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Posts posted by relayinabox

  1. Chiss Marauders? I've not seen many Chiss Marauders actually. Maybe only a small handful - Juggernaut on the other hand, I've seen a few Chiss Juggernauts.


    I have Chiss unlocked and on Republic side I run into so many Chiss Jedi/Troopers with my Chiss Sentinel it's crazy. They're around every corner :p

  2. 1. How do you think your Gunslinger spec is perceived by other classes?


    I use Saboteur and don't often group up since a lot of my most damaging abilities (an AoE, and a high-damage strike that also causes damage to enemies near my target specifically) also break CCs left and right. I feel like in encounters where CCs are important to keep up other classes would view my build as a risk.


    2. How do you perceive your own spec?


    Fun to play. I'll be honest, even though I don't group up a lot with my Gunslinger, it's a lot of fun to solo PvE content with. It's a blast to throw grenades, shock charges, and set off explosions. I miss being able to use charged burst after exiting cover, but quickshot is nice for added mobility.

  3. 1. How do you think your Operative spec is perceived by other classes?

    Healer spec is seen as useful to a party, while DPS spec is seen as joke/unwanted by other players. I have a Concealment DPS Operative that no one will group with unless I re-spec her to healing. While my healer Operative hasn't run into this issue, and no one ever asks me to re-spec him to DPS.


    2. How do you perceive your own spec?

    Healer spec is enjoyable to play when a tank can hold threat. DPS was a lot of fun to play until it seemed like I hit a brick wall at level 50 and my damage was hit-or-miss against even regular PvE opponents. I honestly feel like the DPS operative needs a bit of reworking, as with the decrease in surge damage, we can't do much after our initial stealth break. And our rotations feel clunky due to the long cooldown on attacks like Shiv.

  4. I'm primarily a PvE-only player. So no idea how this class handles in the PvP areas of the game. That said, here are my answers.


    1. How do you think your Sentinel spec is perceived by other classes?

    Useful to have to fill a DPS role in groups, other classes seem willing to group with a Sentinel for all PvE content. I do, however, see some players commenting that their Sentinels are squishy in solo PvE.


    2. How do you perceive your own spec?

    I use Watchman and Combat on my Sentinels and both specs seem to have a fair amount of utility, and can handle PvE encounters in game.

  5. Honestly, only if I have time, and usually only with my healers.


    I don't like helping people out in the low-level FPs/heroics if I'm over levelled for it with my dps or tanks, since it's... not really fun to steamroll enemies. With my healers I at least feel like I'm not taking all the fun out of the instances for the low-level players. They're still the ones fighting and working through the challenges -- I'm just the cushion there to make sure they don't die in the process.

  6. I've made a few characters with non-purchased unlocks -- Mirialan Warrior and a Mirialan Inquisitor, plus a Pureblood Trooper. And then I purchased the Chiss and Twi'lek unlocks to roll a Knight and Agent respectively. I run into a lot of Chiss and Purebloods on Republic side (Chiss seems especially popular), but not a lot of Republic-species on the Imperial side.
  7. Sith Warrior (LS) was my favourite. The story kept me interested from start to finish. The Bounty Hunter (LS) and Sith Inquisitor (DS) storylines were enjoyable as well.


    I played my Imperial Agent past the beginning of chapter 2 before I had to give up on it - too many cover-related bugs :\ Which was a shame, the story was definitely starting to get interesting.


    Jedi Consular is kind of disappointing so far. And Smuggler still has yet to really grab my attention with it's story.

  8. So far I have a... 50 Juggernaut, 50 Mercenary, 50 Sorcerer, 32 Shadow, 32 Sniper

    24 Scoundrel, and an obvious problem with rolling too many alts.


    Not bored, still enjoying trying out the classes and questing. Although after getting three Empire characters to 50 I did switch over to Republic just to get a break from playing through the same planet questlines over and over (sadly, there are only so many times you can complete all main/side quests on a planet before it's painful to have to re-do one more time).


    It's been interesting seeing how the two faction planet storylines differ. But I do find endgame lacking so once I get to 50 I move on to levelling an alt instead of doing dailies.


    However, I'm not a part of a Guild, so I don't have any reliable people to group with for FPs or Ops, so I've never done any of them. So when I do, if ever, join a Guild... I guess there's those missed FPs to look forward to exploring. lol.

  9. -Did you bother with the romance options at all? Who, and why?

    (-Did you avoid the romance options? Why?)


    So far I've done all the romance options with my female characters. I'm a fan of the romance arcs. I find they add a bit more depth to my characters personal stories. So it's a little bit of a driving force (for me) to get through the class stories and see how the companion relationships work out. I've not been disappointed in them yet.


    It also adds a feeling of my characters not being alone and isolated in their journeys. They have someone to return to at the end of the day/someone to fight the battle by their side. Sure the companion friendships are great, but the romances just add something extra to it.


    The only character that I've rolled that hasn't pursued a romance option (or chosen any flirt options) is my Shadow. So far my Shadow seems to take the Code too seriously to ever consider a romantic relationship/encounter.

  10. One of the things I love about this game is the variety of companions. Some of them I really like, and others I dislike enough to leave them on ship maintenance duty almost always. lol. But there's always one or two companions who I find falling into my favourites category, and usually use them exclusively in-game.


    So far they've turned out to be:


    Sith Warrior ~ Quinn and Vette are my favourites here. My Jugg was Lightside, so these two just fit well with her mentality.


    Sith Inquisitor ~ Khem Val. He was an awesome shield/tank for my Sorc healer (accidentally aggro three large groups and two elites? No problem!), and his story evolution was interesting. By the end Khem was my go-to companion for pretty much every fight.


    Imperial Agent ~ Kind of undecided on this since I haven't gotten all companions yet!


    Bounty Hunter ~ Mako and Torian are probably top of the list. Mako was an awesome sister-in-arms through the whole story for my Merc. But I got to say most of the companions for the BH were great -- Blizz was way too likeable, Gault was amusing, and I had a hate-relationship with Skadge.


    All in all I have to say I had the most fun getting to know the BH's companions. But, so far, I'm finding myself undecided on the Republic companions. Maybe by the time I get one of them to 50 I'll have an opinion on them, lol.

  11. I think she's kind of pretty. I like the customization kit I have on her right now with the extra face jewellery and all. And her default is fine too.


    I'd probably like her personality if it wasn't at such odds with my IA, and she didn't constantly hit me with -1's and -30's in the convos she is around for, lol.

  12. Snipers are okay at close range, but they excel more at range. They do have knockbacks and stuns, and if you use your abilities appropriately you can survive and beat back a melee attack just fine. - If you time the abilities just right you can actually kill a melee attacker before they even get into range to attack you. But if they do get into range to attack, I just use a knockback and then slow them down (+ stun if I have to), and take 'em out.


    The only downside is that most (if not all) of the high damaging attacks a Sniper has are tied to Cover, so if you like kiting around in battle you would probably be better off with the more mobile-friendly BH. Sniper is also best at single targets, whereas a BH/Merc can take down a crowd faster.

  13. It can be challenging. I found it easy enough though if you pull the waves back far enough that the friendly NPCs engage them. Especially when you get to the droids -- pull back all the way to the tents if you have to, and let the droids target the NPCs for a breather.


    I did the quest with Quinn, had no problems with it after the NPCs actually started being useful. Just don't stand too close to the cave exit, otherwise you'll get killed in seconds when the two droids spawn. Pull your companion off "attack" and to "passive" when you're retreating back, and they should survive.... as long as their health isn't already down too low.


    And a bit of a spoiler on the waves, too -



    there are actually three waves. An elite droid spawns in the final wave after the two droids. So be ready!


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