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Posts posted by Tankqull

  1. its a common bug that happens regualary to chars being killed the moment they vanished (due to lag and latancy issues on server side this happens alot) most of the times one of his weapons are displayed and as vibroblades not being visualized ops and scoundrels are quite often entirely invisable while other classes are displayed as hovering weapons.

    so nothing to blame but the SWTOR coding.

  2. Oh, I know, but I still must be missing the boat on what makes them so good in a 1v1. I don't exactly do a lot of dueling, but the few times I have, they haven't been crazy-hard to deal with as Carnage.


    you cannot rupt dmg mitigation :)

  3. Sitation 3:


    You're minding your own business doing the dailies, you just wiped out every NPC near you and have no targets nearby. Some *sshole stealther appears out of nowhere, stunlocks you and bursts on you. When you're finally unstunned they disappear. You're only on 30% health now, and know they will reappear and burst again to finish you, but you can't smash for 10k to bring them out and balance out the fight because you have no targets. Basically you just go AFK for a second and wait for them to finish you off, because that's pretty much all you can do.


    so your either facing a shade/sin who will negate your smash with their shroud

    or an ops/scoundrel who wont vanish as suckerpunch/laceration will do the job anyway.

  4. Wenn ich sowas lese, es spielen also nur noch 7 PvP´ler auf JKS oder was ?
    sagte doch niemand aber und das kann keiner bestreiten ist spielerschwund immer lawinen artig ein zwei kleine kiesel bringen den ganzen hang zum absturz.

    ich nehm jetzt einfach mal meine gilde als kleines beispiel wir san 8 man davon ham sich 4 man eso angeschaut darunter die 2 nominellen heiler -> keine sinnvolle chance auf grp pvp für die 4 übrigen.


    Naja RIP JKS zum glück sind wir da weg.


    Falls irgendwann Serverübergreifende RBG´s laufen kommen wir wieder, aber vorher eher nicht, gerade wenn wir 15 Mann dann nur gegen uns selbst im rbg spielen würden.


    Also HF :-))

    und wenn ich mir so das geweine in den tofn threads und das krampfhafte bemühen soviel spieler wie möglich von andern servern anzulocken betrachte gehts auch da den bach runter.

    pvp lebt von der abwechslung und die stirbt einfach flächendeckend in swtor aus - und alles was jetzt noch seitens EA kommt ist einfach 6-12 monate zu spät leider.

  5. denke mal das zumindest am we ne menge das eso WE nochmal mitgenommen haben um es sich anzuschauen. das spiel ist nicht der heilsbringer aber macht in vielen bereichen wo swtor vollkommen versagte ne menge richtig. und das näher rücken von sommer (gerade die letzte woche mit fast 20°C im spätwinter) ist immer verbunden mit spielerzahlrückgängen spielen wie eso/wildstar mit der aussicht auf besseres pvp(open world im falle von eso und instanzpvp auf seiten von wildstar) dürfte gerade die pvp server massiv ausbluten lassen nach deren release und da viele ihre abos nicht überreizen wollen spekulier ich einfach mal das viele abos in den letzten monaten deswegen nicht verlängert wurden.
  6. well i dont see the problem



    you are in fight you opponent vanishes -> next target targeting someone else -> smash tada you hit him


    situation 2)

    you are entering an area that seems to be empty and want to check it via smash -> last attacker (who can be on the other side of the map) -> smash tade you´ve got the stealther or not ^^


    the only moment youl´ll get problems is when your last attacker is a stealther in an empty area and to be honest if he´s using a 2minute cd (sents maras are dmg imune anyway - so smash would pop them out of stealth) it should not be neglected by a 15sec ability...

  7. Out of all of the dps specs in the game, smash does one of the lowest damage-per-second parses on a target dummy over the span of 4+ min. If you go into most raid-boss-fights spec'd smash you will get kicked and/or audibly frowned/scowled at. Smash rarely gets anywhere in dueling tournaments. Many if not most of the top mara/sents on the solo ranked boards are not running smash. Smash juggs are not doing anything on the solo ranked leaderboards. The spec is not "broken".


    valuing smash potential by dummies is rubbish as they dont fight back. thus the centring generation is heavily reduced wich directly end in fokus generation problems wich heavily reduces the dmg output.

    while i can spam "mindlessly" focus consuming attacks in pvp because of never running out of focus i´m heavily falling back on the focus generating skills while hitting the dummy wich do crappy dmg reducing the dmg even further. while i agree smasch is not usefull in pve as both other dd specs of sentinels deliver more dmg while not beeing attacked the tides are turned heavily in pvp where anihilation is just useless and the reliabilety of gore/precission slash window is not guranteed smash is a wortthwhile singeltarget spec as its dmg can´t be stoped(carnage dmg without gore sugs outragous) only delayed.

  8. If the server is dead, then the PvP community needs to attract more people into PvP ! This is not entirely Bioware's fault !


    pve is as dead as well...

  9. Sorcs are still fotm - most popular class. Learn to use /who for your fleet and learn to count after that.


    do the same for sages and youll see a different result. so sorcs are fotm while sages are not... ?

    so i would guess the optical appearence is more appealing for sorcs but they are not OP...

  10. as every class has some rampup time a 3sec dmg imunity actually is some kind of god mode.

    if bw feel they are lacking defensive cd´s change ballistic dampners to provide 6 charges and get rid of the lockout timer. or add some %tual dmg decreasement after defensive screen/shield probe has been used (lets imagine 35%by defensive screen+30%ballistic dampners+20%scrambling field that should be enough of def-CDs)


    but the true problem of sniper/slingers in arenas is the fact of the map layout wich is extremly range unfriendly especial when they are as turrety as slingers/snipers. literally the moment you have LOS you are within melee range wich is a pain in the a*s for every range class. due to its mechanic the only more mobile skilltree is absolutly horrible in arenas as it prohibits any cc usage of your teammates beside stuns and snares.

    possible solution with implementation of the doubleclick GTAE is to change shrap bomb/corrasive granade to a gtae with 2.7 that way skilled players would be able to aply their dots on singel targets without delivering cc immunity for every enemy.

    another problem with 2.7 atleast in areans is losing of the ae-flash bang wich would need the pbae-knockback to have no cover prerequisite. and or an option to reset its reuse timer.

  11. its most correlia even though a view mods are on the voss vendor. 45 mods are somewhat overbolstered and provide (slightly)better stats then obroan equip.

    and obtain thge obroan relics they provide the biggest stat gain (6xx power and mainstat proc) of all items and you´ll need them anyway to hand them in for the next new equip step. (would be the only pvp items i recommend to purchase currently)

  12. Indeed, like in WoW if a Warrior should charge -or I anticipate the charge- and stun of fear or root the warrior would actually get dropped out of charge and the CC would land...Not in this game, in essence Charge in this game seems to be a CC immunity!


    nope the problem is the horrible net code that forces the coders to make the leap work different in this game than comparable moves in other games.

    the leap here is instantly calculated with the animation done afterwards its more of an instant port with a delayed animation. because of that your root has only two options to effect the leaper, right befor he leaps delaying his leap by 2sec (if its not the rage/focus spec leap that can ignore roots) or when he has arrived even though he issent displayed their.

  13. 1million damage on a gunslinger is only possible when your team has crappy DPS and their team has amazing healers. Then, the easiest way is when you are Dirty Fighting and spam your AoE 'nades. Competent players all around? 1 million will only happen when the opposing team has 4+ healers.


    If you are playing on a team that focuses on spread damage for pressure, then this is fine. Otherwise, your AoE damage does little to help your team.


    A healer with those numbers however is more than likely saving someone's life over and over and over.


    Apples are not oranges.


    nope healers gather their numbers in the same way dps do - the bigger the numbers become the more spreaded the heals are the less people have been saved from deaths as they have either not been focused or will have to release.

    so regardless if its dmg or healing the higher the value become the more fluff dmg and/or healing was done.

  14. I don't see many DPS classes hitting for over a mildo. I can instantly go spec heals and do that with little or no effort, assuming my teammates have a pulse. I've done it, and haven't even sniffed a mildo on any of my 5 DPS toons.


    Could it be the opposition? Maybe. Could it mean healing is out of whack? Yup, because my skill is my skill. It don't monumentally change because I Que with a healer, but my numbers most certainly do.


    doing a million+ on my gunslinger in every wz where my team is not completly dominated(or hutball). does that prove anything that dps are to strong or even that sniper/slinger dps is to strong compared to other dps? not at all (atleast from my perspective).

  15. The only ones who have strong issues with healers 1 v 1 were rage/focus specs and maybe Vanguard-correct if wrong about this one.

    im doing fine killing healers on my focus sentinel as their singeltarget dps is by for not that worse as proclaimed (3.8k combat vs 3.3 on focus... while singeltarget hps of all healers is around 2k while horribly burning power)


    vanguards have the problem that they quite heavily rely on dot dmg wich has absolutly no cleanse protection. and thus ther dps is heavily hampered.

  16. Range DD? Well lets look at Snipe? 1.5 activation, TT around 2K. About half what the big heal is in the same timeframe.

    its 1.5 vs 2.5 not to mention the possibilitys of making snipe instant...


    From my Sage healer, to my MM Sniper, all TT values are pretty damn close in magnitude if you look at two similar mechanics/timeframes. So if we throw all the "coordination" out the window, all we have left is me throwing rocks at you and you throwing the rocks in the river.
    yeah they are pretty much the same with 2-4 times the effective power consumption...


    This is very counter intuitive for a TIMED objective based WZ, but I now someone will just jump in here again and say I want to one shot healers in a vein attempt to make a point.


    Not saying you specifically Tank.....

    as i can understand your problem as you´ll need a equally played dd per healer to out dps them effectivly you can run into team compositions that are possible to generate stalemates where the ability to use the few cells between our ears start to be the key factor and not only pure brainless dmg races.

  17. I don't need to hide behind the vaunted L2P retort, though. Even the casters have cast immunity in addtion to all that cc you suggest to use against them to "shut them down". If a healer is being shut down by one player, they have the L2P issues..


    range dds have much more spell protection than any healer has.

    heals due to longer base ct are much more prone to setbacks, its easier and as the setback value is based on the base casting time 2.5-3sec for the big heals in opposiotion to 1,5 dd´s have the value being set back is much higher then on any other spell type.

    cc works in both directions and it does harm healers alot more than dd´s. i have shut down any healer i have faced jet to a point where he was doing nothing but trying to survive. and the same has happend to me by dd´s worth a shid as it is extreamly easy to shut them down if you know how they act (preferrebly by first hand expierience).

  18. At the end of the day, it does boils down to 1v1.

    Healers can facetank most of the DPS specs in this game, its not even about whether healers can kill you or not. If you cant die AT ALL, unless there is 2 or 3 DPS jumping on you and your teammates are mouthbreathers, then you have no hard counter.

    sorry but that statement clearly indicates a heavy l2p issues... no healer can face tank a dd for a longer time frame than 10-20sec because of defensive cd´s and cc. if you take that as a nerfing reason every class must be utterly nerfed.


    what is force heal? (not being sarcastic I have no idea what heals you are referrring to).



    regarding the value he lists its the big heal (underworld medicine, dark heal, delivereance, rapid scan and medical probe. as it is the only heal with a tt of ~4k.

  19. : Lila Makeb Mods und ab 55 entseht daraus ein PVE und ein zweites PVP-Set.

    auch wenn schon ein wenig zu spät aber



    Makeb modifikationen sind das schlimmste das man machen kann in punkto bolster da diese mit dem ersten bolster nerf komplett vermurkst wurden und einem fürchterliche stats im bg bescheren. das einzige was noch schlimmer ist ist das mischen von lvl 20 pvpwaffen exp verbesserungen mit grünen lvl11 mods. damit man ja nicht auf 8k tps kommt im bg :p



    Was mir persönlich egal ist, aus Gründen der Gerechtigkeit aber vielleicht doch eingeführt werden sollte: Keine PvP-Equip, kein Rated. Nur wer komplett Eroberer oder besser trägt, sollte sich dafür melden können. Mit PvP Zeugs wird man ja auch maximal im SM mitgenommen. Wobei ich auch dafür schon abgelehnt wurde, obwohl der DD ja angeblich so dringend gesucht wurde. Naja, so dringend kann es dann ja doch nicht gewesen sein...

    dann müsste vorher aber auch noch händler eingebaut werden die die fehlenden pvp/pve setbopnis für den jeweils anderen bereich anbieten.

  20. Tanks are not the issue in that combo. There is really no hard counter for healers, which is why that can function with or without a tank. There is no reason that healers shouldn't be subjected to debuffs as much as DPS/Tanks are subjected to. Healing effectiviness should be tied with tanks, not made damn near impossible to break (assuming similar numbers/skill from the enemy team).


    Nothing facilitates achieving objectives better than killing the other team. As long as static WZ nodes exists, healers should not ever have higher ratings over DPS. The reason to have a healer is to extend TTK, not prevent kills.


    sorry but thats absolutly wrong - in a pure comparison of Dmg to Healing every DD-spec out damages healers by far as the last ones rely to powerhogs known as casted heals to keep the attacked person alive (if your dmg out put as a dd is so low that you are not forcing a healer to use his casted heals the problem is on your side) as all DDspecs have a much better energy management than the healing specs. vs a DD knowing slightly what he is doing you run out of power inclusivly all powerregen attributs in less than 20sec. so healers are perfectly fine in terms of your definition. as the only thing healers do is buying some time where you hopefully start to outnumber your enemies.

    where that systems starts to get messedup slightly is when DCD and tanks come intoplay as your war of attrition becomes a comparison of better DCDs (lower cd etc [personaly i would get rid of all DCDs and replace them with far better DR of the defensive stats]) another problem is the frustration threshold of DD´s wich is extreamly low and leeds to constant usless target switches after a few seconds.

  21. Weird isnt it... but i don't know a single scoundrel/operative ability that hasn't caused massive QQ. Something about the class that really makes people hate them. I guess if more people would go lethality, it would drive people insane as well.


    I think healing wise Mercs/Mandos will be interesting, but scoundrel and operative still will be in an okish place probably. The nerf hurts and it makes them much worse in arenas (lack of burst healing), but still, they have the highest mobility and utility.


    Ofc we will have to see, how the changes work out, i guess for normal wzs not much will change.

    our burst healing hasn´t touched at all as 2-4k heal spam is no burst healing ;)

    what will be nerfed instead is the ability to buy some time for another healer to cast a usefull heal or to activate defensive CD´s enabling us to cast a heal.

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