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Posts posted by keedo

  1. I'm not trying to sound sarcastic in any respect, but I'm just curios about the purpose of bolster. (not the mechanic but why it was implemented). The system works great for the lower level brackets, but not at 55.


    Last I checked all the same PvP gear was available to everyone, it's just a matter of grinding it out. In my opinion PvP shouldn't need to be fair. If you want better gear you should have to work for it and do a little theory crafting to optimize it. If this sounds like too much trouble then you'll just be forced to compensate by outplaying your opponents. PvP should be difficult, challenging, and competitive.


    Real competition only requires everyone to follow the same rules, which has been grossly mistaken with everyone given an equal standing. It's sad that everyone seemingly expects a freaking handout these days, but in my opinion if you want something you should have to work for it even if it's just a video game.


    I've noticed the majority of people for bolster do not spend the majority of their gameplay actually playing PvP, and I'm also quite certain that the majority of these people have never seriously played a game on any competitive level.


    Bolster essentially takes any work out of being able to PvP at a top tier level. It's important to look at bolster from a PvE perspective, what if there was a bolster for PvE?


    There are different difficulties to PvE: Story Mode, Hard Mode, and Nightmare. In general you need gear and the experience of a previous difficulty before advancing to the next level. Now let's say a bolster is implemented that would allow players to just go do nightmare using greens and some story mode gear. Sounds like a stupid idea right, where's the fun in that? Don't you want to work through the progression and want some satisfaction of accomplishment for the time you've spent playing?


    For some of you who may be thinking, "Oh but PvP is totally different and doesn't have scaled difficulties!". Rated games also use the same bolster as the standard warzones.


    I understand what bolster does and I can see an argument for having it for those seeking instant gratification, but please do not be mistaken by saying it makes PvP more competitive. Bolster makes PvP over simplified and less competitive, and quite frankly not much different from an arcade game.

  2. And would put the balance right back out of whack. If you are good, you don't need the advantage. Be good.


    I think you're missing my point which is that my PvP gear is still inferior to my PvE gear, which is why I'm still using my PvE gear.


    It took some time to get a set of PvP gear at least give me a reason to wear it. That's all I'm saying.

  3. I'm still going to use the majority of my raid pieces in warzones. The new change only lowered my expertise bolster by 100, so I'm comfortable with just over 1600 expertise given everything i'm getting from PvE gear.


    Limiting the bolster by select pieces of gear is not a proficient solution to the problem. The real problem is that the bolster is set too high to begin with. Realistically a change that would limit the total expertise bolster to not exceed 40% of the player with the highest expertise would be more sufficient for solving the problem than the previous changes.


    For instance, if Bob has 2000, Joe has 0, and Mary has 600 expertise both Joe and Mary would have their expertise bolstered up to 800.


    A change like this would create an incentive to get and a purpose to equip PvP gear.


    Granted I do not believe the 55 bracket should be bolstered to begin with, but if it must a change like this would be best IMO.

  4. The point is expertise on PvP gear using the current bolster in WZ's makes the PvP gear inferior to PvE gear. After I got my full PvP set I snagged a full Black market set and a couple of the new tier pieces to PvP with instead. I may have 150-200 less expertise than someone in a full PvP set, but the difference between 63 and 69-72 more than compensates.


    People should be asking what's the point of using PvP gear if the bolster essentially gives everyone a reasonable amount of expertise by default.

  5. I am currently 42 and still loving the game, but I see the potential for disaster later on...hope they will fix some of the problems with the upcoming patches. If they do not listen to player feedback, they are doomed to fail.


    Agreed. The sad thing is most of the things people are complaining about have been discussed for months, well before release.


    But for what ever reason not much has changed, and those old posts have been wiped from the boards when they cleared the forums at launch.


    Bioware has had plenty of time to improve their PvP system, but they are dragging their feet.


    Not to mention that this game was designed for PvE, and as a result PvP will suffer. This game was designed for the average player to be able to complete almost all the content in the game in small groups. Hence, every class having a ton of CC and heals.


    This is the first game I've played with this many different classes capable of playing any role.

  6. Any new lowbies will be demolished at this point. I feel bad for PVP guys buying the game and hitting 10 today.


    It's not even that. The PvP system in this game is horrible and was clearly an after thought to the developers. It's pretty obvious that the PvP system in this game was developed by PvE players.


    If the dev's don't start listening and implementing some of the changes requested by the majority of their players, or at the very least consult some real PvP players, this game will continue to see a drop in interest on all PvP servers.


    I'm not sure if anyone has noticed, but the server loads have been considerably down; and I don't recall seeing a single queue or "full" server load this past weekend.

  7. Seriously, just turn the new planets into SWG 2.0 planets. Remove instances, bring back player cities, and PvP objectives.


    This is what your current subscriber base anticipated and want. I just hope something like this can be implemented before not having a system like this kills PvP servers.

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