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Posts posted by Unchainedboar

  1. i know this isnt the bug forums but i dont get any replies there...


    every character i log in a cant move outside of a like 6-8 meter radius around whre i logged in, there is just an invisiable wall... cant fast reavel or /stuck or travel t imperial fleet, i have no idea whats going on...

  2. what end game?


    Operations feel halfassed and rushed,


    "hard" modes are just rehashed content that are no where near remotely diffacult.


    PvP in its current state is a joke from class design/roles down to the valor system (that and no one likes huttball).


    i kinda got this feeling i tried an operation and when we finally were going to get the boss he despawned at 3%...

  3. Game is amazing leveling up, and also amazing at end game.


    <3 BW.


    idk i had my fill of warzones well leveling, there wasnt even pvp on illum.... and the raids wernt for me so i think this games end game just isnt for me, like i said i may come back to play another story though.

  4. i had a feeling the game wouldnt be much fun for me at end game, i played my sith warrior was an awsome experience loved the story, in the future i may come back and play another story but ive had my fill for now.


    story was awsome, makes me even more excited for Mass effect 3 and dragon age 3




    and idk why everyone hates on it, besides being very button mashy i liked dragon age 2





    long live bioware the gods of story.

  5. /sigh


    I remember a day when hardcore meant you knew how to play your class, not how to read some numbers some app throws on a screen. You had to sit back and do real math to calculate it all out cause it wasn't given to you in a handy tool tip


    If today's generation of "Hardcore" players had a chance to go back in time to when MMO's were hard they would suddenly understand that they aren't even close to all that.


    thats because when i started in wow my rotation was frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt, frostbolt



    you get the point, there wasnt much calculating to be done to be better, when you have 10+ abilities that have a potential to be part of a rotation you need something to find the optimal order and priority of these abilities.

  6. addons will be coming dont worry my friend and recount is not the "biggest" addon id be looking for more like something like DBM, grid2, clique. when i was in end level US 40 guild on wow i rarely even used recount tbh. its nice but not a real necessary thing in this game. bads usually show there faces long before you see them on recount. and if you cant weed them out before the app (gems,gear,spec,) for a trial then you have bigger issues.


    im not looking for recount to weed anyone out, i want it so i can improve my own dps, i cant tell that enless i have some way to compare numbers of certain specs to others.

  7. You do it the way real gamer, real hardcore players do it, without.


    You learn your class, you learn the encounters and you don't rely on a little meter patting you on the back.


    You learn to play the game.


    Worked quite well for many games for may years; no reason it won't work now. And if you DO - you will truly be hardcore.


    idc about calling myself hardcore or w/e i just like to play as well as i can and if i cant tell how much dps im doing how do i ever get any better?

  8. if the fights are truely challanging then i need a way to make sure im doing optimal dps and not holding my group back, if the fights are easy enough that optimal dps doesnt matter then does hardcore raiding just not have a place in this game?



    im just trying to figure out if this game has what im looking for, ive always really enjoyed hardcore raiding but after 7 years of wow im so bored of that game i dont think if they made the best raid they ever had it would save that game for me. But even though this game feels fresh as soon as i set foot in a flashpoint/operation i feel helpless not having any way to improve my rotation/dps.



    if any other hardcore raiders have an opinion id love to hear it.

  9. i go there once a day and it results in me and a republic guy trading 1 base till both our quests are done?



    is this really the mazing world pvp they talked about in their video's that i should be expecting and getting all excited for at lvl 50?

  10. well i hit 50 few days ago it was bunch of fun but i must admitt ive had no fun sence ive hit 50, i figure ill unsubscribe and cme back in a few months when they have some more stuff for endgame.


    i tried illum but it jsut resulted in me and a republic guy trading 1 base 15 times for the weekly...



    anyway gl guys ill be back in a bit!

  11. as with most epic rpg's when i got to the end of my stry in this game i was very sad it was over, as i was with kotor/dragon age/mass effect seems like the stongest part of this game is the amazing story and once thats over i know there is still 7 other stories i havnt seen.


    seems like most mmo's you are so glad to be done lvling that your just happy its over, in this game i was sad i reached max lvl and there was no more story to my character lol.



    but im just wondering what you guys think about that.

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