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Posts posted by TrueEquality

  1. ultimately you're never gonna be able to prevent trolls from getting on you, wether you're good enough or not, just like society, ranked is full of tribalists (cults) and psychopaths, people who try to manipulate you into playing bad by belittling or to put them on some creepy *** pedestal, if it were up to these .... ranked would pop for like 1 hour of the day then be dead for the next 23, they really should just push people to q granked and stick with that, sometimes is tough love, sometimes is delusional expectations and sometimes it's ..... the world is hellish enough as it is, sometimes i wonder why would i choose to be around and listen to these ughs by choice :)
  2. so ya i'm pretty sure mara/sent deals with toxicity the least followed by op/scoun and to a lesser extent sage/sorc heals, i didnt think much on this but ya u cant go wrong with these classes to prevent being under the mircrosope of psychos while playing mediocre, at least on my server if you queue pub side you don't have to hear the psycho babble in fleet chat :)
  3. I wonder why is this? What makes the euro server so much better for ranked? It's exactly the same as NA, right? As far as how it's set up etc. What's your take on this?


    probably has something to do with the society they live in, I'm sure ego is part of the equation, couple reasons i can come up with off the bat are of maybe over compensating for something, a combination of, they get lost in their persona for taking as much of the piece of pie left for the little people as possible/or what they deem enough, or they are making up for the fact that the sick full blown capitalist society they are living in is eating them up and spitting them out ie. making them feel like they are useless. also maybe some things that cause division on NA servers are a combination of delusional people thinking they are good enough and aren't or people sometimes have way too high of expectations of what is good enough , just a lot of imbalance, obviously there's still a lot of down to earth people but the closer we are to hell, the less those people exist :)

  4. maybe i'm a lil too hasty, the masses do need to b appeased if their growth is what is most necessary to better the world, if that is the case more so in this instance then bioware sees the truth, or something like that, by masses in this instance I mean the majority of swtor players or the ones who need to b catered to/babied due to ego, I kinda lost my train of thought near the end but I guess it's good enough :):)
  5. imo don't pvp too much till you get a lot of your new skills, go to the trainer select all and it will show you what levels u get certain skills, when u notice a level where the new skills start to come few and far between then start to pvp a lot, oh and google guides for your class and for pvp, dulfy.net is usually the best :)
  6. Hopefully somewhat skilled 208's don't run big try hard pre mades in lowbies, lowbie noobies should b aspiring to hit 70 and get geared so they don't count, peeps without expansions who can't hit level cap should research best in slot bolster gear for their level, ok i better stop before i start speaking on things i know nothing about :)
  7. i'm rethinking it a lil, if u like to play alts and mainly pvp then u should have one or 2 mains at 70 in not too bad of gear then slowly level alts in lowbie pvp, lowbie pvp takes awhile to get to 70 and if u have lots of alts it should take a lot of time and if you don't know how to make credits or cant buy cartel market shiot to sell I suggest u search credit making guides in a search engine and keep researching to your hearts content, making creds isn't too hard especially if by the time u start getting the non main alts to 70 the prices will start to drop as your credits accumulate. Is just another side of the argument, I'm not sure what ima do next though, is whateva for me in my life/cirumumstances atm , well I say that now but I'm sure ill prob sing atleast a lil of a different tune on my days off, :)


    p.s. u can argue that lowbie pvp is a nubfest but u can still get an ok focus exercise if u adapt to it, every game is different, oh and I forgot to mention I know the top tier armorings with the set bonus r also a cause of imbalance but I don't have the energy/know how to touch that atm :)





  8. is it a coincidence I mostly only notice it happen with try hards? :) could b cause they use more of their skills which could cause lag I dunno, and they r usually the ones that have a good chance to score, this post wasn't just about huttball btw, also peeps near death, I'm not implying trying hard is bad btw, oh and I hope I didn't imply this happens a lot, some days it does, could mean some hackers r queing at a similar time as u or just a buggy day :)
  9. In mid bracket regs I've noticed it a lot today, the character stays in one place moving rapidly side to side in just a 1 metre radius, they show as right beside you but is actually not even in range anymore, u could maybe argue peeps with the ball and peeps about to die usually have a lot of characters near them which could cause lag based on bad internet/computer/game engine, I personally think my computer/internet isn't too bad, I dunno, just bored so I'm posting this, if is some sort of lag switch though, some of the time at least, that would b very sad :)
  10. Has anyone thought of the variable that pubs may be more into pve (atleast non 65 operation pve) than pvp overall, compared to imps, which would mean they would have more alts. maybe they are still leveling their alts as oppose to doing end game pvp, that can make a partial difference in atleast regs balance scale imo. so many variables come into play in life overall, it's mind boggling :)
  11. Things can change in time, maybe some peeps have pub mains and imp alts they haven't leveled yet so once they level their imps, maybe they will start to lean towards the underdog faction which would help to even things out. i know in the past i myself have played one faction more than the other because they were the underdogs overall or at least during the times of day i usually played :)
  12. No, I just try my best with the tools i have to take care of myself and to make the world a better place because every little bit helps, I do realize depending on the circumstances it's "sometimes" best to shut your mouth if you don't have the tools to chime in on a situation/subject because it can make things worse, hopefully with time all of us can be better and better in those aspects :)
  13. i figured what i wrote probably wasn't associated with the meaning of your post but i also thought maybe there was a small chance that was your way of jokingly telling people to kill themselves, then I figured why not share my opinion, could help some people and in the process it could help me at least a little with expressing my thoughts in written word which in turn could help with my spoken word or something like that, oh and you're welcome? :)
  14. I have heard you wanna think of the letter "U" when thinking of how much salt consumption you should have, i have heard it's best to have not too much and not too little, you wanna be in the bowl shape of the "U", left side is too little, right side is too much. Your proper intake is probably determined by maybe how much you sweat and maybe your age, health, and genes. Supposedly certain types of sea salt are the best bet. I'm not too sure about all this though. i have also heard no salt at all is best, so do research if you are interested in this kind of thing, use google or some kind of search engine, but the hard part is to weed out all the false bias opinion, harmful propaganda and bad science (basically false info), oh and if possible find a truly smart doctor (well at least somewhat truly smart, humble and aware enough to recognize their weaknesses too) in aspects related to his/her job, easier said then done i know, try your best :)
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