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Posts posted by PalihoJ

  1. This whole conversation should be irrelevant.

    There are 3 bases, 3 for heaven's sake.


    If your team controls 1 base and you are at another....presumably fighting to cap it......you should easily know where your single controlled base is in relation to you. In the unlikely event that the team holding 2 bases sends a guy or two out to cap your single base any call of 'HELP!' or 'Ahhhhh!!!!' should allow you to take off in the correct direction. If you don't know that direction you have bigger problems than we want to address here.

    Personally in this situation I always keep 1/2 an eye on the hp of the guy defending our one base just in case he's one of those that like to excite things up by calling inc at the spawn point.


    If your team holds 2 bases, you are guarding 1 and you see 'HELP'....immediately you think, are we fighting to hold this base? Yes - Keep fighting, No - then the other base needs help. As above if you can't find the other base you control you have bigger problems than we want to address here.


    If your team holds all 3 bases...well I won't go on as if you get into that situation you know what you are doing or they are so bad that if they do cap one you'll quickly get it back.


    I know I've over simplified it a bit but the tl;dr version......use your map and your brain.

  2. Premades ruining non ranked warzones? Hmm no if premades didn't queue for warzones there wouldn't be half as many pops as there are now. You just need to stop this "solo player" crap suck it up and group with people and form your own premade (shocker I know grouping with people in an mmo)


    Now shut the **** up about premades already /yawn.


    I would have used different words and probably taken 1/2 of a page but in essence I agree with this.

  3. lol you must be crazy... we play for fun, this is videogame ...

    ppl queue and leave the game when they want... why punish them when they pay for the game?

    and when i queue myself with team,and i dont like their playstyle or map, there is no point stay there next 15 minutes ... just insta quit and new queue, why not? every minute in the game must be fun, do you watch the movie in the tv everytime to the end, if you dont like that? ppl are free ... so dont create threads like this, do us favor ...

    It's not a simple are you are stating, it is actually a complex issue that is difficult to solve.

    Yes it is a game and the main point of it is fun, but there is no fun in having a stream of quitters pushing your team onto the back foot in a WZ just because the WZ is not exactly to their liking. If everyone had that attitude PvP would quickly become unplayable.

    I tend to avoid playing early in the evening or during the day at weekends as this problem seems more prevalent then.

    and when i queue myself with team,and i dont like their playstyle or map, there is no point stay there next 15 minutes ... just insta quit and new queue, why not?

    Why not? As I said if everyone had the same attitude most WZs would become a conveyer belt of players and utterly unplayable.

    do you watch the movie in the tv everytime to the end, if you dont like that?

    What if your friends, gf or wife were watching the movie with you and enjoying it? Would you turn it off, walk out, or stay with them?


    ppl are free ... so dont create threads like this, do us favor ...

    People are also free to have a discussion about issues in the game, so I would put it to you that next time you do us a favour and think about your reply before you post.


    I have to hold my hands up...I don't have a solution. A deserter debuff may work but may not for the reasons I stated in another post. If you penalise base campers etc. you are also penalising genuine defenders. It's a toughie.

  4. Until premades and PUGs are separated in the queue, there's no point to a leaver penalty. You'll only make queues even longer.


    And you think that seperating the PuGs from the premades will not have that effect only worse?


    Yes there a quite a few premades around but not enough to sustain a decent WZ queue, so those people would be penalised for doing what an MMO should be all about...grouping. Obviously if the number of premades is large enough to be a problem for PuGs removing them would also impact on PuG queue times.


    I do both, if I am playing in the mid evening I group with my guildmates, if I have been out and I am playing later I PuG.

    I have the attitude that when I am grouped I am playing an organised WZ pulling out all the stops to win, a little like RWZ.

    If I am pugging I can quickly ascertain the type of WZ it will be and change my attitude to fit, if the PuG is full of Rambos running around like idiots trying to rack up the DPS score I just have fun and try and get a bit of practice in without worrying too much about the outcome. If we are up against a well organised premade I just see how it goes without getting to worked up over the result. If my PuG has some objective focused players and we are up against another PuG I do all I can to help out in the team.

  5. I think a 15minute deserter bebuff could work, that said I believe people who have the 'quitter' attitude would stop bailing and instead start;

    Base camping in ACW and NC,

    In VS, run around but do nothing or even worse take up a solo door defence but let them cap or

    Standing on thier own goal ledge offering a leap target in huttball.


    Same end result.....a frustrating defeat, maybe better the quitter did quit and you may get a better replacement before too much damage is done.

  6. I was thinking cartel coins should have a gift button,so you may send a friend some coins.


    who could i contact to get that idea to developers or whoever would do that?


    Why not just buy your friend some items and send them over?


    If they are F2P you can buy them some unlocks to help them get more out of their f2P experience.

  7. If I spend 2.5 hours playing in your open world battle.....what do I earn for this time?

    Far too many people have this attitude to make any open world PvP viable, people seem to need incentives to do it and whatever incentives the Devs come up with will never be enough. If you want to earn something for your 2.5 hours go out and get a job (or do some overtime) or take up a hobby that produces something tangible.

    Fun this is a game after all you know they started originally as something enjoyable to waist time on.

    In the same token far too many MMO players have forgotten this fact, the forums are flooded with rants about how this bug costs me 0.025674% DPS on a raid or there's too much CC in PvP or this is not working to maximum efficiency, since when did playing a computer game turn into a serious business?

    People just need to chill out and play for fun.

  8. I see the forums are still patrolled by the Biodrones....




    I really dont want to see SW:TOR crash, i tried to keep our guild going as i love the lore of the SW universe. It was impossible though, IF the SSSP is good i may rally the troops to return.


    I was going to try to compose an intelligent counter argument but really couldn't be bothered.....I have more important things to do in my REAL LIFE (ever heard of that) and you don't warrant the effort.


    All I want to says is please don't feel the need to return, and definitely don't be bringing more people with your attitude along with you...better for all involved if you just continue to sit around with your online buddies stroking each other's e-peens about your latest in game achievements and laughing at us losers going about our daily lives interacting with real people, making real life achievements then getting around to playing our retarded little computer game for a bit fun and light entertainment.

  9. There are several ways to address, the best would be to have various levels of WZ, which I wish they would do for under 50 based on level since a new level 10 is owned by anyone who is lvl 30 or above since they have the abilities which the lvl 10 hasnt unlocked yet. Again make it three tiered, first tier is mostly Recruit gear, second tier is mostly Battlemaster gear, third tier are the folks like me on my sage where I am rolling War Hero with the augment slots filled. Then you get competitive games and that is what I enjoy instead of steamrolling or being steamrolled.


    The other issue is make the arenas for the pre-mades and make them worth it to them. I am hoping that it is a result of the Arena system being broken that is pushing the premades over to the pug WZ not just a wanting to face roll through. I know I could be wrong but if it is the latter then the game has already failed and we are all in trouble when it is only geared groups going at it in the WZs since they are going to cry a river when they cant faceroll.

    I agree a little with some of what you are saying but totally disagree with the bit I have quoted above, as soon as you start splitting out people into different tiers the queue time will shoot through the roof so less people will queue and you are into a vicious circle.

    Level 10 to 49 is fine...yes when you are lower levels you do feel a bit less capable because of the limited number of abilities but you should still be able to contribute to the team, everyone has been there many times and will be again. To put it in perspective try comparing low level PvP in this game to low level PvP in another very well known MMO where, until you get resi at lvl70, quite often you are dead before you even know you are in combat due to fully loomed stealthers.

    As for splitting out level 50s by gear levels....currently you can go from new lvl50 to full BM in 7 or 8 days. How long will that take you if you have to wait much longer for WZs to pop due to you only queuing with other recruits, and you will still have the problem of premades.

    Gear does make a difference there is no denying that, between two similarly skilled players it will give you the edge, however I think the impact of gear is very often overstated....WH gear does not turn a bad player good and recruit gear does not make a good player bad.

  10. we need even LESS of these damn heals.


    Premade teams with helaers are just impossible to deal with as random team. Way to unbalanced and its the damn heals that ruins the gameplay. You can spam attacks all day, but they always outheal you.


    So retaarded system, make heals slower, smaller, or longer CD or even only once per combat, so we get same balance ingame.




    Thanks but I die enough in WZ as it is...with less healing potential the kill rate would increase so would the amount of time spent returning from the spawn point = very boring PvP.


    I have 4 lvl 50s (2 DPS, 1 tank and 1 healer) and PvP nearly all of my game time on these, and although I am far from an experte IMHO the healing potential is about right, yes tanks do get badges quite easily and DPS well they DPS......I'm afraid you are going to have to get used to those WZ that come round now and again where as a healer there is nothing you can do, either due to stupid team mates not using ther own survival techniques or because the enemy just are better players or better geared. Quite often though you will be on the winning team owning an opponent.

    The main issue for me is organised premades playing against Pugs, but that is only down to players grouping up and there isn't much the system can do to stop that unless you start queueing them seperately which wrecks the queue times.

  11. It looks like a completely different game.


    I have recently upgraded, not the same machine as yours, and said eaxctly the same as you.


    I went from 20(ish) fps on lowest graphics settings out in the world to 70-80 fps in WZs with everything maxed out, so I went out and bought myself a nice new HD screen to go with it and it really does look like a different game.

    I find myself leveling alt that I had left just so I have a good reason to go out and see the galaxy in this whole new light lol.

    Enjoy your new laptop and your 'new' game.

  12. We as responsible subbers must fall into line with EA's plan.....

    We must rush out and buy lots of cosmetic crap with our coins so lots of the easily lead F2P players will stare at us all starry eyed wondering 'how can I get such wonderful items' so they end up subbing to more easily get said items, as well as being able to play more than 3 WZ as week or do operations.


    Don't get me wrong I know F2P models need to make money somehow and on the whole I think this one is a half decent package I just think they are being a bit tight in some departments and this cartel coin thing for the subbers.....well IMHO our toons may as well be walking bill boards.

  13. How about this... in Huttball, I see a teammate get the ball. He runs the wrong way and drops down into our pit. "Ok", I hear you thinking, "So what? That happens all the time". Well, as I'm trying to type "wrong way!" into chat, I see him run up the ramp to ground level. I think he's realized his mistake and is turning around, but no, he goes up to where the health spawns, and then just waits there. Enemy kills him soon after. Same guy gets the ball a few minutes later, and runs to the exact same spot, and again waits there until killed. I'm still trying to figure out what he thought he was doing.


    'Course, that entire match I don't think anyone else from my team ever even got to their side of the map, so maybe he just though we weren't supposed to go to that side? :rolleyes:


    Sounds to me like he had mates on the other team or he just needed one more WZ for his daily and wanted to get it over ASAP.

  14. Quit complaining, if you expect players to respect other players in online gaming then you're thinking unrealistically.


    I don't think respect is the right word, there are very few people I know through online gaming that I respect and the ones I do respect it is more down to what I know about them in their real life that I respect not how they conduct themselves online.

    However it's not too much to ask for a little common courtesy, as one guy has already said there are many keyboard warriors around, the sort of people who rage endlessly and get really nasty in game chat for little to no reason when if they were face to face they wouldn't even look you in the eye let alone open up with the abuse they throw out through their PC .

    What helps me laugh them off is the thought that most of them will be morbidly obese 40 year old virgins sitting in their bedsit amongst a cloud of BO and piles of empty pizza boxes and red bull cans.

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