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Posts posted by Mishaman

  1. Just switched from Rep side and find the story and overall look of Imperial side, especially juggernauts, much better.


    Dinged 11 last night and have Vette as my first companion. I plan on mostly doing solo missions with some PvP and odd FP here and there.


    How viable is levelling in tank (immortal?) spec ? Would it be too slow ? Or is it comparable since i am thinking there would be less down time due to higher damage mitigation ?


    Any thoughts and suggestions are more than welcome.

  2. Hi guys sorry I cant decide which pieces to pick up. I am full Infiltration spec and plan to stay that way till 50.


    I love PvP at the moment and getting closer to 40. I am almost at 1000 warzone commendations so need to pick up a piece before the cap.


    So there are Eclipse and Solar Wrath pieces. i know that I shouldn't get Warden ones as they give defence bonus. Basically which stats are more important ? Aim ? Alacrity ? Or should I pick the piece with highest Willpower and go from there ?

  3. After levelling 8 characters to 20+ I must say that my Infiltration Shadow was the most fun to play AC.


    Just hit level 34 last night and trying to get better at PvP.


    So here is my question to all of you level 50'es Shadows(particularily Infiltration) getting close to the end-game content. how is your overall experience in pvP and PvE?


    How's infiltration damage and utility ? Are you desired in raids ? Do you feel adequate in PvP ?


    I hear Infiltration Shadow is very gear-dependent so I expect to get whooped in PvP for a while after i start, but is there a light at the end of the tunnel ?

  4. So when i try to sort all of the listings by "usable by me" nothing comes up. Same for my companions. Like I would pick armor>light>any>usable by me and nothing comes up. I can search with major criteria though. I have to sort through pages and pages of stuff to find items that I can use.


    And i know there ARE items that i can use but the sorting just doesnt work. Or am I doing something totally wrong ?

  5. Hi there,


    So I just started doing missions on Alderaan and at this point my gear is almost exclusively moddable. I am pretty happy with the look.


    What is more efficient, to buy entirely new legs and feet armor (just an example) using commendations or just get the best mods from commendation mods vendor and replace mods in the gear I already own ?


    I am still alittle bit confused with gear in this game.


    Thank you in advance.

  6. Hi guys, level 20 Sentinel Watchman here. First of all this is not another PvP QQ thread.


    I am just wondering if things are gonna get a little better once I hit 50 and start getting 50 PvP gear.


    Last night I played Void Star and once particular IA Operative kept killing me quite a bit. I Know they have a fantastic burst during their opener with a stunlock. I was dead in a matter of an opening Stun, and 2 maybe 3 GCD attacks.


    First time he caught me off-guard when I was fighting someone else, My HP was almost full but Rebuke and Saber Ward were still on CD. All I had was my ability to rispel CC (sorry forgot the name of it). I used it but either it didnt fire or Operative stunned me with something else, I still couldnt move and died.


    Second time he jumped me I had all me defensive CDs ready (so far I have 3 basically, 1 to ignore stun and two that allow me to reduce damage).


    So he opened with stun, I purged it and hit rebuke. That was all I could do. I was tunned again and dead in a fews seconds.


    Another time caught him in the open and put some hurt on him but 2 of his friends jumped to his help. We were up against a decent pre-made.


    So I was wondering, do things get alittle better with gear that has Expertise on it ? I know we get some more CC abilities of our own. Or should I always expect to get killed by an Operative just because its the way things go ? Do you guys find that at level 50 with a decent gear you can survive the initial storm and fight back ? Or do you still die before you can react? I am sure it is a l2P issue with me too.


    Again, not complaining here. I am enjoying the challange and love PvP. Particularily those rare moments when you manage to get a good 1on1 and get an assassin medal :)



    Here's my opener on most opponents:


    Leap > Overload Saber mid-air > Master Strike >Zealous Strike (to build focus) >Cauterize (talented so has slow) then Bladestorm and fillers, re-apply cauterize as soon as it falls off. Rebuke if focused on with riposte to reduce CD time on rebuke.


    But after playing a bunch of things I am beginning to think that maybe Cauterize after leap is better, most people would run away from me as soon as I leap (after the 2 sec stun wears off)



    Wow this turned into a long post, sorry. Any help is appreciated, Thank you guys.

  7. Hi guys, level 20 Sentinel (Watchman spec) here.


    So now that I have 3 companions (well the stewart droid from what I hear is nothing more than a mission runner) I am at a loss as to which companion to gear up.


    The astromech droid up till now did a decent job at tanking while my new companion Kira is a dps class. Both companions so far were neglected when it came to gear. I was trying to save commendations for my own Coruscant pieces.


    So here is the problem, i dont think it would be easy or smart to spread resources (planet-specific commendations) over my entire party and try to gear up both my droid and Kira.


    Is it true that Kira is much more superior and Sentinel should run with her ? So far i had no problem killing mobs with either companion but things are gonna get tougher pretty soon.


    Basically my character is my top priority for gear at this moment but I know that companion gear is important too. Should I use commendations on myself and buy some pieces for kira/droid on the market ? Etc...


    Guys, any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

  8. Hi,

    Level 18 Sentinel here


    When it comes to rewards quite often you have a choice of commendation or an item. So far most items were green with a few "orange" exceptions. Also sometimes the item is "companion-only"


    What do you guys choose when it comes to rewards ? So far i was trying to pick commendations so I can buy mods for my gear, but I did pass on a very nice "blue" core upgrade for my droid.


    Any help/ideas is appreciated.

  9. i levelled all 4 classes on republic to mid 10s right now.

    Friends convinced me to roll on a pvp server.

    My question is, how critical is open world pvp? i mean if i really wanted to avoid getting in fights is it doable or should I always expect that i will get in the fights/ get ganked ?


    Basically i am trying to decide if I should stick to levelling a stealthy AC (i have a smuggler and shadow) or if non-stealthy AC can hold their own.

  10. So, total newbie here. i am level 12 now and from what I've been reading so far I keep hearing about modifiable gear.


    At this point I only have an "orange" quality lightsaber that has slots for upgrades in it.


    So, is there an armor I could get that has slots in it a s well so I can keep upgrading it over time to keep up as I level ? If so, where can i get it ? Can I buy it, build it or get it as a quest reward ?


    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  11. Hi, can't find a thread about this anywhere.


    What are the most important stats for a Defense Guardian? I play a good mix of PvP and PvE and right now only a level 12 but I have already came across some gear that i couldn't decide on. For example one piece had more endurance but less strength and the other piece was exact opposite.


    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  12. i am level 14 now but during questing on Hutta was only able to collect 6 Hutta commendations. I still have a couple of quests left there.


    I took a flight to Dormund Kaas (sorry if i spelled that incorrectly) and now can't find my way back.


    I checked the hangar in Imperial Fleet area and the only flight path is to Dormund Dormund Kaas.


    Is there any way to get back to Hutta ?

  13. Hi folks,


    my characters are on Helm of Graush server, I started there during the early access. The queue times are pretty bad so far.


    Do you guys know if the situation might improve ? I am loving my BH and determined to level him all the way to 50. I am just worried that I am gonna spend all this effort and then realize that I should have switched to a lighter population server.


    Any thoughts ?

  14. Hi there,


    My game runs smooth everywhere even WZs but as soon as I enter a Jedi Palace or a Hutt Palace my FPS drops quite a bit.


    Any idea why ? I could try lowering my graphics quality I suppose. Just weird that it only happens in those two places ( I only have a BH and JK)

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