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Posts posted by Acento

  1. I am a Mercenary (Arsenal Spec) looking for a 8/16M Progression Ops group.


    I have completed 5/5 HM TFB (Haven't been in NiM EC yet), and have the Dread Guard MH+OH, Pants, Feet, and Hands. Everything else is/was BiS from HM EC.


    I'm a competitive player, a Min/Max'er, and I've never been reprimanded for having sub-par raid awareness. If it's new content, I prepare for fights prior to showing up, and have a tendency to not want to walk away from a fight until the boss is dead.


    I don't PvP much, and am not all that interested in running old content. I can be available any night of the week from 5PM PST til whenever. The only constraint I really have is that I generally am only able to dedicate two nights a week to Ops. I am able to use Vent/Mumble/Skype, and have a mic and can/will speak.


    Any other questions, feel free to ask.

  2. I'm asking this on behalf of our 8-Man HM TfB group. We have managed to down him twice now, but not without some complications on two specific issues...


    The first question is about the platform movement. We are having issues across the board with inconsistent results when moving from platform to platform.


    The most annoying issue is random death. Someone will walk through a portal to move to another platform, and instantly die. Death log says killed by Kill Player (0 Damage), or something to that effect. We would assume it is because you die if you fall off the pillars, but that doesn't make sense because we have people fall off pillars and NOT die, just get ported back to the home platform with not even any damage taken.


    On a somewhat similar note, we also see an abundance of people not "making" it to the next platform. They will either fall short, and end up on the ledges beneath the platform, or not land on anything at all and fall into the void and get ported back to the home platform or die. It seems to be a random occurrence...none of us ever jump through the portals, we all just walk through them; on top of that, we've all noticed that we can be a little off-center of the portal when we walk through it and still make it through just fine, but we've also noticed that we don't make it even when we walk into the portal head-on.


    Anyone have any tips for moving effectively through the zone?


    The second issue we're having is a Phase 3 issue...


    Is there an effective way to handle surviving this phase? I get that it's supposed to be an intense burn phase, but it just seems like whether you survive this fight is completely random. Everyone in the raid seems to get hit, the tanks can't prevent them from rotating through our entire group, and the healers usually end up oom by around 6-8%. Everyone blowing their DCD's gets us to about 5-6%, and then it's just about hoping and praying enough of us survive to get that final 2-3%...is that just the design of the fight, or is there a better way to handle the damage taken?

  3. Ugh...really? And so the useless onslaught of vanity features begins, while class design and new gear models fall by the wayside...here's hoping TfB is actually fun to play, cuz this is getting ridiculous. I didn't wait 5 months for recycled gear, and I DEFINITELY didn't wait that long to change how open my toon's eyes are or how contorted his mouth is.


    I mean, seriously, who's gonna pay attention to that crap?! What, are we just supposed to all run around with our helmets off at full zoom, watching for other peoples mood changes? Who cares?! What's wrong with just talking to each other like normal people??? To know that in the midst of this sinking ship, there was an entire cinematic team solely dedicated to designing facial expressions just pisses me off to no end.


    You know, I read an article earlier this week that said that Gabe Newell declared he would rather see Valve disintegrate than be bought out by EA. I guess hind-sight is always 20/20, eh BW?

  4. Question

    What was your reason for abandoning him?

    Couldn't you have just made another character as well or was this a rule that the Guild has?


    No, no guild rules. I guess abandon was a strong word to use...I stopped playing with him because I got tired of missing out on stuff with my Imp buddies because I was off playing my Pub alt.


    Not many in my guild have anything to do with the Republic, and efforts to insert myself into a new guild on the Republic side didn't really go that well, which was frustrating. I found myself wishing my Shadow was just an Assassin, so I could play the class I loved with the people I like to play with. That not being possible at the moment, I decided to stop spending so much time playing with him. The reason I didn't make an Assassin is because after almost 10 days played on the Shadow, I find it really discouraging to start from square one again.

  5. I would really appreciate some developer feedback on this...a clear answer is the difference between hundreds of hours of time out of my life, or a couple bucks out of my pocket.


    I made a Jedi Shadow in anticipation of needing a Republic faction character for HK-51, but what I never anticipated was how much I would actually enjoy playing the AC. My guild is important to me though, and I quickly found myself having to choose between either sacrificing time with them, or ignoring playing a new class that I was really really enjoying.


    In the end, playing with my guild-mates won. After spending almost 10 days played getting my Shadow halfway to War Hero, and nearly full BH geared, I chose to pretty much abandon him.


    What I really don't want to have to do now is level a Sith Assassin up to 50, and spend all that time on Endgame PvP and PvE just to have the same character I already have worked for. Let me pay for a Faction change! I'm not angry, and this isn't anyone's fault but my own, but this just seems like a convenience option that would be very nice to have somewhere in the future. I would really appreciate just a nibble of information, so as to avoid me really starting to spend time (and my final character slot) on an Assassin :rolleyes:

  6. We were shooting ideas around about trying it on the other three bosses, but we didn't actually do it...the whole reason we did that was because we were temporarily down a player and couldn't find someone who only wanted to come in for one boss...so we just completed it with 8 for last week.


    Hashing it out though, for SC&FB, I figure the strategy would be much the same as T&Z, with DPS switching periodically. For Vorgath I think it could be solo healed, especially with how pretty much every combat situation everyone can be stacked and AoE healed (with a Sorc or Sage). Kephess would have to be down a DPS, but I keep looking at that fight, and I just don't know if its possible without a fourth DPS...so many DPS races, not to mention Kephess has 1M+ HP and a pretty tight enrage timer.


    Would definitely be fun to try though.


    We were a man down Sunday night for the first fight, and couldn't find anyone who only wanted to do TnZ, so decided to give it a try with 7. We wiped the first time because of bad timing with the first jump...all 3 DPS got the fearful debuff at the same time, so by the time Toth went down, Zorn still had close to 20% HP, and we just couldn't last that long on the enrage. Luckily, our second attempt was successful! It actually wasn't so bad, we just had a Carnage Marauder switching back and forth between the two.


    As far as I can tell on YouTube, only other 7-man kill recorded was on SM. Yea, its shameless endorsement/bragging, but we all thought it was pretty cool...:rolleyes: Oh, and watch the video in HD if you want to be able to read anything...and apologies for the endless vent sound effects...not sure who those were coming from.

  8. Not gonna lie, I was pretty excited to read the patch notes this morning and see something to the effect that clipping/visual errors on hoods had been fixed.


    ...until I logged onto my Maurauder and Consular, only to find that my black face mask still clipped thru my white hood on my Mara and I still couldn't wear the Voss Mystic armor on my Miraluka Consular without almost the entirety of my mask popping through the top, still making me look like a walking ice cream sundae with a cherry on top.


    Come on...what hoods did you fix? How did you fix em? Because the two robes I've been dying to wear still look über stupid.

  9. If you start it on Saturday, you'll still be able to finish it completely by Tuesday morning. :)




    If you start it on Saturday, you'll be able to finish it completely by Saturday night.


    So disappointed in this world event it's not even funny. I have my gripes about the Rewards (not exactly what I'd classify as "untold riches," or however it was described), but even more so I am just so frustrated by the nature of the event. On paper, a galactic scavenger hunt sounds pretty entertaining. In practice, it's an absolute mess. Two planets??? Really? That's "galactic?" I guess technically it involves more than just one planet, but to not include any other planets when there are NINE items to find just seems like half-measures to me.


    On top of that, the quests' story/fun/playability is totally eclipsed by the fact that you have dozens of selfish idiots who either only want to help themselves or mess with other peoples' game experience running around clicking all the quest objectives, jumping the line of people who have been waiting, or messing up fights/events for other players. Other people's behavior certainly isn't BioWare's fault, but the quest design certainly is...we're in the middle of an almost six month long content drought....what did they think, that players were just going to stand in an orderly line, sipping tea and listening to the theme from Masterpiece Theatre, politely waiting their turn? Absolutely not! Pretty much 99% of the players I've seen participating in this world event are behaving like dogs in heat.


    The biggest problem with that is that it makes the quests impossible to "figure out" on your own. It might have been nice to fiddle with the laser puzzle on DK, or do some trial and error on the droid race, etc, etc...but you pretty much only get one shot at each quest, forcing most players to look up the strats prior to doing the quest to avoid having to spend a significant amount of time on something that yields very little reward.


    This is just so disappointing to see the announcement that it'll all be over Tuesday, with no implication that there's going to be anything new to do over the weekend. All week, I've been holding out that something big will drop on Friday, that this whole hunt is just a precursor to something more epic...but I guess not. I find it really hard to keep faith that ANYTHING that drops in the future is going to be worth the time. Is the supposed galactic hunt for HK-51 going to be just as frustrating? What about Terror from Beyond? Will that just be another piddling 4-boss Operation that most guilds will have on farm after the first couple weeks?





    Whatever...to me, this world event represented a lot more than something new to do for a week. It's a gauge of the developer's ability to continue to still produce fun, exciting content in the wake of an almost total implosion of the game. I don't know how long this event was in development, but it sure seems like it was more of an afterthought. I think the only thing I can try and tell myself to stay positive about the future is that hopefully, with how little effort it seems was put in to the WE, most of that time was spent making other new content amazing. That, and that maybe there's some content added in today's patch (so it couldn't be data-mined) that will keep the weekend interesting...to give credit where credit is due, the dev team certainly has always had an enthusiastic attitude about trying to surprise us as much as they can when it comes to world events.

  10. By the time LFG dropped, I had no need to run it on either of my 50s, even for the BH comms. I just recently hit 50 on my Shadow though, and decided to use it to try and get some Columi this weekend. I must say I was pretty impressed with how positive my experience was. I was able to get into a group within minutes, usually with the LFG popping before WZ would. For some reason I couldn't figure out, like 50% of the groups I got were for FE tho. Regardless, 9 times out of 10, we got in, out, and on our way with no wipes or ******s ruining the experience.


    One terribad group I got into that stood out, though...we had a Sage healer who ONLY threw down AoE heals. It was in T5 tho, so we skipped all the bosses and trash until that final corridor. When we got to the final boss, I told him I was gonna need some better healing than just AoE, and he goes "what do you mean?"...apparently he never got the memo about having more than one healing spell. But, we still managed to take the boss down and I won the roll, so *shrug*


    One thing I did notice tho, was after I turned in the daily and weekly, I stopped getting my 1 Columi commendation at the end for completing...I'm stuck at 36, which kinda pisses me off.

  11. I farm mats for Aug kits and Augs (I'm Synthweaving), and when I have enough to make 14 of each, I craft em all and sell em on the GTN. Typically I can put em up in the morning and they've all sold by the time I get home from work. I can usually get close to 2M credits per "wave" of sales, and can acquire that volume of mats in like 4-7 days, depending on how lucky I get.


    Pretty modest, but it keeps me able to do everything I need to do.

  12. Is there any way to upgrade my Digital Standard edition account to a CE account? I feel like I'm going to want as many of these as I can get, and as a current subscriber, I would gladly pay to upgrade my account to maximize my benefits of being a subscriber since December.


    I guess the real question is, if that does become a possibility, is it more cost effective than just purchasing the Cartel Coins from the website? I wouldn't expect it to be dead even due to the extra benefits of the CE, but I'd be okay with that, as I've always kind of wanted most of those perks anyways

  13. Well, since the last bit of content to come out was Lost Island Which concluded the story I think it's fair to say it's over. You can stop QQing now.


    Really? Because it was unrealistic for me to expect it to be done and over with after KOTOR? Or Taris? Or the world event (it's concurrent release with LI notwithstanding?). It doesn't even make sense story-wise...300 years have passed and not a single biologist or doctor could put this epidemic down? Lorrick couldn't have found any other kind of virus to manipulate and spread other than one that is three centuries old?


    Someone at BW is in love with Rakghouls, and is fighting real hard to keep them fresh and relevant, and I just wanted to give my opinion that they aren't anymore, really.

  14. I think the most frustrating part of Resolve for me is when I get CC'd, my bar turns white, but I'm still CC'd and getting wailed on. Then I die, and my full white bar gets wasted in the graveyard.


    How fathomable would it be to implement it where, upon getting a full resolve bar, any CC on you is broken? Give you a chance to defend yourself and actually utilize your immunity.


    I can see it pissing off people in Hutt Ball, but it doesn't seem like it would be a major imbalance in any other WZ. Sure, it might tempt the odd player to not even bother CC'ing if they see someone with an almost full bar, but I don't find that very discouraging. Currently the favor far outweighs the CC'er, and I am open to any solution that brings things back in balance.

  15. I'm excited for sure, especially after reading the interview on DarthHater. Call me naive, but the amount of work it supposedly requires, if it lives up to the hype, will be fun. I like the idea of a major single player accomplishment like that. I don't even mind if he's not endgame viable, I'm psyched just for his story/missions after getting him.
  16. I feel like this is a reasonable request...


    As a KOTOR player for a very long time, and after four toons of playing Taris and running Kaon, and the Rakghoul event...I think I can speak for many when I say that I am tired of killing them, undergoing the futile effort of trying to stop their plague, and just hearing about them in general. It's tired, worn out, recycled and annoying. Please stop.

  17. Well damn, maybe Bulwark isn't so tough!


    Is Lost Island stricken from the list? I'd assume any of those, especially Lorrick and Droid boss would be terrible.


    For tier 1 FPs, I was thinking...I feel like the Tandoshan boss in BoI(I think...the one with the adds) would be terrible too

  18. I am one of those rare people who is not a fan of the double bladed lightsaber, and I was wondering if I could get some guidance on using an alternate weapon.


    My first question is, is there a penalty for using a single blade lightsaber with all the mods/hilt out of a double? I can't imagine there would be, but before I do any mod-swapping and augmenting, I just wanted to check. If I weren't on my phone right now I would look into it, but are there any essential tank skills that require a double bladed weapon?


    If so, does the vibrostaff count so I would be able to use those abilities? I still don't really like them, but it's a better option visually to me. Are there any custom-level staves that have a color crystal effect?


    I don't know if there's any other options I'm not thinking of...just trying to get away from a double bladed saber.


    And before anyone asks, I rolled the class for the play style, not the weapon, and I did not want to roll a jugg/guardian

  19. Not to play Devil's Advocate here, but it's hard for me to consider any of the endgame PvE as superior when the three hardest Ops can all be cleared in a single night. I'm not knocking the content, as I've enjoyed every Operation in its relevance, it just seems unfair to say WoW doesn't provide much when the same kind of applies to many swtor players at this stage.


    I think swtor is bolstered by its strong story presence. In my four years playing WoW, I was only ever compelled to make and level one alt to the level cap. In swtor, however, the abundance of different stories to experience has compelled me to level as many classes as I can. The payoff there is that I'm left with a handful of toons in which all that content I don't need to do anymore becomes relevant to me again. I don't know about anyone else, but I like that. I'm one of those people who doesn't sigh in depression at the idea of being "done" with a raid after fully gearing up.


    In terms of endgame PvP, there's one thing and one thing only that motivates me: Pride. When it comes to matching my skills against another human, I enjoy putting my skills to the test, and knowing there's always going to be a better player or team to help me push myself to get better. I don't care when, where, or how, that's just what's the most fun for me.

  20. As a result of a topic I made over on the story/lore boards, it appears as if I have some loose ends to tie up with my BH story. My log-in loading screen, at the moment, still gives me an Act 3 summation. It's the one that starts with "Jun Seros is dead" and talks about the chancellor and whatnot.


    Is there something I'm missing? This is my main toon, and I've done literally everything with him...my best guess is that I was supposed to go back to the fleet and pick some mission up? It's just weird cuz I don't have this issue with my other 50, and I've never even been to Ilum with him...


    Any help would be appreciated, as I'd really like to have everything shored up for if/when the new level cap and planet comes out this year...

  21. Ok, so I am having an issue with my "The Story Thus Far" summary on the log-in loading screen for my Sith Warrior. I have completed the entire story, including Ilum (I stopped after defeating the boss of the crystal securing mission), yet on the loading screen, it still describes an "Interlude" where I need to go to the Valken Spacedock...


    I wouldn't think this is weird if, on my Bounty Hunter, it summarizes the end of Act 3...


    So what's going on? Is there something I'm not doing on either character? I wish I had paid attention earlier on, but now, especially as a completionist, it's driving me crazy thinking that either one of my characters isn't done with their story...


    As a side note, I have unlocked the final titles for both characters...My main concern here, though, is if/when they raise the level cap and add to the story, I don't want to be behind on getting started on it...Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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