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Posts posted by Knight_Leader

  1. there is NO GRIND in SWTOR


    Jesus I wish you kids where held accountable for your lies


    SWTOR has never had ANY GRIND

    From day one its been the easiest MMORPG in the genre history where everything is basically spoon fed to you people


    And yet you STILL whine, piss, and moan about how hard you have it


    You do realize the alliance system is a very big grind, right? 80 crates of each faction for a total of 320 crates to max the alliance. 320 heroic mission per character. 320 of repeating the same missions over and over. Per character.


    Leveling isn't a grind true, but that doesn't mean there is no grind in the game.

  2. You're funny. I like you. That was a good joke.




    The probem with the game pre nerf is that we didn;t have to play the game, companions did it all for us. Calling 4.0 SWTOR content gameplay is like calling a movie gameplay.


    Ultimately, what I want to see is sensible players who enjoy the game making sensible suggestions on how the game can be improved.


    We're back to the point, though. You like the changes. Other people don't. Why is your opinion - and the opinion of the equivalent minority - this isn't an insult, it's a group of players on each side that are arguing - more important than someone else's. Why should they quit the game, and not you quit the game? Why are your opinions primary?


    I gave my feedback. Leave high end companions as they are right now, increase low level influence power by 15 to 20 percent to make the shock value of 'cake walk to challenge' less of a shock.


    You can't just throw out an arbitrary demand for people to quit because they weren't having fun - because that's the opinion that led to today in the first place.

  3. So there's a thread up at the moment trying to justify bringing back OP companions by claiming the combat just isn't fun. It isn't the first time that argument has been made.


    Here's a crazy idea; if you don't like the game, then stop playing it. Seriosuly, why are you even here? Just find something else to play. Watch the story on Youtube if that's all you;re interested in, but nobody is forcing you to play the game.


    You won;t be missed. Your money won;t be missed. There will be plenty more new players coming in the next few months.


    But doesn't that point of view hit the original people who complained that it was too easy, as well? The combat was too easy, they didn't want to artificially challenge themself, they should just leave. The problem with an absolute statement like this, is it goes both ways.


    I'm not a person complaining about the nerf. I've run the content before and after the change. It literally doesn't affect me. I can see where it would be a problem for brand new players, however.

  4. This isn't a very simple reply.


    On my level 65 Guardian with 216/224 gear who I can dps/tank stance dance on, with a level 34 companion Lana, I have very few difficulties. I have managed to do all heroics (except the one on Makeb with the panels) with some caution but no deaths. I had a few moments where I screwed up and got difficult. For example - the Tyrant. I didn't back to the wall and got punted into a second group of mobs. I had to pop everything I had to stay alive. Kind of fun to be honest. As for Heroic Star Fortress - it was soloable. No fights were overly difficult, but the fortress was very long and monotonous. It's definitely not 'fun' in the current state as solo, but completable. This was done with no alliance buffs for testing if 'One and Only' is possible. However, beyond the achievement there is no reason to solo a heroic star fortress.


    On my level 65 Sage with 208 (and one piece of 216) gear - with her companion in Healer things can get difficult. She goes down faster then my Guardian. That being said, her healer companion is a level 20 influence Lana. If I put Lana in tank and I do the healing in between dps, it's more bareable. Most fights are over way faster then my Guardian because she just has way better burst damage. If I can't burst down the fight, it can get unpleasant, but not undoable. I have not attempted the Heroic Star Fortress on her, I know with her gear, general squishiness, and companion influence I couldn't do it.


    On any character with 190 or lower gear with level 10 or lower influence companions, Heroic 2's pased Hoth are doable, but definitely 'this isn't worth my time' between waiting for cooldowns and rest periods. With the necessary grind for boxes for the alliance, this is moderately frustrating.


    It should be noted that all tests were done on a legacy account with Datacron master, the presence buffs, and 'legendary player' for that presence buff. So while I can do any heroic content on my main, most of on my alt, and a good chunk on my 'other guys' - it definitely makes the game more alt unfriendly. I should also note that an account without the datacrons and presence buffs will be at a severe, SEVERE disadvantage on their first and even second play through.


    With the influence and presence boost being the way they are - I believe that a 15 - 25% buff to lower influence companions would be appreciated/needed - but for high influence, the numbers are... acceptable. Or else make companion influence a legacy perk or 'cheaper' for companions unlocked to the legacy.

  5. Typically many people aren't geared running through the story and usually there is at least a boss or two where you die once or twice or there is at least risk of dying. If there is no risk of dying in a video game, there is no tension. I may as well just watch someone let's play the game if there's no challenge or risk of dying in it. I find watching someone else play to be incredibly boring, and watching my companion play is just as boring.


    I don't find the changes too easy - I could live with them. I will admit I'm a better then average player. However - it's far easier to artificially challenge yourself then it is to nerf the players who liked the way it was - and will quit. Without the casual player - who are the majority of the game - sinking money into TOR, EA will pull the plug on it. Meaning you'll have to find a new game.


    Game too easy? Dismiss your companion. Slot 3 pieces of empty adaptive gear. Intentionally limit your power tray with no defensive buffs or heroic moment.


    Let me repeat - I ran through my standard weekly run including a Heroic 2 star fortress. I had to be a bit more careful with my pulls in the Fortress, but for the most part had no problems. I am, however, a well geared player with the legacy presence and datacron buffs. I ran the content with a level 34 influence companion. I know my class, my character, and exactly what I can do. That being said - you aren't looking from this at the right point of view.


    What about the average joe with no legacy presence. Very few datacrons. 190 gear with an influence 6 companion. They're going to get their *** kicked. There are very few ways to get gear without doing these heroic instances. Without farming alliance. They're going to get pissed and they're going to leave. And no - this isn't a good thing. Without the average player's income being poured into the game - we have no game. The PVPers and the hardcore ops raiders are NOT the target audience, they are not the primary income farm.


    The person who pours the money into this game is John Q Public who had 3 hours a week to play and wants to look/feel like Luke Skywalker. If they aren't having fun, they will leave, and we'll have to deal with the consequences.

  6. I actually really support this. The story missions are actually really good for all the classes I've played, and I would love to spend a weekend just running the class missions for a 'rerun'. Alts are great, but it would be fun to replay my main and his quest - just for the fun of it.


    As for rewards, maybe make the replay rewards just cosmetic stuff - nothing with stats so its' only for fun.

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