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Posts posted by DoctorHorse

  1. @OP: What? Did you even look at the body types?


    There's 4 body types for females, you can select them at character creation.


    1 - skinny

    2 - slim/athletic

    3 - muscular/steroids kind of body

    4 - fat


    you can pick body type 4 if you want a fat female.


    problem solved!



  2. One of the main reasons I switched from my Trooper to Bounty Hunter was this ability. I find its sound, as well as its animation (but especially the sound) damn annoying. Would love to play my Trooper again but I really don't like that constant zzzzzzzssssssssssssss-blobb zzzzzssssssssss-blob zzzzzzzzzzzssssssssssss-blobb. :jawa_mad:


    Ok, could play as Assault Specialist but the damage is far inferior to Gunnery. :jawa_frown:


    Is there a way to turn off the sound of single abilities? Maybe via .ini files?


    And what do you think about the sound and animation?


    Regards :jawa_biggrin:

  3. Pretty stupid, just because Tracer Missile/Grav Round does too much damage, doesn't mean overall BH/Trooper damage is good. Sniper/Gunslinger, Sorc/Sage and Marauder/Sentinel damage is higher.


    So if they nerfed TM/GR they'd have to buff other abilities of BH/Trooper to make the class less of a one button spammer but not reduce the overall damage.


    Or they're indeed listening to the PvP crybabies who go all emo when they see a BH/Trooper spam TM/GR on them (even if it kills them slower than other classes...) and make a nice kneejerk nerf to the class, which is what Blizzard usually did with WoW classes. And it sucked having your class changed every single patch because of PvP balance.


    I expect BW to do better than that.

  4. Let me start by saying that I'm a huge fan of BioWare games: I grew up with the Baldur's Gate series and still find them the best games I've ever played, and I played them like a maniac. :D (Actually I still play them from time to time...) Also a big fan of the Neverwinter Nights and Mass Effect series.

    I also greatly enjoyed the leveling process in SWTOR, especially on my trooper. Loved the story, the armor designs, the voice of Jennifer Hale. :o By the way, the moment I realized that Grey DeLisle, who voiced the lovely Viconia in Baldur's Gate I & II, also gave her voice to the female bounty hunter, I rolled one and played that to 50 too...

    Ok but enough of that.


    Currently SWTOR gets a lot of negative criticism, mainly for a lack of good 'endgame' content, or for the hero engine which seems to cause performance problems for a lot of players. (Myself included to be honest) I think these topics have been discussed a lot and BioWare should be aware of these issues by now, so I don't want to add anything to that.


    What's been going through my head a lot lately is something else, about MMOs in general. And that's just my opinion, I don't presume to speak for anyone else, though I've discussed this with my guildmates and they feel the same way, but that's it.


    I've been asking myself why I can play games like Battlefield 3 or Super Mario Kart 64 on the same map/track for hours upon hours without getting bored of it, while in MMOs I'll do an instance/dungeon/flashpoint until I've got all the items I need from it and then never set foot in it again.

    Well the answer's easy. Because the gameplay itself, in almost every MMO I've played so far (there's one exception, I'll come to that...) is dull, slow, unimaginative, incredibly easy and thus quite boring.


    Why am I saying that. In other games, gameplay is much more reactive and fast paced. You might be able to jump (yeah you can do that in MMOs too but it's rarely useful), duck, dodge hits, roll away from hits, actively block hits. You might be able to aim yourself and constantly adjust and improve your aim. In MMOs, you're locking on a target and then you simply push numbers and letters and combinations thereof on your keyboard to fight. You might have a set rotation of abilities or one where you're using abilities by priority and that's all there is to MMO combat. Ok, sometimes there is fire on the floor and you have to move out of fire so it doesn't burn you. Exciting. :p


    And that's combat in seemingly every MMO these days. I will not repeat an instance once I've got the gear from it because the combat in itself is so damn boring. And what do I need the gear for? To do more of the same combat.


    This problem became very apparent to me when I tried out DDO (Dungeons & Dragons Online, an MMORPG). Now this is not advertisment for DDO. I stopped playing DDO for other reasons, and I'm not saying that DDO is a better or worse MMO than other MMOs or SWTOR in particular.

    However, in terms of combat, DDO took a different approach than other MMOs. As a melee combatant, you have to actively block/dodge/roll away from enemy attacks, when you attack you simply swing your weapon in front of you and hit whatever IS in front of, not what's in your target. Enemies wouldn't just stand there getting hit, they'd try to move around you, try to hit you in the back and you'd have to adjust your position constantly to avoid that. If a ****** ogre performed a special attack, you'd better roll or jump to the side to dodge it or you'd end up a pile of goo. This kind of reactive gameplay was a lot of fun and I wondered why other MMOs don't go a similiar route.


    If the gameplay in other MMOs like SWTOR, Rift, WoW, was more reactive, more twitchy and fast-paced, I think it would eliminate a lot of boredom that people have with 'endgame', you wouldn't just do a dungeon for the damned gear, you'd do it just for the fun of the combat.


    Now I want to repeat that this is just my opinion and if I used words like "you" and "we" I did not mean to speak for anyone else but simply used them for grammatical purposes. I'm saying that because I noticed that people on these forums are very sensitive towards that. Also my native language is not English. Sorry about that!


    Anyway, what do you think of gameplay in MMOs? Do you feel the same way, do you think you'd enjoy faster, more dynamic and more reactive combat?

    Do you think that's worthless, is it unimportant to you?




  5. I noticed the characters under the mmojunk logo. All WoW classes right?


    Or is that middle guy Malgus? Oh no. UD DK. So All WoW.




    Uhm no, it's from left to right: Pandaren (Warcraft in general), Barbarian (Diablo III), Darth Malgus (SWTOR), female Norn (Guild Wars 2), and some Knight person from Rift whose name I forgot.

  6. I've heard that with patch 1.2 we'll be able to remove modifications (armoring, mod, enhancement) from raid armor and put it in orange gear.


    So, let's say I've got these raid pants that look absolutely terrible (yeah I'm a bounty hunter) but the stats and the set bonus on them are nice. I can now transfer the armoring, mod and enhancement from the raid pants to some good looking orange pants.

    But how do I transfer the set bonus? Is the set bonus attached to the armoring? Or will there be an additional modification slot for the set bonus?


    Do we know yet how it will work?

  7. I suppose BioWare can't cater to everyone's needs. They put in the game what the majority of people want, not the minority.


    If they added another body they'd also have to make new armor animations and maybe widen the doors in Starships etc.


    I also doubt that anything fatter than body type 4, which really is fat enough already, would be able to do more than 10 seconds of combat without being completely out of breath. While we could also argue that body type 1 would experience problems of a different nature in combat, being very fragile and all, it's still more plausible than a lightsaber rattling Rosie O'Donnell.

  8. Not like armor was better looking in WoW though. IMHO they all do the same mistake... make the armor as flashy and extravagant as possible, when it would look much better to wear something simple yet stylish.


    That's what I love about the trooper. Just some nice white military combat armor, and they're the best looking class in the game.


    Always hated the glowing armor/light effects on all the gear in WoW. We are not damned lava lamps... I pray that armor in SWTOR will at least never have glow effects.

  9. I played a Trooper to 50 and now switched over to a BH.


    Thought the Trooper story was better and the armor, as well as the rifles/assault cannons look amazing.


    However I couldn't stand the animations. Grav Round looks horrible and there's an annoying delay between its animation and the damage impact. It feels like you're lagging all the time.

    That was the sole reason I switched to BH.


    BH animations seem much more fluent. I find the armors ugly as hell though, apologies. :(

  10. My apologies if there's already a thread. I couldn't even find the search function. :confused:


    I was wondering what impact your Alignment has on your character or the game in general.


    Is it important or more interesting for your gameplay to reach the next tier in your Alignment?


    Does it have any influence on companions?


    Does it change your character's appearance somehow?



    Right now I'm playing somewhat of a hard-*** Trooper and I'm always very nice to kids, women and the weak, but absolutely ruthless and sometimes cruel to the bad guys. This puts my aligment right now at Light 850 and Dark 950 or in other words -100, and to reach the next tier in either Light or Dark I'd need to have +1000/-1000.


    So I was wondering if it was better for gameplay to concentrate on really being a meany through and through or a saint, or if it's just as good to be neutral.


    Thanks for any insight.

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