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Posts posted by phaylis

  1. In general I like the overall story line for the Smuggler and BH. However I have come across occasions as a servant to their respective faction rather than control over their own destiny.


    These two classes dialog for main and side quest should have the option to reflect either an alliance to the faction or the option and dialog to reflect hey I am here for the money I don't care if you Sith, Republic or Santa Claus.


    On BH and and on Smuggler you seem to be at a point thrown in as faction drone with no real good reason why you are either part of the Republic or chose to be an Imperial lap dog.


    My feeling as a Bounty hunter or Smuggler I should have representatives from the Empire and Republic asking me to do jobs. Being that in both these professions if not working for them I should be actively be pursued by a Bounty Hunter or authorities for the Empire/Republic for the unsanctioned activities. Since Smuggling or kidnapping/killing is against the law for both Empire and Republic.


    All in all playing a Bounty Hunter I like the great hunt quest. I just feel that If I wanted to bow before the Empire I will play an Imperial Agent. And a few friends that have rolled Smuggler stating there is no feel that they have a reason to be part of the Republic they are just in the middle.


    The classes are fun to play but the story is what should drive us to play the part. I want to be control of my own destiny and if that means that I kill a Darth for a bounty and have the Empire out to gut me so be it. But I would have a feeling that if I can take a Darth out, when they need something done I will have someone knocking on my ships hull for a nice bounty.

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