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Posts posted by evodude

  1. Im not rank 10 on any toon, i have zero interest to "grind" an hunt for gear


    SWTOR is a really really bad game to feel rewarded in for me, an i think thats the problem, you need to feel rewarded an well crates dont do it, at-least with crystals i could plod along doing *** i wanted an know i was accumulating something that ended in a guaranteed piece of gear. i could plan, i could make a route an say "right if i do this an do that then that buggers mine" thats been took away from me, now all i got is well if i do xyz it will reward pretty poor xp an i will see a bar slowly fill until its filled an then i will have a box that lets be honest will be filled with rubbish.


    Cmd xp/crates dont bother me, what bothers me is my goal has been took away from me, all i can work for now is an imaginary reward not an actual reward, cmd xp/crates is actually a no bad system but only a no bad system that has to be in place on top of another system another system that allows ppl to look at it an go, "right if i do xyz i can work towards getting what i want but in meantime while doing so i have a chance to maybe get it in a crate"


    Never make your game feel like it is not rewarding, it will fail

  2. The whole LS/DS alignment system does my nut tbh, or the choices/consequences atleast, i should probably just put it down to growing up i suppose, i felt the same way playing the ME series an i suppose its why nigh all my chars end up squarely stuck in the middle when it comes to choices, neither LS nor DS, i go full DS an all i feel is like a dick i go full LS an all i fell is faceplanting my head,


    As i said i put it down to "growing up"

  3. Scorpio can (and i think will) play a major role in the future regardless of player choice, BioWare specifically zoom in on her , for lack of better wording, injecting herself into the console at aries then turns and speaks to you, i believe she has already uploaded herself regardless of your actions, i also believe BioWare will use Scorpio as the one to come an take the Eternal Fleet/Gravestone away from you an then give u basically no choice but to rejoin rep/imp as a grunt

  4. It will start with a council of the 3 alliances, but in the end it will be imp/rep vrs us, them saying blah blah blah wee no like you you need disband, but the choice is took out your hands as Scorpio comes back an takes full control of the graveyard and the Eternal fleet, basically taking them out the story then wee go back to being the grunt
  5. Well you seem to be a minority sir. I hate most of the new companions. I like Koth and Theron and that's about it. Never liked Lana ever since SoR.


    Yip im always in the minority when it comes to bioware games, im here for story not pixel love, the new comps enhanced that, the old ones did there job for years, for me it was time for change, i understand why it upsets ppl but tbh much like my opinion for you and others, i dont really care, i hope bioware doesnt waste any more of there very limited resources bringing any bak

  6. This is exactly why Mass Effect 3 did not hold a multi-player base. Mass Effect 1-3 were totally cool games. The multiplayer sucked because of this same RNG loot system. I played for a few months, but when I realize that I wasn't ever going to get the one weapon I wanted out of the random boxes, I gave up and played something else. Overwatch uses a random box system, but it is all fun cosmetic stuff, as everyone's character is max stats at level 1. I can't even dream up an idea why Bioware thought it would be a good idea to use it is SWTOR. I took the box system coming for 5.0 to be like the DvL system, and thought that would be cool. It was fun working towards a free Cartel Market pack. I didn't realize it was going to be for all your gear, like in ME3. If I knew they were taking the raid gear vendors out, I would have already moved on from SWTOR, just like I moved on from ME3. The RNG system is very frustrating and no fun. You all will figure this out soon enough. But for now, have fun with the HOPE that you will get a full set of the gear you want with the stats you want on them. Maybe the next box you grind for will have that last piece your looking for :).


    Talk out that hole in yer rear alot i see, ME3 MP was the most successful part of the game with a core following still playing it to this day, it is the one aspect everybody agreed upon that was awesome to play, everyone that is except the babies here of which u include yourself

  7. The choice/consequence scenario has never been BioWare's strong point an then on top of that SW LS/DS has really never been very good either


    I find contentment in being grey on most chars as i find both LS an DS choices/results pathetic, but then i've grew up an im still playing for all intents a family game, if i was younger an still more naive i would prob be "happier" with the choices/results

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