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Posts posted by Wazupeth

  1. what they show for those who don't like madness spec (honestly boring dots)

    The new instant lightning spell should help a lot with trash, that and mobility casting and rejuvenation (instead of dark infusion) only gives lightning a buff, without having to go into deathfield.

    Yeah I understand your pain, cause my sorc is very hybrid orientated for pve (I didn't even pvp with the toon, or even told anyone about this spec) after my hybrid PT dps got nerfed so much to the ground, that was forced to play pyro.


    Look as long they don't mess basic abilities, and do not simplify the game (by removing abilities) to satisfy the lazy people too much buttons, think no cooldown forcelightning is the utility tree.

    Sadly deathfield isn't .


    I agree, as long as the basics are not cockedup and dps gets some actually useful aoe I'm game. I bought the expansion and my sub is till january, so I'll have a mont to check it out. I won't scratch the game off untill i check the changes myself.


    The point of Dual Spec would be so we won't have to choose utilities each time. I also worry about the action bars after resetting Discipline. If they'll remember all my settings then fine, 7 clicks isn't that bad. Bu what if we have to rearrange them every single time? Same with managing gear. Changing from dps to heal in a raid will be somewhat frustrating: allocate utilities, change action bars and then click each gear item to change it. That's a bit 2008 isn't it? And I honestly don't believe it would take a lot of work for a small team delegatet just for this one task(say 10-15 devs)

  2. This is the classic example it wasn't deathfield that replaced thundering blast, it was instant crushing darkness that replaced thundering blast. Deathfield was just extra...

    ...So you understand the hybrid, but you didn't understand the maths behind it.


    The "you are wrong" part was in regards to Disciplines being different than WoWs. Atm they are not looking any different.

    As for the hybrids part. Yes I know all that, but I was speaking from my point of view. I don't do ops or pvp, I mostly play solo. So for clearing trash daily i prefer Death Field over Crushing Darkness. Because of the insta cast aoe and mobility it gives me. And the no-cd Force Lightning ofc. But I could live without one, it's just that I want to decide which I have to get rid of.


    Now the biggest issue in WoW cookie cutter is that you are forced to play the way DEV wanted you to play.

    By limiting abilities, downtuning hotbar to less abilities, in discipline we would only gain more abilities.

    More button is always more combinations. More combinations leads to more unexpected behaviour.

    So while builds are cookie cutter the usages isn't.


    From my sorc perspectied, I only gain more solutions to deal with particular situations .

    Since I gain more options

    You sir are wrong!

    Disciplines are exactly that same thing, only difference is that showing us "the path" our abilities are gained with levels give you the impression it's not a straight-forward "progression". You can't deviate from the path the devs created.

    Also the more abilities is a illusion as well, because of the level cap raise. There are new abilities at 56,57,59, two of which are passives and one active that REPLACES Lightning Strike. It's not really more, is it?

    As for the HYBRIDS? They are dead. I asked, they clearly said it. You wont be able to use Death Field as lightning sorc. Period. You are forced to use Thundering Blast, which is utter "sith" compared to DF-long cd, long cast time and single target not that much of a damage). Didn't see cd removal for Force Lightning on the utility tooltips either. So no more playing it the way we like for most of us. The Utility points are just "fine tuning" options without much impact on play style(except the cast-while-moving one).

    Now I get that it's a lot to keep all the hybrids in check etc. But Bioware took away our favourite builds without even giving Dual Spec and Gear Manager in return. REALLY BW? It's on your priority list for a while now? I guess making another pair of the same pants for CM was more important.

    But ok I get that. I also get that this change is mainly for new players and altoholics to feel more powerful early on. And it's cool, cause I am an altoholic. But to make us click through all of that stuff each time we respec? WoW, Thats Lazy.

    I have a solution though for making both: hybrid fans and devs happy. Let us choose one of the other discipline's core ability as a Utility. So as Lightning sorc lets say a choice between Death Field and Dark Infusion(with Chain Lightning as a Lightning Disc core ability). At the cost of some other important thing, like say that cast-while-moving perk(or some high dmg utility), so we can choose between higher dps and more aoe. Not that much more work for devs and we still can have some choice on how to play.

  4. Wow! Imagine that I did it on my merc dps just 1(one) day after I hit 50 with her! Soloed all the quests, except flashpoints ofc. My gear had mostly Voss/Corellia mods + dailies barrels(rating of 126). Did both FPs in group finder and most of all I've been in them for the first time ever(had a long break, stopped playing around june without any lvl 50), only watched a playthrough for each. No one died, went smoothly etc. Found the flashpoints rather easy, especially the hm. I really can't imagine what did(or didn't) you do to fail so badly. Have you been "standing in the fire" all the time or what? Only conclusion I can think of is that-like some ppl already stated earlier-the fault must be yours.
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