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Posts posted by Furyofwar

  1. Every nerf to dps just makes guard/healer stacking stronger. In fact I would rather have operatives prenerf still running around then seeing 4 healers and 4 tanks in war zones thinking they are good cause they don't take any damage.
  2. yeah but how often does this happen? I mean with only 4 man queues you would need some serious luck to achieve 4 tanks and 4 healers


    Well it happened. An if they don't fix it before ranked warzone if they allow 8 player queues. PvP will be dead. Cause there is no fun in endless nuking of everyone having guard/taunted at all times. Will get boring an old real quick.

  3. Says the guy trying to kill said "baddie" with guard on. Always amazes me how many people complain about not being able to kill a healer yet are probably the ones in OPs chat crying they are not getting any heals, you can't have it both ways.


    Says the baddie that thinks every single healer in the warzone cant have guard. Try playing 4tanks 4 healers. Then speak. Your clueless. You assume I am speaking about 1 tank and 1 healer. No This does not matter. 1 tank an 1 healer are a joke an easy to kill. Its broken when you take 4 healers an 4 tanks an put them together.

  4. Yeah because tossing guard on someone who can't heal being trained by the other team makes a lot of sense... that would be suicide for both of you. You guard a healer, and then debuff the people attacking because healers are important, and should be the target. It makes perfect sense to guard the healer and taunt the attackers, ******. Learn to interrupt, it'll do you a world of good.


    Ya again another clueless ignorant reply. The other 3 guarded healers are just going to heal the one your hitting. We did 2million damage my premade only focus firing an everything. Guard/healer stacking just made it the most pointless warzone ever done. Ya we still won. But who cares it was like 6 kills total in the entire warzone. Ability needs to be changed into a defensive cooldown that you can give to another player.

  5. let me guess, you got into a 1v2 against a healer tank combo?


    Thanks for the troll reply. Was I speaking about 1 on 2?

    I said fix guard cause its broken. Get 4healers and 4 tanks an toss them in huttball or voidstar and it ruins the entire game. They are to weak to kill ****. An guard makes it impossible to kill anything in that situation. Totally killing the entire point of pvp to begin with.

  6. This entire mechanic is fail. It allows the stupidest player to stand in one spot an just spam heals. This mechanic needs some serious changing instead of one button heroes running around with guard on. I mean seriously. Could you dumb down the game for healers anymore? This ability should be used on a player being nuked down. Used as like a defensive CD. Not just toss it on some baddie so he can stand in one spot an be dumb an never learn how to really play.
  7. people say it reduces survivability, but not really, Rakata will give you over 2k HP (depending on class and suit) then the BM version. If Rakata is doing more damage then the BM WITH Expertise, than it will overcoming the defense easier and thus having more HP is more valuable then damage reduction.


    So assuming you pull 15% damage reduction off full BM...


    And I hit you with 1000 damage, you only take 150 less damage. Sooo you have a total of 15000 HP. So out of 15 hits you reduce about 2k worth of damage...So Rakata offers equal protection as an end result, but having more health makes you easier to heal then using damage reduction so more health wins all around.


    Wrong. For example Rakata gear doesn't make you hit that much harder. For example Expertise gives +13% more Damage +13% more Healing +13% less damage taken.


    So ... BM gets +13% dmg lets say if you wear rakata you get +20% Damage. Well you still have to substract that 13% damage mitagation that everyone wearing expertise gets. Making you only get +7% damage.


    So not only do you get hit for more damage and heal for less health. Your only gaining a 7% damage increase for what? 13% increased damage taken. Rofl. Those percentages are just estimates We all know you wont even get that 20% damage increase with full Rakata.

  8. I really like my Mara he is fun to play, looks pretty cool and has 2 lightsabers. That being said Maras are the weakest PvP class in the game before 41ish and strugles alot before 50.


    At 50 there are times when I feel like a killing machine and times I feel like free medals for the opisition. I often think that many on this form that constantly state how awesome Maras are tend to be sitting in full battlemasters gear rolling fresh 50s in premade groups.


    I have not played all the classes yet but frm my understanding pretty much all classes do the same damage over time. This means that a Jug will do the same damage as a Mara which will do the same damage a Sorc over a timeperiod to a single target. IT seems that BW made the classes different in how the damage is delivered and utility. I also find it intersting that BW made 2 roles that are DPS only, Maras and snipers, where all others can fill different functions such as Jugg can be a tank or DPS depending on how the class is spec'd. This makes it seem like other classes can do so much more such as the Jug, you cant tell if you are geting to be going all out DPS to try chip at the tanks HPs or about to eat a 5k AE. You never have this issue with Maras, you know they will do damage at melee and take tons of damage, so very predictable.


    All the people that keep saying l2p, well its a steep curve and a hard road. You have to be Johnny on the spot with your skills or your dead. Its not a forgivnig class on any level and I do think just about any other class is much easer and more forgiving.


    I think the OP has valid points and I can see how it is fustrating. Will it change? Well Ill bet there are changes to every class in the first year of the game, sooner or latter some of our issues will be addressed. It may be better, it might not ever get better. In the end if you like the class play it and have fun, if you dont like to PvP with the class play something else.


    To the peeps that enjoy repeating l2p all day long, go equip some cent pvp armor, pug a WZ, fight people that have 2-5k more HPs and take a vid of that. If its a skill issue none of yall would have issues owning peeps in less gear. After all Im sure most of yall have your compainions are geared out in Cent/Champ anyhow. Im sure yall have the spare com's sitting around.


    Ok, I will make the video :)

  9. I really like my Mara he is fun to play, looks pretty cool and has 2 lightsabers. That being said Maras are the weakest PvP class in the game before 41ish and strugles alot before 50.


    At 50 there are times when I feel like a killing machine and times I feel like free medals for the opisition. I often think that many on this form that constantly state how awesome Maras are tend to be sitting in full battlemasters gear rolling fresh 50s in premade groups.


    I have not played all the classes yet but frm my understanding pretty much all classes do the same damage over time. This means that a Jug will do the same damage as a Mara which will do the same damage a Sorc over a timeperiod to a single target. IT seems that BW made the classes different in how the damage is delivered and utility. I also find it intersting that BW made 2 roles that are DPS only, Maras and snipers, where all others can fill different functions such as Jugg can be a tank or DPS depending on how the class is spec'd. This makes it seem like other classes can do so much more such as the Jug, you cant tell if you are geting to be going all out DPS to try chip at the tanks HPs or about to eat a 5k AE. You never have this issue with Maras, you know they will do damage at melee and take tons of damage, so very predictable.


    All the people that keep saying l2p, well its a steep curve and a hard road. You have to be Johnny on the spot with your skills or your dead. Its not a forgivnig class on any level and I do think just about any other class is much easer and more forgiving.


    I think the OP has valid points and I can see how it is fustrating. Will it change? Well Ill bet there are changes to every class in the first year of the game, sooner or latter some of our issues will be addressed. It may be better, it might not ever get better. In the end if you like the class play it and have fun, if you dont like to PvP with the class play something else.


    To the peeps that enjoy repeating l2p all day long, go equip some cent pvp armor, pug a WZ, fight people that have 2-5k more HPs and take a vid of that. If its a skill issue none of yall would have issues owning peeps in less gear. After all Im sure most of yall have your compainions are geared out in Cent/Champ anyhow. Im sure yall have the spare com's sitting around.


    Ok, I will make the video :)

  10. I've been PvPing in MMOs since Neverwinter Nights in 1994, from there played about 5 years of Ultima online. Its pretty much most of my gametime.


    Since i don't roll with a pre-made, I'm not serious, or I'm bad?




    Well, now we know.




    Yes your bad. You want to run onto a football field before even joining a team. You may even have a learning disability. An some anti social tendencies as well.

  11. Yes, the NEW ranked warzones that are coming for pvp WILL BE THE DEATH OF PVP!


    Why?? BECAUSE BIOWARE decided to give special gear to premades that play in warzones that will give them huge advantages against NORMAL SOLO PLAYERS that has solo warzone gear....

    That is because you cant rank individuals but you can rank teams from their success... This means solo players wont be able to enter ranked warzones therefore wont be able to get that "top gear"

    Therefore the moment those premade kids get that gear they are going to jump in to the normal warzone and faceroll everyone in it that doesnt hve that premade gear



    Apparently this game is so carebear focused that is even forcing group in the throat of pvpers by forcing them to find a group simply so you can get gear.... You will be forced to talk ith others even if you dont want too(sorry the ******** response go play single player doesnt work since i want to kill people, not talk to them) AND WORST OF ALL, you have to follow them aroundn playing the whole "l33t group" thing that will one shot everyone they see because they focus fire and feel so pro....


    Sorry, 4 guys focus firing 1 guy after another isnt skill so premades dont rly ned skill either... so skilled pvpers have nowhere to go for pvp expect search for random RARE duels....


    Forcing group play in a massively multiplayer game. WHAT ARE THE ODDS? HERP DERP!

  12. ROFL, Solo queue war zones. If you think any ranked war zone is going to be solo queue then you are a bad player an a bad gamer on top of it.


    Go /Duel @ Ilum or Dormond Kaas. You queue solo you get farmed simple as that.

  13. There is also a bug that your entire team will respawn on other side of door which you can still plant but the other team can sit there an disarm it non stop. Pretty pointless ending. Voidstar is the most broken warzone of all time. This behind the door thing is not really helpful when your entire team gets stuck behind the door its pretty much a auto loss.
  14. There WAS NOTHING said about a NEW tier of gear being released. He only mentioned multiple tier system (3 tiers) which ALREADY EXIST. Cent->Champ-> BM. Also that they are adding a fresh 50 pvp gear set.


    Learn to look up things before YOU speculate.


    Do you know what a Ranked Warzone Token is? Heh. Clearly says it in the interview.

  15. Well, I've been able to pass the 300k dmg barrier multiple times using Focus, especially on VS. Problem is, making up my mind is so damn hard, each of the specs has something I want. For instance, the no-range limit on Force Leap with Watchman/Anihilation is an insanely good interrupt and is more or less the key to killing healers (for me anyway). Thenagain, I've done over 20k dmg with one button using Rage/Focus.


    So, bottom line is, that doing 5k is possible, but is actually really really hard? At least I have an aim to reach now. It still is a bit sad that a class that can only and purely dps has such a rough time getting a medal that should be designed for this class. Pretty annoying to see a tracer missile/grav round spammer get this medal a lot easier, and top it with another 3 medals from healing as well.


    Oh well...at least the thought that we pretty much dominate 1vs1 fights is comforting to some extent. Too bad (sarcasm) pvp was designed around mass fights.


    With good gear its easy to do 6k damage with one rage smash.

  16. This^ People passed Marauders off because it was too hard to play effectively, and gave up where as people got geared, and combining all the experience they had with the class they dominated.


    I know a Sentinel who will crush your face, and a Marauder who will stomp your teeth in. And they are both people who spend a long time playing that class to know the ins and outs. Its a hard class, but once you master it people will cry when they see you lol...


    Long time? Depends on your skill level Took me 1 war zone and a few duels to learn marauder class(I only use annihilation and rage). It is my alt and its very easy to play. There really is no hard Spec in MMO's they are all easy to play. But every one has different skill levels depending how much of a gamer you are.

  17. If you're adamant on sticking to that build I'd spend that last point on Cloak of Carnage, Stagger, or Defensive Roll depending on what you want. They're all great 1-point talents.


    Cloak of Carnage could give you up to an extra 10 rage over the duration of Cloak of Pain, eliminating the need for 5 assaults and therefore increasing your damage dealt.


    I don't like Seeping Wound because I end up having to use Crippling Slash anyways (the 30% is incredibly weak considering you will be snared for 50% most of the time) when I need to stick to a target. I like Close Quarters and and Blurred Speed much, much better and I think they are better for sticking to a target than Seeping Wound. Close Quarters at 2/2 gives you an additional interrupt which can help against strong healers.


    You never need 2/2 close quarters 1/2 works well enough if you really need that leap interrupt you can take like two steps away with 1/2talents into it an still get the interrupt with leap at 5 yard range.

  18. Carnage = Steady stream of decent damage with little utility.

    Rage = Massive crits based around ONE ability with loads of down time and no group utility.


    Annihilation = Bleed Dependent which can be Purged off. Easily Kited. An Low Defense Rating. If your going to display spec weaknesses you should display them all.


    Also correction to the above.


    Rage: Large Burst. Amazing AoE Damage. Best slow in the game. Highest Defense rating of the specs(you will have defense rating equal to heavy armor).

  19. what are you smoking? Leap > Crush >build rage till full stack of shockwave >smash? that was the whole crappy spec. It's the easy spec to play.




    I suggest going annihilation as the dot heals help add to our survivability a ton. Try to get 2 set pieces of pvp gear to help lower the CD of Undying Rage and that hsould help a bunch.


    There is no such thing as a hard MMO spec. I think that fact that millions play these MMO's already proves that. Hard is not something everyone an there mother can do :p

  20. Rofl, my level 35 Anni Spec'd Mara who hit 200K on 4 straight WZ's and topped the dmg for all players in same WZ's last night would like to contend your statement. Rage and Carnage might have problems, Anni does not.


    Edit: And i've been pulling numbers with him like that since lvl 25.


    You should be using rage pre 50 if you want to do more damage. While leveling I was averaging per war zone 300-500dmg done. I only leveled with war zones and class quest.

  21. I have broken 600k damage done on Voidstar with both Rage spec Marauder and Annihilation Marauder. Both are good specs. Annihilation is a little bit harder to kill easier to be kited an has better group buffs. Rage is more aoe damage more slows an really hard to kite.


    Both have a different play style. Warriors are not weak but if you plan on being a very good pvper you will need to keybind 37 buttons.


    Keep in mind I have 5 pieces of centurion gear an rest is champion gear on this alt.

  22. No, you are missing the point. You are paying for weapon upgrades twice because you are GETTING weapon upgrades twice! Some ACs get a shield gen or something that gives them a little extra willpower in their offhand. You have a MODABLE WEAPON that gives you a MASSIVE DPS BOOST.


    Think of it like this, if you buy a car and then you go out and buy a second car are you going to go to the gas station and say "I want to fill up one car with gas and have the other filled for free!" No, you're not. You are either going to pay for the gas to fuel both cars or you will drive one car and the other car will sit there doing nothing useful.


    Get over your entitlement issues.


    Eh? How is dual wielding a massive damage boost have you seen the damage output on secondary weapons? its like 2/10th of the main weapon if that..

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