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Posts posted by BadSwings

  1. Everything that makes WoW a great game is public knowledge, you can fill in the blanks as to what makes it a great game ie: UI customization MOD's and so forth....


    All those aspects should be shipped at launch for release in whatever game being released now or in the near future. This nonsense of a barebones game being sold with future Xpansions and free DLC is Bs, atm it's like I'm playing Mass Effect...with a Lightsaber weapon bonus.


    Too bad as the potential for a great MMO is lost on us as well as BioWare.


    If you can look past the heavily layered "Themepark" not "MMO" aspect, the above additional issues contribute to the negative over-all feel to the gameas well...


    There is a chance to turn the game around but I'd like to add I'm an impatient player and "The same ole' Same Ole'" wears thin quickly.


    I suspect this applies to many gamers today.

  2. This game wasn't conceptualised, developed, created and released in 2011/2012. Why do people keep asking this? It wasn't even announced until 2008 and was started in 2007. It was originally going to be based on the Fire and Ice book series. So if you want to compare it to a game that's been out for 7 years, at least compare them that way. Did WoW have any of the things you're complaining about in 2007? I'll answer that for you, no.


    You're right, WoW didn't have those added features but it does now...Hence my post.


    BioWare is sitting at a poker table rolling dice....

  3. Why can't a game being released in 2011/2012 be nearly on par with a game out for 7-8years? Everything that makes WoW a great game is public knowledge, you can fill in the blanks as to what makes it a great game ie: UI customization MOD's and so forth....


    All those aspects should be shipped at launch for release in whatever game being released now or in the near future. This nonsense of a barebones game being sold with future Xpansions and free DLC is Bs, it's only done because of the acceptance/allowance from the buyer's/fans who settle.


    With that being said there is a large portion of MMO(Massive Multiplayer Online)gamers who can see this "Themepark" game as a 1 player-game throw away....lol atm it's like I'm playing Mass Effect...with a Lightsaber weapon bonus.


    Too bad as the potential for a great MMO is lost on us as well as BioWare.

  4. You obviously didn't follow the development on this game.It was always intended to be a theme park and not a sand box


    You're right, I assumed "StarWars" would be a universel mmo sadly it's not, i'll play till the 30days are up maybe come back when it goes F2P something to do till GW2.

  5. Cities are dull empty shells.

    Entire worlds unable to be explored.

    A Universe so linear it's like traveling down a blackhole.


    This game like many others has taken several steps back in the mmo genre. Create expansive concepts and shut out the actual delivery. If one can overlook the fact that this is a suped up scroll-screen type game you'll still feel cheated because of the crappy server instance system that's in place that keeps players seperated.


    ***, if WoW or EvE can have x amount of players in an open world/universe enviorment why cant swtor? Im not tech savy but it's like stepping back into time with whatever there using to run the game and I dont mean the GuildWars 1 type graphics...that can be another issue.


    All in all it's just my opinion, story's engaging light saber and force power real cool but thats just half the game...if that much can be acreditted to it.


    I purchased Star Wars...In the game the "Wars" are possible but the "Stars" are locked out to us.



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