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Posts posted by Bannanaz

  1. Actually they do, it's called filling the seats, and there by maximizing profit.


    Sorry but you really might want to look into how economy works.


    Such a facepalm, this is not how the economy works... in the great depression food shops (butchers) would throw away excess meat, as to not undermine their existing sales.


    Go read a book...


    This does not necessarily maximise profit, if you loose your core players and go for flitting gamers who are casual and may/may not renew their subscription your quarterly profits may rise in the short term, but you loose in the long term.


    To raise sufficient capital this game would have been funded on a 5 year plan not a 2 year plan.



  2. this is a joke... I just spent 2 weeks off work "sick" - grinding BM... and now, they are simply taking the achievement/reward away from me. I bought the game on the understanding that this was a proper MMO...


    at least with WoW it took 2/3 years before they began to cave in to whiners....


    I am a casual gamer, I like having elitists on the server... makes the 4 hours a week I get on the game entertaining and competitive.


    "you don't sell cinema tickets to 100 people for $10 and then sell 250 for $5 10 minutes before the screening."


    This is like you saying, thanks for your loyalty in our first couple of months... now please move aside for new business...


    ....RAGEQUIT (just kidding)

  3. annihilation for 1v1s rage for everything else, i use rage primarily because id rather hit multiple people for 4.5k every 9 seconds than 1 person for 3.5k with annihilate.


    Also carnage is **** right now, the damage sucks and needs a buff.







    lvl 63 valor


    So true, couldn't agree more!


    I just respeced to Anni and the PVP (still not used it for PVE) dps is UNREAL, with carnage it simply didn't feel like you were doing damage, but with Anni you feel like you are mauling your opponent...

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