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Posts posted by HallowSoul

  1. Just a few suggestions that may even help you get customers.


    1. Togruta as a playable species- Ashara Zavros is there, so clearly they weren't exluded 100%. Why can't we use them?


    2. New Rarity- Add a new rarity of items that are like a dark green color. Make these items only drop in Flashpoints and have unique abilities that can't be found in Legendary items. Then make the drop rate like 2%-5%.


    3. Add a $15 non-subscription option- $30 is not always easy to afford at one time. Obviously this would be a 30 day option.


    4. Create XP events- Leveling up is time consuming and gets boring after a while. When people get bored they go play other games. Ex: A mission only done once a month for levels 20-25 that gives 10,000 experience and has only up to Elite regular enemies and a Champion boss. Now most people with play the lower level events since Champions are difficult to kill on the same level.


    5. No more bind on pickup- Binding makes people get stuck with items they either can't use, or trade to another character. Some times it is a significant loss when the item is worth a lot of credits on the Galactic Trade Network and you have to sell it to an NPC for like 85% less.


    6. Name change- Add a name change item in the Cartel Market. Make it about the equivalent of $5-$10.


    7. Larger Credit Reward- Without help, or a handout it is extremely difficult to have"enough" credits starting around level 15. This is even with doing side missions.

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