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Posts posted by Kahrain

  1. PvP isn't about 1v1. As a Defense Guardian, I can see how you would play a lead role in PvP, and do very well in a group vs group environment.


    I don't have a problem at all with how I do in a group environment. But it's more than likely that their rating system won't take into account several factors that a tank brings. I do hope that it includes things like: Huttball carries, defended points, damage prevented, etc. But more than likely it will be K/D ratio to start. I don't do more than 50k damage in a game. I do more than that as prevented damage though, and I like that.

  2. It isn't. This means one of the legacy rewards will be new races! Not to mention they confirmed new abilities as well. WOOT!:D


    That might be fun. But the races don't do anything... racy. They have social racials that don't do anything. My Miraluka can detect the force alignment of squat. All I see is a milky white cloud. I know a great number of milky white things that do much more.


    You'll also get people saying things like "THATS NOT CANON!"

  3. I am a bit disappointed with what was shown.


    The UI Customization shown is a good start, but not what I want in the end. I do hope to see this expanded, and even opened to the community.


    A look at the Legacy system? All I got was a fancy looking graphic that told me nothing. That's not a look. That's not even a teaser. I already got that info when I mouse over the ? in my Legacy tab.


    I play a Defense Guardian. I CANNOT do well in PvP by nature. Sure, I can rack up protection, slow/stun people, and play an amazing hazing game. But when it comes to killing people, can't do it. I DO NOT WANT TO RESPEC for PvP. I would like to be able to enjoy PvP as a tank class and spec.


    New PvE Content is great. Too bad I spend more time finding a group than playing the content. A system should be put in place, and made easily accessible,(instead of buried on the WHO page) in order to quickly find a group. Little forms that can be filled out: I am a [TANK]/[HEALER]/[DPS] looking for [FLASHPOINT]/[OPERATION]/[PVP].


    There's some feedback.

  4. I remember all the free time Blizzard gave out around the launch of WoW. With all the people that say, "WoW was like this at launch!" I'm surprised they don't want this too.


    I do think that a month is a bit much. Maybe a few days instead.

  5. Heh, I just hit 50 this week. I have no PVP gear yet, and I'm going to be facing nothing but established 50's (even more so now that they're farming Ilum, as of today).


    Worst possible timing for me, I think.


    They should have added some new PvP gear that you can pick up so you dont get steamrolled. (maybe only lightly steamed? Great... now i want steamed veggies.)

  6. They say you should be constructive in your posts, but I can't be constructive about how terrible this is.


    Instead, I opt to post a recipe for Beer-Basted Pulled Pork: (Constructing good food, thanks to Food Network. My apologies to vegetarians.)



    6 cups beer

    2 1/2 cups packed dark brown sugar

    1 1/2 cups apple cider vinegar

    1 1/2 tablespoons chili powder

    1 1/2 tablespoons ground cumin

    1 tablespoon dry mustard

    2 teaspoons salt

    2 teapoons dried crushed red pepper

    2 bay leaves

    1 (5 to 8 pound) Boston pork butt




    Bring first 9 ingredients to a boil in a very large pot. Reduce heat and simmer 1 minute to blend flavors. Place pork in a large Dutch oven, pour half the liquid over the pork. Cover and place the pork in a 300 degree preheated oven. Roast for 4 to 5 hours.


    Boil remaining liquid over medium high heat, stirring occasionally. Pay careful attention to the sauce near the 30 minute mark, if the mixture gets foamy, remove from heat. Cook until reduced to the consistency of syrup, about 40 minutes. Discard bay leaves and let cool for about 15 minutes. Mixture will thicken considerably as it cools. Top roasted pork with BBQ sauce.

  7. Dude same thing happened on my server. It was like a 25v25 battle. Was awesome. Finished my dailys in 10 minutes.


    Wow. That sound like so much fun. Mine went like this:


    Get invited to an Ops group. (yay!)

    Head off to objective with everyone.

    Start seeing Imps, FPS starts to drop.

    Battle starts.

    Everything on screen freezes. CRTL+SHIFT F

    FPS at 0.75

    Screen goes black.

    "SWTOR.exe has stopped responding."


    (insert whatever profane statements you want here. Alternatively, you could also place a recipe for beer basted BBQ pork ribs.)

  8. Sorry, what I meant by 800/1000 was for WZ Commendations. :) It takes 800 for one bag.


    Are the Ilum dailies easy? Obviously I haven't been doing the correct ones.


    Do the Warzone dailies/weekly give any bags?


    Ilum is easy for me. Just a bunch of capture point trading between factions. Takes about a half hour.


    I haven't been able to win enough of the warzone dailies/weeklys (2 out of 3 for a week, lol) to even know what the rewards are. I would hope that they also provide bags.

  9. 200/200 for one bag. Ilum Weekly for 3 bags, Ilum daily for 1 bag.


    Then you just hope that the RNG favors you, and you get gear. Or do it long enough and buy stuff with commendations.


    Though I heard that they are adding starting gear next patch. So that might help.

  10. CTF would be fun to play.


    I'm trying to think of what the UT3 FLaG stood for. I remember it had to do with powering something. Just apply that concept here.


    Though getting in through a bottleneck, and out through a bottleneck probably wouldn't work in the current PvP environment...

  11. So I just spent 5 minutes in a WZ trying to kill a level 50 Sorc 2v1. A level 17 and a 35 could not do any kind of decent damage, and it wasn't until he ran out of Force that we FINALLY got him.


    Of course then I move on and it's: STUN!! 5000, 5000, 5000, would you like to revive? for the remainder of the match.


    A least we won, which is a small consolation, but I'll be ecstatic when 1.1 goes live and I can level through PvP again.

  12. I am so glad I read this thread. I have noticed this animation lag ever since lvl 15 or so and it has been really annoying. Delayed GCD's because of animation has been killing me in both PVP/PVE. I really hope they fix this soon.


    I'm glad I read it too. I was wondering why my abilities weren't working. It's a VERY bad thing when I push the big "SAVEMESAVEMESAVEME" button and nothing happens. (or the "TAUNTTAUNTTAUNTDONTKILLMAHPARTY!" button.)

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