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Posts posted by PhantomNJ

  1. I had been having decent success getting dark spores to drop with new characters prior to them receiving their first companion.  However, I have now gone some 30 levels of farming with new characters in the last week without receiving a single dark spore.

    This is incredibly frustrating as I'm only 300 rep from Legend at which point I can start working on the others that require a specific companion as opposed to this one which requires you not to have a companion in use at all.

    Any word as to why this is happening, if the devs are aware, and/or if a fix is on the way?

  2. <Bad Motivator Units> of Star Forge is starting up again in preparation for the new expansion. We're looking for players interested in playing in a casual, relaxed environment. Our focus, beyond just having fun, will likely be on completing the weekly guild Conquest objective.


    We have a fully unlocked and decorated flagship with lots of quality of life offerings (i.e. all three cargo hold types, mailbox, GTN access, fabricator droids, etc). We have a new Discord server that will be built out over time.


    All that is missing is you! New and returning players are welcome. While we are not a RP guild, RP players are welcome. And, as always, current active players are always welcome regardless of what your in-game focus is, be it Ops, Arena, GSF, or just questing.


    Feel free to hit me up in game for more info or an invite on any of the following toons: Khelv, Daggit, Anvar, Darik.


    You can also reach me via Discord at Khel#9840.

  3. ^^ this. With one minor correction: its 10k per summons, not per person being summoned. :rak_03:


    I should have checked that beforehand. Thanks for catching it. Though, even if it were 10K per person, it would still be a bargain.


    (Eric, don't you be giving the Devs any ideas now, ya hear?)

  4. You are kidding, right?

    Guild flagships are worthless without the guild invasion part!

    You can met anywhere in the Galaxy.

    You can trade on the fleet in the Stronghold's or on every freaking planet.



    Flagship summon - is a paid transport, you pay 10K for each group member.

    Plus the cost of buying a flagship in the first place around 50million credits, god forbid that you also want to unlock every room and decorate it, will cost you 10times that amount!


    Vs. free in-game transportation methods;

    Walk/run/mounts/speeder hub transports/shuttle transports/quick travel/fleet pass/Legacy travel/heroic travel/etc.

    Or you pay a few credits to travel in the Galaxy map or in your personal starship.


    By removing the guild invasion bonus, guild flagships are now worthless.


    What guild invasion bonus are you talking about? Beyond the change to how personal stronghold bonuses work, the only thing I saw being removed was the bonuses for certain objectives based on the planet being invaded. What does that have to do with the guild flagship?


    What does unlocking the entire flagship have to do with any of it? Unless I completely missed something, there is no requirement that your flagship be unlocked past the initial purchase. Hell, my small guild used Conquests to pick up the encryptions and frameworks necessary to unlock the rest along with grinding out the credits.


    Whether or not you consider flagship summons valuable is a question of how much your time is worth to you. If you're fine with hanging out and waiting for everyone to arrive, especially in a PUG, you're absolutely correct. But, if you prefer not to spend time waiting, 10K per person being summoned is a trivial price to pay for getting group content started sooner rather than later.


    I also think having the flagship's orbital support and ability to be parked at a planet is great when new content comes out. We've used it often and our guild members are always the happier for it.


    TL/DR - Just because something isn't of value to you doesn't mean others won't find it valuable.

  5. If conquest is going to remain tied to strongholds, I'm of the opinion that it should require fully unlocking said strongholds to get the bonus. If you're a subscriber, it really isn't that hard to make money at all if you're using your CC grant to buy loot boxes. I've sold enough mounts and rare armor pieces over the years to unlock it all and still have plenty of credits in reserve. I don't think fully unlocking 6 strongholds is nearly the grind that some make it out to be.


    As for the decorations, I think having a nicely decorated stronghold that you can enjoy and/or show off to others should be its own reward. The idea that you had to cram every last item you could find into a SH just to get a bonus was a terrible idea from the start. I've resisted the urge to go the "max chairs" route. But even trying to avoid that while still maxing out the bonus has led to strongholds that feel needlessly cluttered. I think anything that detracted from the fun of decorating your stronghold should have been a non-starter. I'm glad they are removing that requirement.

  6. I have a level 40 Gunslinger on the Republic side and I am looking for Guild. I run most nights from 6pm to 11pm EST. I am looking for a group that I can jump on together and do Flashpoints, Operations, and Heroic Missions(when I am high enough).


    I am also interested in creating new characters and do regular quests/missions.


    <Bad Motivator Units> would be more than happy to add you to our growing family. Your hours of play fall right in the busy time for us as a guild, so there's always people on. We are mostly a PvE guild, so Flashpoints, Operations, and Heroic stuff are always on the agenda of things our members like to do together.


    You can hit me up on Khelv, Daggit, Anvar, or Darik for an invite. Or you can hit up any of our members. If they're on their main toon, they should be able to extend an invite. I hope you'll consider joining us.

  7. <Bad Motivator Units> is always interested in bringing new members into the fold. You can hit me up on Khelv, Daggit, Anvar, or Darik. I'm usually on in the evenings except for Wednesday.


    Alternatively, any of our guildies who isn't currently on an alt should be able to invite as well. Feel free to hit one up.

  8. Reposting from the Bug Reports forum since there hasn't been a response while the server crash reported here already had multiple responses:


    Hello, after the Shadowlands server came back on a lot of us noticed that the Conquest Leaderbroads were missing


    Instead of seeing the leaderbroads we saw this



    We should be seeing this



    We hope that this does not interfere with the final score for the conquest, considering many of us are expecting achievements, titles, and Guild Rewards tomorrow after all the effort we put into this intensive conquest , and we hope you can please resolve this issue as soon as possible thank you.


    This is in regards to last week's Conquest. It looks like all the leaderboards on the Shadowlands Server were erased after the server crash which led to no rewards being given out to guilds that had ranked. Please fix this!

  9. I really hope its just an interface bug like the one you get when you get a d/c and come back in on that toon. Our guild put a lot of work into winning Belsavis! :(


    Doesn't look like an interface bug. Sadly, it looks like it may be related to the Shadowlands crash yesterday. We're in the same boat. Our guild had our first top 10 finish and may have nothing to show for it.

  10. Greetings!


    I have been upgraded (and so has my previous post!) The Shadowlands is back online, please note you may see some small delays in in-game mail and logins as we funnel everyone back into the server. Again, thank you for your patience


    -Server Droid


    The crash appears to have broken the Conquest system for the week. Showing Status:Failed despite having reached personal Conquest goal and my guild having achieved a top 10 finish for Alderaan.


    Please fix this!!!!

  11. I too see blank leaderboards and a "Failed" status towards Guild Rewards despite meeting personal conquest goal and the guild being on the leaderboard when time ran out.


    Hope this gets resolved quick. This is the first conquest where we made a real run at it and were proud to have finished where we did. To have come this far and get bitten by what looks to be a bug would be disheartening to say the least.

  12. a simple router reset will unban my ip (or disable static ip)


    And how many router resets do you suppose a hacker will go through in order to finally gain access, assuming the router reset doesn't just result in them being assigned the same IP anyway?


    Most hackers are looking for the quickest way in. To them, time is money. Measures that extend the time required by any appreciable length make it cost prohibitive so they move on.

  13. Ok. With the change of login from email to user name, there are a lot of concerns. In Developer forum BW says "An attacker will not be able to 'lock out' a players account, and at the same time will not be able to 'brute force' getting into the account."


    How are both true?


    They also say that this will be more secure. Nothing they are saying about this seems to make sense. If someone can attempt to log in without locking out the account, how is that more secure? If the account can be locked out, then why give all of our user names to the world?


    A ban/block of some length on the offending IP address with a threshold high enough so that it only fires on brute force activity as opposed to simple user error would accomplish it.


    The note we sent out was only changing the username aspect of authentication. All of the other peices such as passwords and Security Keys remain in place. I hope that makes more sense...



    OK, I've finished this reply up to the end of page 20. Given the sheer length of this post I'll reply again for page 21+ soon! :jawa_biggrin:




    As a fellow Information Security professional, let me just say you've been doing yeoman's work in trying to explain what does and does not constitute security with regards to authentication. It can't be easy when something that seems intuitively obvious to most is actually incorrect.


    Keep up the good fight. :D

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