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Posts posted by depakjan

  1. Thanks Guys, i have posted in tech support with DXDiag, i have a 1660 ti laptop btw.


    Also if its a keyboard issue, when it disappears , it should come back after i press ALT+Z or CTRL+U right.


    One thing i remember is it started happening ever since i first tried the ALT+Z key to take a screenshot. huff.. never should have done that.

  2. Thanks for the reply but, my problem is i have tried pressing ALT+Z or CTRL + U twice, the ui is NOT coming back at all.. i have quit the game and restart only that is fixing, in 1 hour gamplay, i have to do this for atleast 15 times .. its crazy.. Support is uselss.. my subscription is going waste
  3. All my UI suddenly gets auto hidden and it never comes back unless i restart the game, it happens quite frequently , i cant play flashpoints or warzones due to this bug, i have tried ALT+Z , CTRL+U , nothing works, in desperation i completely re-installed the game, its still not fixed, what can i do now ?, support is of no use, i am facing this issue since a week now, please help




  4. So i learned this now...


    30WZ = 10 RWZ but 10RWZ = 10WZ....


    BW you don't even know math now ???.... OMG so pissed with this stupidness .... Why cant i just use my RWZ to buy BM ... i don't want your stupid looking War Zone gear and i don't need your ****** RWZ ... why cant i convert properly ????? ..... How can they ever come up with so GAY looking gear ... damn ... i thoroughly fed with up this ...

  5. Ok , so why are the weeklies and dailies awarding the same ???? ..... come on guys accept the fact... earlier you know how one felt once you complete the weekly, three bags ... whoa good gear ... felt awesome to get the reward... now seriously i just cant play anymore....

    earlier i had a compulsion to complete my daily which leads to weekly = GEAR.. now 100 comms .. what do you get with that ??? ..... i wont/cant play at least 10 PVP matches everyday now, there is just no reason for it ...

  6. Seriously , why do we need those quests anymore ???? ... i get 100 WZ comms from playing a fking match and all the daily can give us is a 99 more ???????? ..... OK so i calm down myself and play couple more WZ and get 9 wins.. i happily go for turn-ins, thinking now at-least i will get some piece of BM... And All i get is the SAME FKING 99 comms, are you guys seriously kidding us BW ??? .... man it does not even make sense, i am not whining about the class nerf and so many bad things in 1.2.. but this is so unforgivable....


    Add to that they reset my daily/weekly quest to 0. What **** is this..


    Now there is no motivation to do WZ, when you think about it , it feels like a daunting task, at least award us better daily/weekly or fking remove those quests.... guess PVP design team had a salary cut ....

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