


    and a few casts of DS to regen energy if needed.


    also considering that for every TA available i gain a 3% increase to my healing done.

    keeping them high is a priority.


    in 1.2 having a third will open up posibilities for 9% buff to heals. and an extra security TA to use. and being able to keep the baseline 3% active.


    the Rn is still useless. very situationally used. if you want to heal 2 tanks and some Mdps at once. if using 2 ops and coordinate this i would work well. but alone still lack luster.


    considering our 3 lower heals are better in the long run. the RN will go to waste i think

  5. In our 16 man hard and nightmare.


    my job as an operative is keeping tanks alive.


    thats all i need to do. and our class does it well.


    rotated properly i can have constant heals rolling on my tank so any surpirse burst damage is taken care of.


    in 8 man the need for ops is less. unless you already have a sorc healer and want a secondary healer

  6. these buffs dont make the IA:Op healer , OP


    the RN buffs are fairly useless for high end Pve

    considering that we are tank healers primarily.

    the only time i will find it useful is during NM content that requires 2 tanks or 2 tanks and a third off tank


    to help keep both alive.


    the extra TA will certainly come in handy for using infusion

    effectively increasing our heals per 100 energy .

    the longer duration and more effective energy regen on DS will also keep us around par with the other classes

  7. Of course it is the healers fault.


    how dare you suggest that the tanks and dps should use interrupts .

    threat swapping and debuffs and pop medpacks when they can.


    just because a tank is taking 90% of is health bar worth of damage per attack is no reason you cant keep him alive if he get targeted by a second attack.


    you should use your magic heal to 100% for no cost ability...


    oh wait.........


    all that aside. i know the trouble it can be being an ops healer.

  8. As an Op healer for our 16 m nnm runs.


    we generally run . 2 sorcs for raid healing, 1 bh for off healing and kolto shield.

    and 2 Ops for tank healing.


    which in the end game. our job is simply to keep the tanks alive at all times. and a single op

    should have no trouble keeping a 1-2 tanks alive. or healing a main tank and off healing another.


    the sorcs are good for staking all dps on one spot and spaming aoe heals.


    but they lack the ability to bring the tank back after a major hit. . or keep sustained healing if the tank is suddenly hit with armor debuffs. and is taking massive damage.


    the ops also are hand being that we can heal while moving. couples with good biochem stims and a rakata med pack. you are preety much self sufficient in keeping yourself alive.


    as for tactics.


    2 kolto probe on the tank at all times. ( to minor heal and generate TA)

    spam scan to minor heal and regen energy when needed.


    the idea is when your tank starts taking damage you get 2 free instant heals ( injection). and then any bonus gained from below 30% or new ones being granted from KP.


    on a lucky day that may mean. 4-6 injections. that will get your tank up to max or close to it. then you have time for your big heals. if still needed.

    then drop 2 more kp and regen with Diag scan.


    doing this we tend to always have sufficient energy . and we are always ready to pop some heals.

  9. i still enjoy my op healer. and yes there are many situations he is not as useful as a sorc.


    but ive learned to use her in 4,8,16 mans to the fullest.


    adjustments to make life easier though i would. ( just musings not all of them implemented but individually thing i think would help)


    reduce the cost of KP slightly and have 3-4 stack.


    3-4 tactical advantages and possibly a new TA based spell( say 5-7 over say 15 seconds)k but requiring 2 TA's


    perhaps a slightly larger energy pool.


    medical scan to restore more energy per tick.


    or perhaps a slight increase to the base healing given. that will multiply with crit and surge.


    these are just small changes that ive thought of

  10. As an operative healer i was a little concerned that i was going to be rendered useless due to sorc heals.


    However after my first 2 nights of 16man NM Ev ( which we completed :D)


    There is a job for Operatives in operations. and from my experience it is this.


    Mobile Emergency heals and Tank life support.


    First of all trying to mass heal like a sorc is not the operatives job not will it ever be.


    i would rather see faster cast times , a larger energy pool or a vastly improved energy regen rate on the diagnostic scan.


    and being able to cast our shield probe on other would also be handy.


    But anyway back to the point.


    No matter how many sorc heals you have there are going to be times when your tanks and dps start taking massive spike damage. and this needs to be dealt with quickly.


    And who has the fastest and most mobile heals in the game . We do. who can heal while moving We can.


    Our job is to heal tank primarily and secondary dps and other healer damage.


    whats the best way to do this.

    From my experience. we be on the move constantly. trying to keep as many people and the tank is range as we can.


    and utilizing our most important resource Tactical Advantages.

    If you can help it at any given time you should have the full 2 ready to go.


    this is easily achievable able by casting kolto probe on your tanks and melee dps in a good rotation to generate TA's when you see the boss gearing up for an attack. spam 2 KP , then immediatly get ready to spam Surgical probe.


    yes it may not heal for as much as your injection but it is faster. and if your target is below 30% health you get another free probe so instantly at the minimum you have 3 probes to heal with. healing and hopefully critting the 3-4k mark .


    at that point a BH or Sorc has hopefully finished their casting. if not 1-2 immediate KI to finish the heals and generate more TA.


    at this time yo will spam DS to recover some energy and you rinse and repeat.


    and that from my experience is our job saving people who've been hit hard by healing them fast and hard. and remaining mobile to keep people in range and offer heals on the go.




    I found 4 man healing to be fairly good with my Op healer. rarely did a situation arise where i was out of my depth due to me healing. party reliability can be another matter.

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