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Posts posted by eudaemonea

  1. Sorry, but they need to merge servers. Not transfer players around. Not only that, they need to merge the servers in such a way that it combines an imperial heavy server with a republic heavy server to faction balance. Aion did that long ago and it worked great. No reason they can't do that here.
  2. You don't have to "troll" through all the posts, you can use the search option. And don't tell me it'd take you more time to do that than writing your post. We aren't (Broseephine, me, others) against you, it's just it isn't the first time we read about it, we're aware of those issues. I mean, we're just tired of reading the same subjects over and over. Again, nothing against you.


    That being said, here's what I reply usually. Imo, there're basically 2 versions of SWTOR. The one played on the "dead" servers and the one played on the heavily populated servers. It's like playing two different games! Nearly a month ago, I rerolled on Jedi Covenant and from that moment, I started to play SWTOR the 2nd version. It's just... great! So great to see so many players everywhere, so great to see more republic players than empire ones on the fleets, so great to form heroic and fp groups so quickly, so great to receive too many tells when you "lfm", so great to read intense pvp conversations in the chat, so great to have a GTN filled with pages and pages of things, so great to have fun discussions all the time with different players, so great to have so many different guilds with so many active members.


    If you don't want to reroll, I completely understand. You could always wait for the free transfers in early summer. If you don't want to wait until then, I understand too. But give it a chance and try (or retry) the game on a heavily populated server, it worth it imo. Hope to see you soon in Jedi Covenant. :)


    As the GM of a raiding guild, I cannot ask all my raiders to just re-roll on another server, level, and regear... so we can go back to what we were working on. That's not realistic.


    We're on Lord Praven. We have a thread going right now in our forums about what we can do to make things better until the developers fix their game. Mergers are a must (not transfers, MERGERS) but we feel that they aren't going to ever do that because it would be too much like admitting their game is dying.


    I'm happy that you're happy on your high pop server - and had that option. But others don't. It would be really crappy of me to just up and move servers on the group I promised to lead and be responsible for. I can't do that. We're trying to hold it together until SOMETHING happens... but I'm going to be straight up honest here -- Tuesday at Midnight, our server will be a ghost town. We have 40 people that show up in Fleet every night. (down from 150ish a few weeks ago before patch hit) D3 will lower that even further than Storymode Explosive Conflict did when it chased off all the casual raiders...


    There's only so much of this that the paying customer will deal with before they cancel. Bioware needs to pull their collective heads out of their booties and merge and balance servers. It's a must. Just need them to get it done so the rest of the paying subscribers CAN experience what you are right now.... and be happy.

  3. We really like the Legacy system in our guild and have a few suggestions to add to it for guild controls.


    As people come into the guild, we've been trying to make note of legacy name. It would be really handy to have an option in the controls to sort by legacy name and also an ability to gkick by legacy so that when we do need to remove someone we can kick all toons belonging to that legacy at once instead of searching through guild notes to find all the alts for that person.


    Also, as GM, I'd find it very handy to have a way to set up controls preventing certain legacy names from being invited to the guild. This shouldn't be public info (GM info only). Somewhat like how banning by IP on a forum works but instead, it would be in game and by Legacy name instead of IP address. This would pretty much give a full proof means of keeping people from rerolling and joining the guild again -- possibly to cause the same issues again.

  4. It would be really nice to have the option to ignore people by their legacy name such that no matter what toon they log into, if you have them ignored on one toon, it automatically ignores all other toons belonging to that legacy
  5. Currently the Focus Target section of the UI doesn't have option to enable the health text or health percentages. It would be great if this were added. Along those lines, it would also be nice if there was an additional option for showing the focus target's target.
  6. Same with sorcs, I got my unassembled campaign bracers last night and didnt even get a piece of gear cause the campaign bracers take away from my willpower and give me more endurance. Just sticking with my rakata augmented bracers for now. I look at all the black hole gear and campaign gear on the vendor in supply area and most of it takes away willpower and replaced it with endurance.....



    I noticed the same thing. I don't need more health. I need more power to counter that healing nerf they tossed my way. Endurance helps me heal, how???

  7. Here's my take on this. I'm not going to engage in the pissing and moaning fights between the hardcore folks vs the casuals...


    We wrapped up Nightmare KP pretty much the night the servers shut down for 1.2 maintenance. We got Nightmare Soa tonight. And in the last 2 weeks we've worked on story mode EC. Our server currently has 5 or 6 guilds that have downed either all or most of story mode. 2 guilds have 1 boss down on hardmode. Granted, we're a low pop server but that seems too low to me in the grand scheme of things.


    I'm a healer. What I'm seeing isn't that the mechanics on these fights are over the top. I'm seeing that the fights themselves are unforgiving to people that are not aware of their surroundings. Things that we could heal through in KP/EV (on any difficulty setting) we are unable to necessarily heal through in this new ops. I'm ok with that. Do I like the nerf to healing? Not really... and seeing the content as it stands now I feel that healing should either be un-nerfed (haha) or the dmg on the FIRST BOSS ONLY needs to be nerfed a smidge.


    Not a lot mind you. Just a little tiny bit. We run a merc/sorc healer combo and we do fairly well with things but that's in full Rakata (or close) and people that are more serious about progression. I can guarantee you the guild we were in previously with the load of casuals will NOT get this first boss down for quite a while. They were already frustrated with some of the harder difficulty level content in Tier 1. This will make them not want to play. They were already at that point going into the patch, and to be perfectly frank... I haven't seen many of them log in since that first week after 1.2 went live.


    Story Mode should give a nice sense of accomplishment when you finish it, not feel like you've been put through the ringer. The average player will not find enjoyment running that operation. And with the healing changes, they won't even have much enjoyment doing nightmare level tier 1 to get the same gear.


    For the more serious raiders, it's challenging....and we enjoy it. But I am concerned that both the casual guilds and the casual guildies that get to come in here and there to our own raids, will not stick around and continue paying subs if PvE is their thing.


    rebuff the healers a little, tone down the first boss' damage a smidge and I think a lot more people would be comfortable in there.


    I WILL say this though... just feedback in general on fights... but I'm REALLY not happy with 2 more fights like Jarg/Sorno where bosses have to die within moments of each other. That's really just kinda boring. Seen it, done it... can we have something new next tier?

  8. Ya the Black Hole stuff is lacking set bonus atm, but we don't know if it is intentional or a mistake.


    If you think about it, it looks intentional.


    Currently we have:


    Energized/Tionese at 126 (51 level mods)

    Exotech/Columi at 136 (56 level mods)


    The "off tier" pieces (energized/exotech) pieces don't have set bonuses but have the same level of internals as their Tier piece counterparts.


    If blackhole isn't a drop, perhaps they're just cutting down the loot table to not include so much "junk" from dropping off the boss?


    So my question is this... in story mode and Hard mode EC, is there anything besides Rakata/Campaign dropping? If not, then (at least to me) it appears that they are just moving the off tier to a vendor for purchase for 146 gear.


    If that logic is sound, my second question would be.... where's the Rakata off tier equivalents?

  9. Raiders don't need high end gear either. The only reason that raiding "requires" a higher level of gear is the carrot on the string. Very few people really enjoy raiding in general so the developers must bribe them with excellent gear to get them to do the content. Because this gear makes the player more powerful, future raid bosses must be made more difficult to present "challenge".


    This ends up being a cycle. Get better gear to kill the next boss. That boss gives better gear so you can kill the next boss. In the end - none of the gear would be necessary if raiding was made to be fun from the perspective of the masses - which it has never been. With the exception of Wrath in WoW, raiding has been on life support in most of the MMOs that try to make it a mainstay of their endgame.



    To sit there and say "very few raiders enjoy raiding"... what planet are you on and who made you the authority on what people enjoy? If you want to make a valid argument, do not throw out faked up statistics and use words like "we", "most" "every", etc to "prove" your point. State your opinion using YOURSELF as an example. I don't give two ***** what you THINK "most" people like/dislike. You do not speak for everyone. Especially not raiders. I'm not talking story mode people either. I'm talking the Nightmare folks.


    I can speak for myself and what I see in our group - those people LOVE raiding. Log in any non-raid day and nobody is on. Come Tues/Wed/Thurs and our roster fills up. Those people are there to RAID. Not do dailies... Pretty much everyone in our group is there for the challenge of doing the content. One guy doesn't like nightmare mode because it's the same drops. The other 11 that come in and out of that group are like meh whatever you want to give me, when the loot drops. Half the time they are out of range to even give loot to because they are tearing off to clear trash to the next boss. They laugh and have fun in vent -- in a group setting -- that isn't otherwise there any other time of the week. So do NOT attempt to preach that "very few raiders enjoy raiding". If my folks didn't enjoy it, they'd just not show up.


    Daily commendations should NOT be giving raid quality gear. If you're not raiding, you don't need it. Like someone else said, the stats should be optimized for what you're working on. Dailies = companion out. That gear should have presence on it. Just like PvP gear gets expertise. Raid gear should be normal stats you'd need without being in a wz or doing dailies and be obtained in a raid environment.


    Where mmo's keep screwing the pooch imo, is making those shiny epics too easy to obtain. The whole "badge" system is junk. All it does it give people raid gear that don't want to raid. If you aren't raiding, you don't need the damn gear. It's that simple. But no no, "i paid for this game so I should get what I want" mentalities are what keeps dumbing down every mmo out there. For once I'd like a company to stand up and say NO. You want this shiny epic... go in there and kill the monster that drops it. Period. Instead they have gamers on the life support ***** of badges/commentations/points/etc so they don't have to deal with repair bills or other people.




    They took something from WoW and put it in here... and it shouldn't have ever been put in either game. And no, I don't want to hear your garbage about paying a subscription fee and you don't have time to raid and blah blah blah. Bottom line for me has always been that if you want raid gear, you raid. Buying it off a vendor is just welfare in a video game for those that can't. There's enough welfare out in the real world. Can we just STOP giving out handouts to lazy people? I hate it. Nothing you say can ever change my mind on it.


    Commendations/Badges = WELFARE. See it for what it is.

  10. World of logs was brilliant, for tweaking. Recount did a far better job at weeding out the rough bits during the raids. Faster and in realtime. From CCs getting broken to seeing if every one in the raid did his best to avoid dmg taken.

    Example you wipe, you check the incoming dmg on players and its sources. And you adress the players to took far to much avoidable dmg. or you spot the dps that has 20% less dmg done then anyone else, and adress him. Then you try the fight again. All in all recount is a brilliant addon that easy to use and shows you on the fly what info you need. I never needed world of logs other then tweaking my 0.5% dps gain tbh ;)



    IF the vast majority of people would use it that way, then yes. But they don't...


    and we ran logs real time. I could look at the same info on world of logs after the fight but in much greater detail

  11. Why? because i like the competition between other classes in the same role? I dont think id like to be in a ops with dpsers who didnt give a duck about how much dmg they inflict :)

    You know its a bit of healthy competition, and its also the very nature of humans. We where and always will be competitive creatures :)


    And on the other hand, why shouldnt i be allowed to see if someone isnt preforming good enough?

    If i would be in a HM or NM encounter a big factor is beating the enrage timer. Now i would be pretty peaved if we kept wiping on end because someone is not an par with the rest. If i, or someother dps in that case be (s)lacking, you would also want to know and sort it out. and better in realtime ingame then wiping maybe a whole evening and then try to collect everyone parses :)


    And yes,if its a serious fight. I would replace the DPS that cant outnuke the tank. And tell him he should go read some class guides and get him some help if its a gear issue and run him trough some FPs. Gues im a very bad person then ;)


    did you read my first post on the page prior to your "i need the right to brag" response? if you did, then you have the answers. if not, go back and read it.


    oh here... i'll just quote it for you:


    Too many people use an in game damage/healing meter type mod as a way to lord it over others. It's a number. It shows you absolutely nothing about cooldown usage, hot/dot uptimes, damage taken, spell procs, uptime on trinket usage, etc that you'll get from an actual parse.


    World of Logs was the BEST tool I had as a raid leader to figure out what the hell happened. I didn't give two figs about recount. Recount was just for that those idiots that liked to boast about how high their damage/heals were. Even if they were completely screwing up every other aspect of the fight... which I *COULD* see with parses.


    And yes, I do need to see all 8/16 people's information if we get to a fight we're having issues with -- for hard/nightmare operations. Outside of that, no... I don't need to see your information because it's irrelevant. Easy is easy and you can do whatever you want in easy mode stuff. But if you come to one of my raids for hardmode or nightmare, I damn well do need to be able to pick apart data to find the root cause of whatever problem we're ramming our head into a wall over. And no, I do not care about your individual DPS unless it's so pathetically low that I need to replace you.


    Right now, I run an 8 man group and can visually see when people do SOME of the stupid stuff. We have more disagreements over what person A thinks happened vs. person B than any other issue. Parses will help that. That it's not group wide for operations will be frustrating but I'll deal with it.


    But in NO WAY do I condone or encourage them to put stupid recount in this game. That just leads to nitwits thinking they're important when they aren't... and trying to make others feel bad when their number isn't as high as someone elses. High numbers does not always equal playing optimally. However parses DO show you that information. I can see who's being the team player vs. the idiot that just tunnels the boss with no regard for anything other than his/her high dps/heal number at the end.


    Apples and oranges.


    To satisfy the DPS whores though, a damage meter at the end of a boss fight somewhat similar to warzone information would be an ok thing with me. Not linkable. You see it and then once you close it, it's gone. Not during combat. After.


    And to those of you that are all about the "well *I* use recount to help others..."


    you're attempting to use that to make a point that's very counter to what a vast majority of us have seen actually taking place in these types of games. You may be that 1 in a million super nice guy that DOES do that... but there are lots more out there that use it as a tool to humiliate and belittle others.


    I spent hours and hours going over parses in wow to figure out how to help my group get better. Most people put fingers in their ears when you tell them anything counter to how they want to do things when their numbers are high. Recount is a menace to any game that implements it.


    just my .02 take it for what you will

  12. Too many people use an in game damage/healing meter type mod as a way to lord it over others. It's a number. It shows you absolutely nothing about cooldown usage, hot/dot uptimes, damage taken, spell procs, uptime on trinket usage, etc that you'll get from an actual parse.


    World of Logs was the BEST tool I had as a raid leader to figure out what the hell happened. I didn't give two figs about recount. Recount was just for that those idiots that liked to boast about how high their damage/heals were. Even if they were completely screwing up every other aspect of the fight... which I *COULD* see with parses.


    And yes, I do need to see all 8/16 people's information if we get to a fight we're having issues with -- for hard/nightmare operations. Outside of that, no... I don't need to see your information because it's irrelevant. Easy is easy and you can do whatever you want in easy mode stuff. But if you come to one of my raids for hardmode or nightmare, I damn well do need to be able to pick apart data to find the root cause of whatever problem we're ramming our head into a wall over. And no, I do not care about your individual DPS unless it's so pathetically low that I need to replace you.


    Right now, I run an 8 man group and can visually see when people do SOME of the stupid stuff. We have more disagreements over what person A thinks happened vs. person B than any other issue. Parses will help that. That it's not group wide for operations will be frustrating but I'll deal with it.


    But in NO WAY do I condone or encourage them to put stupid recount in this game. That just leads to nitwits thinking they're important when they aren't... and trying to make others feel bad when their number isn't as high as someone elses. High numbers does not always equal playing optimally. However parses DO show you that information. I can see who's being the team player vs. the idiot that just tunnels the boss with no regard for anything other than his/her high dps/heal number at the end.


    Apples and oranges.


    To satisfy the DPS whores though, a damage meter at the end of a boss fight somewhat similar to warzone information would be an ok thing with me. Not linkable. You see it and then once you close it, it's gone. Not during combat. After.


    And to those of you that are all about the "well *I* use recount to help others..."


    you're attempting to use that to make a point that's very counter to what a vast majority of us have seen actually taking place in these types of games. You may be that 1 in a million super nice guy that DOES do that... but there are lots more out there that use it as a tool to humiliate and belittle others.


    I spent hours and hours going over parses in wow to figure out how to help my group get better. Most people put fingers in their ears when you tell them anything counter to how they want to do things when their numbers are high. Recount is a menace to any game that implements it.


    just my .02 take it for what you will

  13. confirmed drop on the belt tonight from Karric Soik in Grantham's Estate. Hubby got heavy warrior belt from him last night, i got saber marshal's from him just a minute ago.


    he got bracers from heroic daily Friends of Old when we killed Lord Tytonus also tonight


    The reasons why WoW was enjoyable

    • Community was larger and auction house was thriving. Had an actual economy. Felt good.
    • Events that took place when events took palce in reality. E.G christmas events that gave you decent rewards from doing christmas stuff or valentines day etc etc.
    • You could re-do you characters hair style at the barbers.
    • Professions felt great once they were leveled to the max. Felt like you achieved something.
    • Fishing, Archaeology, First aid etc
    • You could attack the enemy cities. Also attack towns and cities alone as long as you avoided elites because guards were only normal mobs. In SWTOR guards are champions for most places.
    • Flying mounts
    • Quick travel with portals.
    • Daily quest zone had dailys close together and it interacted with opposite faction. So it could also be pvp. Zones were small and easy to complete. Not a drag. Illum daily area doesn't have much zones shared with imperial and is quite the drag in illum.
    • Guilds had reputation/amazing rewards for being exalted with guild. Heirlooms to level alts with. Mounts etc.
    • The ammount of gear varied massively and it wasn't allways the vendor gear that was the best. Unlike SWTOR where you can only rely on vendor gear.



    Fishing and Archaeology were both nothing but time sinks. They were horrible to level up. NOT fun. Thank god there's no such atrocity in this game.


    Flying mounts ruined world pvp in WoW. At the point that you could fly any direction you wanted, over the people wanting to jump you on the roads, you effectively STOPPED world pvp -- which people are still whining about over on the wow forums.


    Same with Portals to everywhere. It removed the potential for world pvp...


    Guild perks made it so you felt chained in a guild that you may not enjoy just to keep the perks. Not worth it. While I'm glad you and others enjoyed it, it wasn't ideal for everyone and I'd prefer not to see it introduced here.


    The one other thing you said about being able to grind out your token gear faster in wow-- I'm going to give you a personal example. I hit 85 on a warlock on Friday morning at about 6am. By 7pm that night, I was geared enough for looking for raid and had a deathwing kill under that brand new toons belt. I haven't touched the toon much since then and don't plan to. Gearing in WoW is now a serious joke. You can do it in less than 24 hours if you put your mind to it in order to gain access to most of the higher end content. While that's great for some people with limited time, it strikes me too much as instant gratification, which is something I believe makes people less inclined to appreciate what they actually have.


    Comparatively, when I hit 50 in this game and started flashpoints/operations, I was able to finish Columi gearing in about 5 days -- still leaps and bounds above the time it would have taken you in WoW to gear Tier 1 back in vanilla, which was months.


    What I have now gives me a sense of accomplishment again. I haven't felt that playing WoW in, well, years honestly. Not everyone likes or wants things to be easy mode. This game is a refreshing change and I for one would like it to stay that way. If SWTOR becomes another easy street game where everyone is in the highest level gear with the minimal effort, I for one, will be moving on to something else...again. 7 years of playing wow and the devs continually dumbing it down for impatient, lazy, instant gratification folks got damn old. Kudos to BW for not doing the same in this game.

  15. here's my stats and what i noticed before and after patch. i can't answer your question -- was actually wondering the same thing myself.


    willpower 1611

    crit rating 327 (32.29 crit chance)

    surge rating 311 (75.59 multiplier)

    alacrity 216 (7% activation speed)


    before the patch, my innervates were ticking for just under 1800 per tick. Like 1789 or something. I should have written it down and forgot (sorry!)


    in comparison, they are now ticking for 1673 when critting


    it doesnt seem like a huge difference but i'll have a better feel for it after HM Ops tomorrow night. Doing HM Kaon felt same as normal for me and dps didn't seem to be hurting either.

  16. talked to my guildies about this also... unanimous agreement that the load screens that we go through traveling planet to planet are very excessive. The only device in game at the moment that removes a bulk of that nonsense is the fleet passes you buy at the authenticator vendor. I keep 10 in my bags per day and use frequently (especially after Belsavis dailies because it's just not convenient to travel anywhere in that zone with all the random points not connecting to each other).


    Time sinks are one thing - give me some crazy thing to go grind and I'll grind it, promise. But sitting there at load screens makes me want to close the game.


    If they could just remove the airlock section and allow us to mount in the orbital station, I wouldn't mind so much. But as it is right now, I just don't enjoy it.


    Airlocks are overkill. Running on foot to the opposite end of the orbital station is annoying.



  17. I'd be ok with a same realm flashpoint finder but NO cross server!


    As it is right now, I have no issue finding a group to do things with. As you find others you like grouping with, put them on friends. The next time you want to fill a group, look at your list and see where those ppl are. If they're sitting on Fleet, ask them to join you. Groups fill for me in 5 minutes or less because I make the effort to find people I like grouping with and ASK them to go with me again.


    If they suck, put them on ignore and forget they exist.


    People too lazy to do a minimum amount of work in an MMO do not need to be spoon-fed content with automated systems placing you in groups. If it's cross server, it's only a matter of time before you get the same douche bag experience you had in wow dungeon finder -- which is why I no longer play that game.


    Same server finder is fine imo. You'd still have the ability to find those same people to group with again later if you want (or ignore as you will...) and people would have at least some incentive to be team players instead of abusive jerks that comes from anonymous cross server finder systems.

  18. I like the OP's suggestion. That would work very nicely to allow people to see where they rank vs. someone else without it impacting the run in progress. I also liked the suggestion of having an in game option to see your personal stats without the ability to link anything.


    I played WoW since release and from my point of view, once the damage meters, gear scoring and raid mods became widely used, it gave people "tools" that enabled them to justify (to themselves at least) treating others badly that may not be doing as well.


    A DPS/Healing meters for example doesn't really tell you squat -- it's just a raw number. World of Logs (in WoW) on the other hand can be a huge tool to determine where problems are and show the dps junky that he actually is doing a load of things wrong, even if his dps number overall is high. An in game dps meter just allows someone to wave their epeen around... usually with someone else being on the receiving end of it. I personally don't miss that bs at all.


    There are some thing on the other hand that the game really needs but maybe instead of asking for mods, why not explain to the devs what you're wanting/needing and have them put it directly into the game for everyone to benefit from.


    Right now off the top of my head we really need a way to see target of target (especially if you're healing or dpsing) and there needs to be some way to determine if you're about to pull off the tank. I'd like to be able to focus an enemy target in raids to watch who THEY target. The auction house needs some major tweaking (it's beyond annoying to use). Things like that... make suggestions. Don't just slap a mod on it and think that fixes anything. It only fixes it for you and those that use that mod. Not the entire community.


    I'm very much against any mod that could be used to inflict others with negativity and abuse. That includes gear scoring mods, dps mods, healing mods, etc. Once you put those things in game, it's only a matter of time before people start mistreating each other like we saw so prevalent in warcraft. Right now, I've had ZERO groups flip out on any one person when we wipe. There's no discussion of someone's dps sucking. Heals are kind of black or white (they lived, they died). The TEAM approach to everything is so nice that I'd much rather never know what someone's damage is at. It's refreshing after years of warcraft brats making everything into a "i'm better than you" scenario.


    Just enjoy the content. Make suggestions to the devs to add features. Let's leave the mods out of this game.

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