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Posts posted by MUFanatic

  1. I welcome convenience. I just don't welcome the cross server aspect of the tool. It should remain for that server. What happens is similar to a mob mentality. You may not be a jerk if it was a server wide thing but when you are essentially anonymous you are more likely to do things that you wouldn't normally do
  2. Hey i'm just curious as to how many people are playing their characters with a light sided focus (Republic or Empire). In my experience with other players, granted a very small number out of the player base, I have been the only person I've seen playing with a light sided focus. I am a Sith so that has an affect on this but I've also noticed on my republic alt the majority of people i've played with playing the dark side as well.


    Edit: Spelling

  3. The announcement that BW is now going to do cross server lfg and pvp has added more joy for the game for me! i was close to quitting before i heard of these changes

    It is amazing how bioware has turns a me a dissatisfied customer into a happy one now that is hopeful for the future of the game!

    I now know the devs are open to common sense and are working to improve the game!



    BTW good luck on finding a game with out cross server!


    Just because other games have cross realm, doesn't mean TOR needs it. They really need to merge servers before implementing this tool imo.

  4. I would argue, for those who say there is no community in TOR, that a server wide LFG would help build relationships with people and build a community beyond the people you already know. For example, you get in a group with a good player you friend that player. Then start grouping with that player more, opening up his friends to you and yours to them. That in turn increases the number of players you can look to for running flashpoints and what not. Things snowball from there. Cross server does not accomplish this.
  5. I can handle a LFG tool because that helps with population issues. However, the LFG tool should be server wide and not cross realm. It really destroys the community and doesn't really promote making relationships in game. Also any accountability is lost. If you are group with people from your server you may not act like a child for fear of having a bad rep. But with cross realm tools like this you can act how you want with no consequences.
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