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Posts posted by Gamersixtwoone

  1. Doing a "Scheduled" downtime in PRIME TIME is a recipe for failsauce. Do your updates at 3am or something, NOT right when a huge section of your playerbase are getting off of work and want to play the game! :mad:


    Really? Dad drop a baby bottle on your head as a baby?

  2. That makes sense. I think I initially got the quest around level 24/25 and was able to complete it @ 27 while the quest is 30.


    I had a feeling level was the problem, But I didnt know the quest was tied to Mako's affection. I've been showering her with gifts from Slicing. lol.

  3. You need to go see Carteri in the Cantina in the Lower Promenade for this quest...


    I had a tough time finding him and eventually gave up. Got a few levels and found myself in the Cantina at level 27. Boom, There he was. Just standing there. Completed the quest.


    Now... I also had a tough time finding my way around Nar Shaddaa (I hate this place) so maybe I missed him initially...? Anyway, That's my story...

  4. Sorry for the "little bit offtopic question" but someone mentioned here that the skills of the companions will be added.


    Is this really true ? I have never read something like this.


    "...1st companion gives +5 Cyber Tech and +15 Slicing.

    2nd gives +5 Slicing and +15 Underworld Trading

    3rd gives +5 Armor Tech & +15 Slicing


    thats a total of

    +35 in Slicing.

    +15 in Underworld Trading

    +5 Cyber Tech

    +5 Armor Tech.



    Please comment. Thank you.


    I have seen that this was wrong. Every skill exists only 1 time per class and over all companions. So a summing up is not possible.


    Even if they could all be summed up, The numbers are wrong.

    Companions & Skills: http://www.swtor-spy.com/companions/

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