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Posts posted by Lordkin

  1. Sounds like you are trolling. When you cancel your sub (like i did) you still have time remaining. i.e. still retain access. I intend to restart my sub just as soon as they fix this. I also feel that they should refund all of us our money for days lost. (that will never happen) I can't tell you how angry i am. I paid good money for this game and they make a change that gives me headaches. I feel abused and neglected. Clearly they don't care otherwise this patch today would have rolled back the problem. Since the old code and the new code exist it is possible to do a rollback. Anyone who says otherwise does not know what they are saying. Simply put they are CHOOSING not to roll back this mess.


    i feel u r pain m8, i cancled my sub today aswell, havent gone online since 2 days after patch, dont wanna feel sick, playing a game.

    i plan to comming bk once this is fixed

  2. It does not matter the color it is the nearly constant blacked out tiles and the constant flashing in the peripherals that is causing a major migraine/eyestrain/motion sickness issue with people.


    As it sits right at this moment it is also breaking reaction based skills to non working dps skills.


    i coudnt agree with u more.


    they stopped the poll voting, but i am sure, it would have been 90% NOOOOO by now

  3. well, i deleted my sub today, why pay when they forced me to quit by introducing disco floor at center of my screen. migraine every 10-15 min, no ty


    i wish u all gl with this game, i been patient long enough, and they dare ignore the problem completely.


    my health is important to me.


    if they made this game for half blind people who r fine with light works, guess i have no choice but to quit

  4. since the last patch, i been unable to play the game for more than 10 min without getting a migraine,

    i am not the only one with this prob, my entire guild and most of the people i spoken to in general feel the same way.


    my quick slot stays grayed 80% of the combat uptime, and the flashing from gcd over the graved buttons, is giving me a headache.


    i thought there was a thread already made regarding this prob, strangely i coud'nt find it in general fourms.


    why arnt the BW addressing this prob asap, this is more serious than the ****** broken illumi patch

  5. reposting in this new thread:


    They new cooldown indicator has taken a step back from the previous iteration, at least for my playstyle and my class.


    In the previous iteration (before 1.1.2), abilities that were usable still appeared "lit up", even though they were on CD/GCD. The cooldown indicator still scrolled down the ability, but the ability itself was actually lit up, indicating it is usable the instant it comes off CD.


    This was PERFECT for me. It let me actually predict the next ability I would use before I used it. Since I play rage/focus based classes, it's not as simple as knowing the next ability to press and pressing it; I had to know if I even had enough rage/focus to press it, and if I didn't I would have to change my rotation. With the previous iteration I KNEW I could use an ability because the ability was lit up, even if on GCD or CD. For other classes this might not be a big deal, but for a rage base class that needs to build our own rage through abilities, it helps immensely if we know it the split second we look at an ability if we have enough rage to use it.


    Now with this new iteration, the ability goes dim (and has a white border around it) if it is on CD or GCD.


    This basically means I cannot accurately predict my next ability. I absolutely stinks. Considering how 10 hours ago I was playing with the PERFECT system for my class, it really gets to me that I have to use this new, inferior system. This means that my ability bar is constantly completely dimmed out because something is always on GCD/CD. I cannot look at an ability and tell if I can use it once the GCD is up. It really hurts my enjoyment of the game.



    PLEASE give us the option of using the previous iteration of cooldown watch.


    And only apply the white borders to abilities that actually have a CD longer than the GCD, thx.


    and why did they lock the threads ?? do they not acknowledge the problem, r they that retarded ??

  6. Long post. Tl;dr summary: change your monitor settings.


    Full story:

    Last night, my eyes hurt so much from this that I could not play. I posted this in the old thread. The strain was horrible, quite painful after a few minutes. I have no recorded problem of photosensitivity or any such issues in games.

    I also thought the change was too flashy and uninformative - I could not tell which abilities would be available after the gcd - but that was really not the main point, it was so painful to look at that I logged off and read a book instead, even though I really wanted to play.


    Today, I came back to the forums to see if there had been a fix or an option to use the previous system. Instead, I noticed one or two posts suggesting a change in positioning, lighting conditions, and monitor settings, so I thought I'd give it a try. It really helped.


    I am using an LCD monitor, 22". My previous settings turned out to be: brightness 70/100, contrast 100/100, color temperature 6500K. First I changed the brightness and contrast to 50/100, then I noticed my monitor has an sRGB setting, which takes care of all that and is the recommended one for "casual" viewing in "typical" lighting at home.


    I also moved the monitor further away, as far as the desk allows, and the chair back. I'd say this gained me about 5 to 10 inches of distance. This also helped a lot: if I move closer my eyes hurt more from looking at the bar and I find it harder to tell what's going on; if I move further, it gets a little better.


    I still don't like the new ui flash and intrusive cd bar. I still think it makes it harder for me to concentrate on the information I want. BUT: I CAN play, with these changes, whereas before I could not. I now find it possible, if still not as easy as before, to tell what will be available after the gcd. I now see that there is a slight difference in the level to which abilities are darkened out if they are available or not. The bar effect and flash blindness effect is simply now so much brighter that it becomes overbearing, making it harder to tell that the difference is there, but it is still there. I think it's even possibly just the same as before the latest patch, it's just so much harder to see.


    Hopefully others will find this useful.


    ty for sharing the tip but we seriously need a perma solution for this, i have a wall mounted monitor which cant go any further than it already is, and i cant play the game more than 10 min without getting a migraine

  7. A lot of people have their color/blances setting, in their monitor, really messed up. They grow accustomed, and even can't see that is so bad... but it is.


    You'll be surprised how many people have this in this way. Looks like the calibrate-your-screen process is a lost art.


    I only can think this happening to people if that people have their screen levels really messed up; witch case the blame is not for the game, but for the calibration.


    I strongly suggest that everyone of you being sick witth the new effect, run a calibration tool (An easy one, are better: http://www.photofriday.com/calibrate.php ).


    Also, if the effect continues, I strongly suggest make some kind of medical checkup. There are a wide range of illness that could cause visual hipersensitivity and motion sickness and some of them are very serious.


    sigh, i dont think we r on the same page here, when 95% of people in the thread feeling sick playing this game, i think the prob lies with the game than the monitors,


    the game was fine till yesterday, it just became un-playble after patch for me and most of others here.

  8. You are completely missing my point. In fact, you are supporting my point.


    The fact that there are 1,000+ postings does not make this a big problem, if we define big problem as one that affects a large part of the player community. It is just as likely (in my opinion, more likely), that this affects a tiny minority of players, who are motivated to come to the forums and complain, and does not affect a very large majority of players, who have no or little motivation to state as much on the forums.


    Remember that 1,000 postings from unique users represent less than 0.1% of active subscriptions.


    I have not said the problem is not legitimate. I have said that the forum activity on this topic is not proof that it is a widespread problem.


    just cuz everyone who owned the swtor didnt rush to fourms regarding this prob which is less than 2 days old, dosent mean majority of the player base approves this, having 80% of the abilities/skills grayed 80% of the combat time is hardly intended, and 95% of the people in this thread says this is a very serious prob for them :)

    personally i havent loged in since yesterday after playing 30 min of this patch, since i dont wanna be sick, i can hardly focus for more than 10 min without getting a headake, unfortunately i am not half blind so this is a serious prob for me :mad:

  9. I have to agree with the original post. I have two problems with it:


    1. The flashes are extremely distracting. I understand they were trying to make things more clear, but when you look at those toolbars for some hours, it starts to make your brain hurt.


    2. The fact that all buttons go dark while the GCD is in effect, makes it impossible to anticipate the next move, as you cannot see which abilities are off cooldown... or which abilities have been "activated" by the circumstances of the previous attack. Please fix this -- it's a bit silly that the designer didn't see this was a problem.




    plz fix this asap, i cant even play for 15 min non-stop, it hurts my eyes :mad:

    how did this actually pass testing stage :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

  10. Okay so you people are not satisfyable at all (is this a word? Dunno). First it was almost not noticable, now you people cant see your skills anymore. How about this: Learn your hotkeys.


    Clickerz ...


    clickerz or not, i keybind my skills and been playing mmo's for 5 years now, and i look at the cd's half the time when i am using the skills, this game dosent make the procs too obvious to see, so to stay on top one has no choice but to foucs on the cd's from time to time, especially in pvp.


    having the keys grayed out 90% of the time lol i dont think thats intended :confused:

  11. lol mate chill :)


    My fault I suppose....I cant see anything wrong with the new look, granted the whole UI needs looking at but all this whine over such a little thing makes me think some ppl will never be happy.


    As for not knowing when your ability is off cool down...I just don't understand lol


    maybe if u g t f o of fourms and go do a wz, u will understand what the problem is

  12. You guys need to fix this global cooldown problem now, and i mean NOW ! You have completely destroyed my class mechanic as a marauder - how am i suppose to know if target is in range, or if i have enough rage to cast my ability, when everything is black during global cooldown? Since all my attacks are instant, my actionbar is black all the time, and i cant tell which attacks have enough rage and which dont. I cant play anymore, and im not going to until this is fixed lol .. its not fun.


    idd, +1

  13. If you give it a few days and get used to it rather than coming on the forums to complain...then it might not be an issue for you :)


    lol get used to want ?? i cant look at the bars for more than 10 min, my eyes r getting tyred and giving me a headake, and u cant tell w t f is going on with the bars flashing like there is no tomorrow and the bars staying grayed for 90% of the time.... ty to that, its getting harder to differentiate the abilities.


    to sum it up, this is way worse the than the previous cd

    and i am not playing this game again till they fix this S H I T

  14. there should be a way to compare the dmg/ healing done in a grp, this motivates peeps who want to top the meters and also shows us who is slacking in the grp, if 2 in 8 people r doing terrible at what they r supposed to do in a riad, and we r failing to down that boss cuz of them, i dont think it's right to waste 6 peoples time.
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