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Posts posted by sDiesel

  1. came back for some reason last month, bad idea. what can i say, i love star wars, came from wow and this is wow2 to me.


    i love the game, even spent a chunk of cash to built a new computer to play this. but it's has problems, some of which ive never understood. i dont find any point in naming anything in particular, cant say i really have much faith in the devs/forum mods seeing this - or anybody's - problems with the game. oh well, if this game wasnt run by ea, then it wuld have a chance. but i have a damn good feeling that the content will dry and the only thing new will be in the cartel shop.


    i paid a sub for content, not to pay artists to make items for the cartel shop(some of which are already ingame and done since beta).


    i have no problems paying for an expansion pack. but with little to no info on this 'xpac' and what little we do know...well i just dont consider it an xpac and a planet that suppose to be free. it may be a worthwhile dlc pack, but from some other f2p mmo's i've played...dlc's are free for subs.


    bleh, it's hard to want to dump time into an mmo when it's life cycle looks (to me) so grim.


    i wouold like to be a sub.

    bioware, give me a reason!

    ea, i liked the old you...really, the OLD you.

  2. to the OP: I don't understand. We already have the hide-helmet toggle. Are you talking about for a companion ? I could be wrong, but I think we have that too, although I have really not payed close attention.


    And last time I looked, I have 6 toons on Harbinger. I thought someone said we have 12 toons per server. You mentioned a limit of 2 for subbed players? That can't be right.


    So, I really don't understand your questions...


    he's talking about prefered status members, not subs. i saw something about this a few weeks ago or so on the site, someone at eaware said something about upgrading the slots from 2 to 6(4?) and a few minor tweaks. havent heard anything more.

  3. as a marauder ive notice since ive come back.

    rage/focus = great for defense on node w/ or w/o healer/tank, and/or great offense on node w/ or w/o healer/tank

    it's the "I Work Out!" spec, since the game dropped for pvp....

    anih/watch = great for pure solo/pve/pugpvp..but dont expect to put up big numbers with it. but you'll live a lil longer...sometimes(healers favor the rage mara i guess?)

    that other spec...i havent played, but the 15% speed buff has been looking good since i took a break in 1.2 =)

  4. mara's are still FotM?


    works for me, FotM when i leave and when i come back. least it's the only class i play.


    since day one of release mind you.


    just a thought...but crusing through patch notes(very quickly) i didnt notice much change to 'lolsmash' since 1.2...guess it takes a long time for a spec to really shine?

  5. I'm not actually blaming anyone, apart from some devs. My idea is just that, an idea, but it could help the people who didn't get a chance at the white crystal to get a rare crystal that the people who got the white cannot get. It just levels the field a bit imo


    nice idea....in a way. but look at it this way, if swtor was an office place and your boss calls a meeting at 9 am, half the people show up before 9, boss gives em a cookie for being on time. now the other half of people trail in after 9, boss gives them a brownie for being late. now in a work atmosphere this would look pretty bad, you get rewarded for doing your job or for not doing your job, your choice.


    now this isnt a game, but what you want makes all the work i did for my rares wasted in a way, because you want a reroll....AND you dont want me or others that where there for the first chance not to even have an option to join in.

    that just doesnt seem right.


    if ya missed out, then wait for the next event....hell i missed the first 3 years of wow, thats a lot of missed rares.


    It's stupid that even in 2012, MMOs have "Rare" items.


    You want to make us work for a purple crystal, fine. I'll work for it. But I want a purple crystal, even if it is statless.


    i have a r/l friend that plays tor and he loves 'rares' (even if they thinks they are...but arent), point is, some people play just to get rare items. i picked up the white crystals for the pure fact that they may never be in the game again.

  6. That you will still be able to get. They should make a rare crystal for those who couldn't get the White ones that the people who have them cannot get.


    that....wouldnt make much sense, now your blaming the people that put in the time to get rares just to reward those that missed there chance.

  7. I've seen this sorta "it's your fault" response whenever there are threads about rare crystal colours.


    What about players who started playing just when 1.2 came out and the vendor removed? Why shouldn't they get a chance at getting those crystals? Are their $15/month not good as yours?


    And don't give me any of that "I'm a veteran player" nonsense. If we want this game to grow, survive, and remain healthy, then every player should have the opportunity to earn these crystals. I am not asking for the crystals to be made easy to get. They should remain rare, but they should at least be accessible to those who put the time and effort in. As BioWare has noted before, most players do not have 1 million credits. So even under a vendor system, those crystals are rare.


    what about the 'vet players' that launched this game from day -7 of this game? what about all the time they spent earning credits to buy say 2 white crystals and a unique speeder all for the reason that it will never be avaiable again.

    we put in our time and effort, because BW said 'TEMP STUFF, GET NOW OR FOREVER QQ', we deserve to have rare items that should NEVER be put back in. you had your chance, you missed it. sorry, that is life.


    and the others that started late but help the game live....

    dont worry, there will be more events and rares.

  8. Good players get better, bad players ask for nerfs and ruin the game for everyone.


    mostly this.



    We all know that Warzones are a Team effort. All classes more or less can do good damage if left alone. The problem lies when you throw in all of these classes together in an 8man match and everyone has about 2 stuns and an interrupt (except mercs).


    It's no secret that all warriors+powertechs (and mirrors) jump on the healers and sorc/sages 1st; they would ideally jump on a caster to interrupt. So the flavor of the month classes are this way specifically because they can perform at the same level as other classes in damage (if not better), have immediate instant cast un-interruptable burst damage, and on top of that an interrupt on short cooldown. If you simply increase cd on interrupt from warriors/PTs in PVP, then you wouldn't have to nerf their damage or re balance by much. Another option would be to remove spell pushback when a target is damaging a caster. Maybe at a really high team coordination level, this wont matter much because a proper tank and peels will be present.



    remember to not face tank, run from melee.

    fake cast is an AMAZING best friend.

    never forget, if you are interrupted, only that spell is locked out. this is why fake casting is great, doesnt always work, but still helps. unless you have 3+ juggs/pts/maras on you that all spec for 6sec rupt....but that would almost be odd.

    on the topic of un-interruptable burst, they must all hit that burst in 1gcd. EVERYBODY is susceptible to being interrupted on burst. it takes some learning time before you'll start to notice 'hey, that guy is all (insert spell gfx), i should CC and ****'.

    most important thing is why are your dps/tanks not peeling these guys off you? i think the issue may be more team coordination as peeling is a very key element of the game and also requires teamwork.


    ....maras have 6sec rupt as well, i _think_ it's the only class that can have a 6sec rupt in a dps spec with full 31 points. but dont quote me on that one lol.

  9. We all know the ambition of 1.2, and the mass of content it introduced. BUT there has been a mass of re-subscribers to this game, in anticipation to 1.3, a update of NO content. What do you think of this? Do you think of this? Is there a reason? Is 1.3 the savior of SWTOR over the ridiculously featured 1.2?




    what this really should say is 'more people are playing on my server before 1.3 over 1.2'

    but to say subs are up and have nothing to prove it is well...


    a false statement.

  10. We do get into combat as quickly as every other ranged, but we do not have such uptime, as range does.


    There is no heal from force camo, not even in rage, read the tooltip.


    unleash, bit of a mixup

  11. In a wz where CD's are not always as important as in PvE, they can :


    huh? wait....what, really?!


    how is cd management not key in pve AND pvp. if i can live a lil longer till my heals get over to me while im trying to hold a base alone, then i would think it's pretty darn important to manage my def cd's for that moment.


    DPS better than any other class (with the exception of the limited burst DPS from PT's / Vanguards - which is getting a big hit form the relic nerf).


    all the classes are getting nerfed from the relics ><.


    They can get into combat as quickly as anything else.


    we are melee...need gap closers, as a pt you get to grapple em over, we get to charge in.


    They can mitigate damage better than any other class (when their cd is done)


    imo bw traded cc for def cd's for maras. other classes get more cc than us, we get more def cd.


    They can combat stealth (and return form it with a good amount of health and finish off a fight they just left).


    your thinking of a talent in the rage/focus tree tier2, it heals for 10% when force camo is used. not a talent i usually go for as annihilation as i usually pop a medpack when i camo instead of that talent.

  12. Thats just insane, the rest of the classes dont have that much defensive abilities combined.


    every other class has more CC like hardstuns

    maras have snares/roots/slows and a (what i consider minor) hard stun from charge.

    the only real cc they have is Intimidating Roar, aoe fear, last 6secs, 1min cd that breaks on damage iirc.



    other classes get CC, maras get anti-CC


    eg, your conc missle/debilitate is equal to my force camo...

    least thats what BW intended...i think lol


    we get lost of def cds, but some are just reverse cc to compensate for you getting more cc cds.

  13. No. The time it takes for you to guard another player means you have done X amount of less damage to the enemy. As a dps, you have lower life than a tank, you do more damage, and the damage you deal is mcuh higher than the damage you save from your friend.


    You and your friend dpsing an enemy is much more viable than you standing there switching stances mid fight.

    Too bad you're wrong. Takes all of a split second to guard, intercede and taunt with my juggernaut and thus saving a friendly with a sliver of life. Giving him 5 seconds of near immunity, during which he can bring his life up or help me kill his assailant.


    -Doing X amount of less dmg to the enemy - Is beneficial if you save a friendly and can still kill the enemy

    -You have lower life than a tank - So what, you have life and your friend doesn't

    -The damage you deal is much higher than the damage you save from your friend - What? He is alive and at near immunity for a couple seconds...


    ^tis both in my mind...

    if you suck at stance dancing or suffer from tunnel vision but do great dps on target....then dont dance.

    if you can dps and can watch your surroundings (team/enemy), then dance.

  14. No.


    If passing the ball didnt exist, I doubt I would have any problem with the pull ability. But because it does, they can completely circumvent it. Taking all the risk that could ever be involved away.




    why would i pass to a guy that could be covered soon when i could force charge to the guy near the goal line and then pass the ball?


    why would i pass the ball to a sage near the goal line when i can run near him and wait for the pull?


    with that im lost as to why you think pulling is op.

  15. not saying anything is wrong, but i do find it a lil odd that we already got a free month and prices for the game are nearly 40% off after only four months. when i started playing wow it was 3 years into the game and bc was at its end, game was ~$40 and nilla+bc was ~$60(iirc) and i never saw wotlk or cata go on sale....but i dont go shopping a lot lol.


    it just seems to damn soon to start price slashing unless there is another problem...but thats my thoughts.

  16. it's still broke (imo)


    did a 16man on the new ops(1.2) with mostly pugs and ended up having 5mars(/facepalm /slapopsleader)


    so i had them blow bt in rotation right after each other, sometimes i would get the buff, sometimes not. if i remember right, the patch notes said that bt was fixed to be raid-wide for 1.2. buggy is buggy =/


    didn't know you could stack em though, cool stuff.

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