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Posts posted by Sizzle-Chest

  1. Sin tank here, and there are a few things I'd like to chime in with here.


    First, finding the healers is kind of a pain at the beginning of the match. One of the first things I do is inspect all of the potential healers. If I see "field medic's" or something, you're guarded. The problem I have is with sorcs. I see no consistent pattern with sorcs on which set they're wearing. I see dps wearing mystic's, heals wearing master's, and vice versa. Hell, I saw one sorc in full assassin pvp set once. Total nonsense!


    Second, when I ask in ops "is anyone a healer?", it's because a large percentage of our team are sorcs, and guarding one of them is a crap shoot. The trouble is, when I ask, I generally get no answer. However, this doesn't mean there's no healer. I've had plenty of games where I ask, get no answer, then start getting heals when the game starts. I have come to the conclusion that healers do not speak English, for the most part. That's all well and good, but you'd better not start complaining to me, in English, when you are getting a new mud hole stomped in to your face region by enemy players.


    Third, guard is not the only things tanks need to be doing. Taunt, damnit! At least with assassins, you have 2 taunts, on separate cooldowns. They debuff the target, they cause the enemy to switch targets off the healer (which with swtor's tab target system, is a huge deal usually), they get you lots of medals, and they're off the global cooldown.

  2. If the lag is server based, then we should all be seeing it, yes?


    I've been playing anywhere from 10-20 warzones a day for the last 2-4 weeks, and I haven't experienced it. The only time I had lag was due to my own connectivity issues, when I was playing via mobile 4g connection.


    And this is likely related to your action not occurring bug. Actions aren't "real" until submitted and accepted.by the server.

    All I can say is, most of the time, when I get these lag spikes, I ask in ops chat if anyone else experienced it. I do this because, I have had issues with my router before that caused lag spikes. I'd say 8/10 times, most of the other people will have experienced it too. I've even seen plenty of people give very specific details, like "Yeah, I had lag right after we planted the bomb on the second door.". A good portion of the time, I'll also see people saying stuff in the general chat about it.


    It honestly doesn't surprise me that some people don't experience these problems, though. Sometimes, that's just how these things work. It just doesn't happen to some people, until it does.

  3. These things definitely need to be addressed, fast and bad. The WZ, and interface lag issues were actually present before 1.3, but diminished, I believe, as server pops decreased. However, I believe the mass exodus was partly a direct result of the lag issues. Now that we're all on overpop servers, the issues are back. I'm afraid that, because of this, we may end up seeing another fairly large chunk of people leave.


    I'm beginning to feel like these threads, which make light of some of these issues, are beating a dead horse. I feel like some of these, what I feel to be, major problems will never be fully fixed. Let's hope I'm wrong.

  4. I'd support this. As a tank assassin, I need the armorings from the tank set (for the set bonus), and the enhancements/mods from the dps set. The absurd time investment forced me to compromise by getting a 2 pc set bonus for 1, and a 2 pc from another, which isn't really ideal. On top of that, each piece must be stripped so the armorings/etc can go into an augmented orange piece. The cost to strip each piece is roughly 135,770:sy_auction:. Then there is the cost of the orange pieces themselves, being 200,000 to 400,000:sy_auction: per piece.


    Really though, it would make sense to allow people to purchase only the armoring/mod/enhancement they need. It could cut a lot of unnecessary cost, and time investment.

  5. I have personally seen someone running around on fleet faster than I could move on my 110% speeder. He outright admitted it was a memory offset hack when I asked him about it. Memory offset hacks are one of the oldest, and most basic methods of cheating. It's the same type of system the Game Genie, and Game Shark use for console games. It seems like if any reasonably good anti cheat system was built in to the game, it could prevent a lot of this from happening. The thing is, I'm not sure there is ANY type of anti cheating system for this game. I could be wrong on that, but it seems like if there was, it should be easy enough for it to detect a memory offset hack.
  6. They definitely need some love. They don't have enough CC, or damage mitigating abilities to warrant their small damage output. Its only redeeming qualities are its game play is not nearly as clunky as the other two trees, and it makes a vastly inferior stealth mechanic slightly less inferior. As a darkness assassin, I have noticed the stealth's effective range is just about aggro range if you aren't stealthed at all. It is bad enough where blackout is absolutely necessary to use mind trap on a creep of the same level.


    Also worth note, darkness assassin damage output is very comparable to deception. The major difference is, darkness's survivability is far superior. Darkness/madness are about on par with some other classes as far as utility/damage output/damage mitigation ratio. Deception is rubbish as is.

  7. Because cross-server queues have been identified by the development team as harmful to server communities. As such, they are not adding it to the game.


    Source please?

    All I found was this quote.

    "Cross-server queuing for PvP is something that the development team wants to happen, but it's not going to be available in the near future" - Stephen Reid, Senior Online Community Manager


    I also found this...


    which says this near the bottom.

    Simoon: Will you be adding the option to choose what Warzone you enter a queue for?


    Gabe Amatangelo: Not until we introduce cross server queuing. If we were to allow players to choose their Warzone before they could queue across servers, then it would negatively affect how often every player would see a Warzone – and for every player that loves a certain Warzone there is another player that hates it. The population would end up divided by their Warzone choice, negatively affecting the time it would take for a specific Warzone to become available for anyone. With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server, but those players who choose specific preferences such as these will likely end up in a match with players in the larger Wargroup.

  8. I don't frequent the forums, so I don't know at what length this has been discussed already, but how is it that server transfer has made it in to the game before a cross realm queue system? It seems to me there are a few problems with trying to consolidate servers. First being duplicate names, which absolutely IS going to make someone angry. Second being you have the potential to go from a lot of under populated servers to a few over populated servers.


    It really seems to me these problems could be avoided (for now), and you could potentially earn back some players by installing this type of queuing system. The biggest complaints I have seen from players who have quit have been issues which could be easily solved by this kind of system. For example, finding PVE groups, or getting in to a PVP WZ in a reasonable amount of time.


    A cross realm queue system also has the potential to make PVP WZs a lot less painful. My two biggest issues with PVP are first and foremost queue times. Second, if there is a premade of players who vastly out gear, out skill you, or are just healer/tank heavy, you are very likely going to face that team over and over and over. This type of situation breeds frustration, and anger which is a bad business model. If your players are irritated, you're gonna have a bad time. People should be given a fair chance to face other teams, and be able to do so in a reasonable amount of time. This will be especially true when ranked WZs are finally launched.


    Sorry if this has been mentioned recently, but I just watched the patch 1.3 announcement, and only server transfers, and a few other things I think could have waited, were mentioned. Thank you for your time.

  9. The game already client takes advantage of any cores you throw at it.

    I'm sorry, but no. Balancing the load across all of the cores is not the same thing as multi-threading. As far as I can tell, the game can only take advantage of the capacity of 2 cores. This means there would be little or no performance difference between running 2 cores @ 3.8ghz, and 8 cores @ 3.8ghz.


    I believe your statement to be either misleading, or misinformed. If it is the case that the game is supposed to take better advantage of cpu cores, then you guys have a serious performance bug to look in to, and the fact it hasn't been patched by now is unsettling.

  10. Not really. The intention of any character design is to evoke some feeling from the player. And Bioware is excellent at character design -- whether it be the feelings of romance evoked by Bastila Shan or the feelings of murderous intent evoked by C2N2. :D


    I already have enough feelings of murderous intent doing level 50 pvp. Trouble is, this tosser droid will interfere with story lines too. I get on my ship for a class quest, the cinematic auto starts when I get close to the terminal, and that (*^&%(&^% ROBOT IS STILL RUNNING HIS DAMN MOUTH! *deep breath* :mad:

  11. You're most certainly no alone. There are numerous other threads about him. Keep in mind, though, that the character was pretty clearly designed to annoy the player.


    I think you're right, but it always struck me as being a very stupid idea to intentionally annoy your customers on a consistent basis. :confused:

  12. Am I alone in wanting to do terrible, terrible things to that frigging robot living on my ship?


    Funny story. A friend of mine, knowing how much I hate this robot, convinced me one day that there was an off switch on the robot's backside. When I got to my ship and checked, my friend proceeded to harass me relentlessly on vent for fondling the robot's ***.


    I really wish they would silence that git robot, or implement a way to toggle off his repetitive dribble.

  13. I won't lie, I've quit before. Really though, can you blame me? Being a fresh 50, and VSing the same high expertise premade, with 4 frigging healers, 5+ times in a row.


    I spend the entire match getting knocked out of stealth, stunned to death, and all the while chasing people who aren't anywhere near where my screen tells me they are. Screaming at the top of my lungs "WHY WON'T ANY OF MY ABILITIES EFFING WORK?!?". My guy just stands there for like 10 frigging seconds twirling his light saber like an idiot, acting like he is going to cast maul, but then doesn't. Then, the guy who you were behind, trying to cast maul on, is suddenly 20 yards behind you. FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU..........


    At this point, my blood pressure is damn close to giving me an aneurism, I have spit on my LCD several times out of pure disgust, and I'm ready to punch a hole through the screen. So excuse the hell out of me if me leaving the warfront hurt your feelings. You have to realize though that it probably just saved me $200+ on a new LCD, and possibly saved me from a stress induced death.


    In the end, my being there wouldn't have kept us from losing. But, if you insist on being pissy about it, take comfort in the fact that I didn't get any points from the match, I will consistently be put on teams where all of my team mates have similarly crappy gear as me, I will VS nothing but premades that vastly outgear me, I'll be lagging like crazy on a 20ms ping getting 60fps :confused:, and as a result of this mash of unfortunate circumstances, will not get my daily done this week.


    Have a nice day.

  14. Playing an assassin, I have 29 necessary key binds on my g13, 2 more on my mouse, and I still have more stuff that could be bound. As it stands, I simply do not have space to bind my relics, and quite a few situational pvp type abilities (throw the huttball, for example). Granted, I could consolidate much of this in the Logitech software, but it would be nice to have an official way to do this. I don't want to be labeled a cheater for using automation, or third party software to gain an advantage, and I really shouldn't be put in to a position where I would have to. Also, I don't feel I should be forced to buy a second $100 gaming device so I can key bind everything. Now, maybe some classes can be played with 4 keys, or whatever, but in my case I have a whopping 31 key binds, which I use every single one of, and I am put in a position where I am going to either going to have to consolidate using software, or spend $100 I don't have.
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