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Posts posted by Ikansas

  1. [*]Space combat is horrible

    I love it. Perhaps you didn't find your space button?


    [*]No real incremental improvement over other MMO's in the field

    For the first time ever I enjoy questing. No more eating/drinking crap etc. There are lots of increments.


    [*]Severe lack of social options -- come on people this is STAR WARS!

    Ehhhh? They already announced chat bubbles will come soon.


    [*]Clunky HUD

    Simply no.


    [*]Lack of customization of your character

    It's the same as any other MMO.


    [*]4 classes to select on each side (?!!?!) And yes I know they branch out...but still

    Try this: 4*5 = 20. Did you actually reach rank 10?


    [*]No real difference between each race (anyone play Everquest in 1999?)

    And thats good. I don't want to HAVE to pick a race else I miss out on X stat/ability.


    [*]Auction house. Nuff said

    Yeah it's a bit clunky. Nothing dramatic though.


    [*]Glitches galore. I can honestly say I have never seen a game where the autofollow bugs out 90% of the time

    Yeah autofollow is certainly something vital to the games succes .... LOL


    Try to game before you complain.

  2. - 24" Viewsonic flatscreen monitor

    has nothing to do with gaming performance

    - Dell gaming mouse

    has nothing to do with gaming performance

    - Windows Seven Ultimate

    has nothing to do with gaming performance

    - Intel quadra processor

    Which one? There are plenty of bad quadro processors and I got the feeling you got a bad one.

    - Memory with 12 gigabytes of ram power

    Big doesn't matter if their speed isn't fast enough. Besides anything over 6gb is wasted.

    - One TERABYTE Hard Drive

    has nothing to do with gaming performance

    - BluRay player

    has nothing to do with gaming performance

    - Foxconn power supply with 400 wattage

    has nothing to do with gaming performance

    - Sound Blaster sound card

    has nothing to do with gaming performance

    - GE Force GT 520 video card

    This is the most important component and it's very crap for a gaming pc.


    You got scammed.

  3. This.


    If you're worried, play PvE. PvP servers, no matter when you join them, come with the threat of a higher level killing you.


    I don't mind, I'm not going down without a fight.

    I think you have the illusion that you can actually fight with someone much higher level then you. At best they will toy with you.


    If you only have 1/5th of the dmg and hp then common sense should make you realize it's a 1 sided battle.



    Normally this wouldn't be much of a problem because of the limited amount of gankers but the launch will act as a gank magnet. You also can't give them a taste of their own medicine by logging onto your main or ask a friend.

  4. People don't seem to understand that:

    - It's the launch so a lot of early access PvP'ers will be tempted to go world PvP because they know there will be a lot of lowbies to kill.

    - World PvP is more then "I know there are 3 enemy stealthers who are 20 levels above me waiting for me near my quest mobs. Lets die as mine times as it takes until they get bored.".

    - You do not have a high level character to punish them.

    - You probably don't have any high level friends yet who can punish them.


    So basically most players won't have any way to counter them while the launch acts as a gank-magnet.

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