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Posts posted by CaptFalc

  1. lol You do realise that Free to Play players will end up paying more the content that monthly subscribers.


    Even in LOTRO you still have to retain a monthly sub to get all the content free and the people who pay $ to unlock everything acutally end spening much more.


    SW:TOR is free to level 15 and if they used Turbine then " Free" players won't even be able to leave starter worlds without paying money.


    So lol the last lol is really on the people who cancel and hope the entire game is "free" lol.



    You make a good point, however in many of the MMO's that offer content to buy, you don't need to purchase that content in order to play the game so I think you save money. When you take in account that we pay every month, how much content can we buy from the F2P MMO's each month? I doubt i'd be £8 every month.

  2. lol I think this game will go Free To Play, for the most expensive game ever made, their subscription numbers are not ideal. Roughly 1.5 - 1.3 million players. This game will be F2P very shortly, that's my opinion atleast. I doubt they'll keep subscribers if it continues this way.


    Eurogamer's link (Sorry If it's already been posted) http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-06-15-star-wars-the-old-republic-dev-looking-at-free-to-play

  3. Soooo... Umm..... we were like told.... ummm... that transfers where coming today??


    umm..... sooo.... theres like 4 NA servers listed..... andddd.... wellll.... you see.... i kinda thought.... ummm.. welll... along with everyone else on my server.... ummmm... that we'd be able to... um... welll.... transfer today....


    soooo.... im not really sure..... ummm... if we are going to be able too.... welll... you see.... ummmm transfer today.... soooo... could you.... you know..... maybe give us a projected time line.... that.... ummm... shows when servers are expected to be up for transfers..... sooo..... ummm..... you know.... ummm..... i can tell my guild when to expect to move.... since..... this game has zero support for.... what are those things called? ohh... guilds.


    Ahaa, made me laugh.

  4. So let me get this straight.... you'd rather them be reckless and possibly end up costing you MORE money and time? You can't be patient for a week or a few days? It's all about "I wan it now, now, now" am I right? Seriously if you want everything easy and immediate, go play WoW. I have my issues with the game like everyone else but I also understand the caution given their past mistakes. And I also understand it's a new game and them being new to the MMO genre. I'm a Vanilla WoW player and if you think there wasn't a bunch of faults with that game way back then, think again. I don't know if you personally played back then or not but I'm just using it as an example. I get it just fine but maybe people should be happy they're trying to make sure the system works first before screwing over the entire community if it doesn't work. Because if it isn't working right now and you end up in limbo, as I stated above, your so called wasted time and money will grow exponentially and then you'll be here QQing about their incompetence, etc... etc... etc... Have some patience FFS.


    Firstly a week or a few days? You talk as if this is only been a problem today. I have been waiting for months with this issue.


    I have no care for WoW or how they handled issues, however it must be noted that they still dealt with issues promptly. Regardless of your opinion i'm paying for a broken service, why I pay waiting for them to fix a service makes no logical sense.



    No..... YOU don't get it. BW is doing what's right and NOT rushing things because someone wants to qq yet again because it's not happening THEIR way. Relax, we will all get our turn. ** and yes, I spent a lot of money for this transfer too ( I spent 400k, I really did NOT want to spend, on another storage bay to pull everything I had for sale off of the GTN and out of my mailbox. ) Am I upset about it? Do I even know for sure if I will be a server allowed to transfer? No. But it's ok.... better safe than sorry. Try looking for the positive instead of the negative in these situations.



    Not in game credits you fool, real money. The one BioWare takes from your bank account each month while you wait on the fleet twiddling your thumbs just hoping character transfer will come.


    I have no personal vendetta, IfI could have transferred today I would have been happy I'm on a populated server but I'm not content with the way in which Bioware has dealt with this. At the end of the day this is a product, if i was buying a product off the high street and it was faulty or misleading I would take it back. The same thing applies here, you don't pay for a faulty product, that is what Bioware has here.

  5. I'm starting with you because you "took a day off work" hoping you could transfer a character on a game. Seriously? The transfer would have been there when you got off work lol.


    This one is for everyone... hypothetical for you here. Say BioWare allows every server to transfer to and from. Then suddenly amidst all these transfers there's a nice big bug in the system. Uh oh... you can't play. Your characters are in limbo. You have absolutely no control over it and you can't play the game. Then what? You'd all be QQing about how BioWare couldn't predict that a bug would screw up the game for you today and for god knows how long in the future.


    Its better to err on the side of caution people. This is just the beginning. More servers will eventually be open for transfer from and to. I, for one, would rather they get it right the first time and make sure there are absolutely no bugs in the system than get it completely wrong and bug out the entire game. So in the coming days if there does end up being something buggy my ten bucks is on every QQer in this thread, QQing about how they messed up on the transfers rather than not having somewhere to transfer to.


    Count your blessings if that ends up being the case because you won't have ended up one of the statistics of unhappy people unable to play the game at all. Seriously SWTOR players QQ more than any MMO players I've ever seen. So chill out, be patient and honestly... hope they got it right the first time. Lord knows all you guys need is another reason to QQ.


    You don't get it, it's about the amount of time and money we've all wasted waiting on these transfers. The product is faulty, it does not offer what it claims to. No excuses, the way in which they have handled this is abysmal. From customer satisfaction to informing the community.

  6. Actually, it's the community that has completely failed in its responsibility to read and understand relatively simple instructions:




    I'm increasingly coming to the conclusion that this community does not deserve a game. It simply doesn't have the maturity and intelligence to handle its part.


    WE PAY A MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION, THEY DON't HAVE TIME. Seriously the intelligence level of the community is only a representation of how BW treats us.

  7. Awww, you're wishing bad things for me in the future? Now that isn't very nice :confused:


    No I wasn't wishing bad things, I hope you have a populated server that you enjoy. Me on the other hand will have no fun, i'm bitter because I enjoy the game but hate BioWare. I apologize, I'm just mad. lol

  8. I haven't unsubbed as of yet but I'm concerned I'm losing interest in the game. My five reasons;



    • Community - Apart from being afraid that character transfer has come too late, my solid raiding group are leaving for other games or losing interest. Finding a new guild won't be the problem but with how the system works it's not easy to just jump into regular raiding groups. I feel that the community fixing has been neglected or stubbornly put off.
    • PVP - Like the other poster, no Open World PVP is annoying. As a competitive player having no Open World PVP is not ideal, nether is delaying or postponing Ranked Warzones ideal.
    • BioWare - I don't claim to understand how time is used within BioWare or how long certain processes take because that would be ignorant of me, however I don't feel they address the community as quickly as they could. They could do a lot more in informing their members. I also question the amount of content they can produce, as much as the updates are coming regularly I feel they could produce more content.
    • Aesthetics - As much as the planets themselves look detailed, I feel they lack depth. The fleet is horrible and disgusting, is it much to ask for posters or anything that encourages attention to detail. I feel like if I had one day of sitting with BW I would redesign the fleet (not necessarily in structure) but in colours and appearance. It's extremely bland. I struggle not to compare to Orgrimmar in WoW, which is much more involved. Each segment of the fleet is the same and in 'Crew Skills' there are just pointless NPC's which you only speak to once (unless changing crew skills), I just think it feels lifeless.
    • Character Creation & Diversity - 1.3 is allowing the use of social gear which is very nice to know, although I still think everyone looks 'un-unique', I don't feel the gear is imaginative as it could possibly be for a Star Wars Universe. Races are pretty dull, little minor details like if you pick a Twi'lek his head gets in the way, just looks lazy.




    I will continue to play the game but I do worry that the game is moving at a slow pace, I hope it's not slow enough for me too lose interest. then again, by making this post I've lost some.

  9. A bit late to the thread but I was actually the guy who asked about Ranked Warzones (Danger Mouse bag at the end), I was a little shocked by his reply. Wasn't reassuring in my opinion.


    A funny thing happened though,

    Me and my brother where on the front row and we could see that the dev's laptop was popping up with the Windows Update notice (the one which shuts its self down after a few minutes). Naturally we thought he was going to postpone the update before the presentation. He didn't and me and my brother were laughing as he opted to start the talk. When he next looked at the update, you could see he had only a minute left or something, was pretty funny at the time as we imagined it going off during the talk. He left it right until the last moment, definitely a Dev aye!? ;)

  10. Anyone else kind of confused about the answer to Character Bios? How many data are characters using that they can't also include a small text block for a bio. Text files are just so incredibly small.


    Text files are small but the extra programming you have to put in to incorporate these text files makes it a bigger task. It's not as simple as chucking in small features. It has to work with the rest of the game, which can be difficult.

  11. Building a repository of Commando knowledge, if you notice any missing information please do not hesitate to ask for it, as my busy schedule sometimes causes me to forget some items here and there.


    With this in mind I would appreciate some Gunnery details. I enjoy your guide and would love you to write up your experience with Gunnery as I'm sure you could point out some key things i should be doing.

  12. This. Keep one of your tank companions with you (Corso, Bowdaar, or Akaavi) and focus on healing them. It makes things so much easier if you approach it as a tank-heal team.


    Yeah I feel Scoundrel is very easy to level, I can take on a lot more with a tank companion. You just heal.

  13. I have to agree, this is one of my first MMO's and I can't believe that they divide their members, It does not sound logical in my opinion, especially when servers are low populated as WoW definitely had better servers.
  14. It does indeed, use it first, then GR. When you get the CuF it owns. It's alot of damage.


    Don't take this too seriuoslly as I'm aware my dps is a little short but here is my output on Jarg in Nightmare. I was high aswell for further notice ahaa.



    It gives a rough idea, FA is really good now and I enjoy using it.

  15. Where exactly did I say that? I'm saying they realized they needed to make up for what they possibly considered some poor issues and offered something back as an apology or a 'thank you for sticking with us'. There are a LOT of companies out there that would have done nothing and simply moved along as if it was just a typical bump in the road...


    People say EA is cheap and all about money. This offer clearly says otherwise me thinks.


    That's not correct, I get better service buying my groceries.

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