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Posts posted by mordredz

  1. No offense but clearly you have no understanding what so ever of the sorc/sage class. You are going on talent calculators creating specs thinking you're a smart ***, spouting skill names and etc it doesn't translate in live. You are here simply to defend your class so you can keep this easy mode winning for as long as possible I don't blame you for that. But please stop trying to be-little everyone when quite evidently you have no idea what you're actually talking about. Thanks.


    last i checked he said knockback which all sorc/sages get no matter the spec then stood there, where's your logic in him saying anything about a spec?

  2. If you get kited and killed by sages/sorcs as a marauder/sent you should just unsub honestly. I'm not sure if that's what you're trying to admit but if you are...just lol.


    You have the defensive power of a tank and the burst that is leaps and bounds easier to execute and does more damage than a sage.


    The marauders didn't all turn pro overnight mate, they got just got made incredibly op.


    They weren't made OP by anything, where is this insane burst you speak of outside of carnage spec? oh wait there isn't one...

  3. i enjoy my various moment :D i go play better MMO - this is mass hystery around good trademark (for more various epicness)


    All you're posts are Sages aren't OP Pre 1.2, even back in Jan you called every melee OP, and now cause you were killed by a mara they need nerfed eh...


    Also complaining about low pop servers and then saying you faced 8 mara team?

  4. Our defenses are fine, have been fine, and are easily avoidable. Nothing for you to QQ about because all of a sudden we take 99% less damage for 5 seconds every once in a while. I don't get to pop Undying rage a lot of the time because i die before then or i get cc'ed and die before i can pop it. So yeah.


    True story, i stun most mara's when there 20% so i dont have to worrry about it, if they break that then i just Root and wait 2 more seconds...

  5. I think the biggest thing people forget is the balance that HAS to be struck between PvP and PvE and yes it is something that has to exist, now Expertise is meant to help that balance, but it really isn't doing a great job of it at all.


    I think most Mara/Sents who have a reasonable head on their shoulders agree that they need a nerf to bring them back in line where they should be and then the only real way to balance that into PvE is bring down the high DPS requires in enrage timers (fine tuned that you need perfect DPS and not just easymode DPS to get something done) and then that fixes both sides of the issue.


    Most mara/sents i know don't think that, they think ravage is a bit to much but thats about it, what part of none of our other specs were buffed in dmg do you just not get?


    These threads will continue till enough tears are shed and everything is nerfed again, sorc's didnt need it tho they got it, last set of Op/Smug didn't need it either but here we are, the whines win every time reguardless of having even the slightest bit of a clue...

  6. Or maybe they need bringing back to earth?


    Strategy? What strategy is that as a sage v 4 maras on me? Kite til u die. Apparently in supposed to stun all of you all if the time, when both my stuns use 800 resolve. Ranged saver throw does more damage than my instants and kills me when I have low percentage of health. So to kite one is hard, 2 forget about it. "use cc" - resolve is full, kill them? Oh look shield is up he is invuneravble, I can't stun him he is in full resolve.


    On the occasion he is about to die he either shields up for 5 seconds so I'm supposed to stun and run, or he vanishes or he heals himself with rhe shield in or whatever abilities maras use to heal from attacks with his shield up with 3 people beating on this "glass cannon". I can't even use my ranged interupt on some of the abilities anymore, u can only use knock back or try to move. So basically as a sage your dead 99 percent of the time since 1.2. Before that it was 60-70 percent.


    Strategy? The best strategy in war zones at the moment is to load up on sents and jugs and get a scoundrel healer. That's why people atelier rolling sent/mara - not because they are perceived to be op, because they actually are.


    You complain cause you're focused? logic? none... Rest of what you said is pretty much um ya...

  7. Admittedly Sorcs do have the tools to kite rather well for some time against less skilled people BUT other classes simply don't. Usually those heavy dps dual wield characters are meant to be glass cannons but mara/sents simply are NOT. So much effective defense and on top that idiotic stealth makes it way too hard to kill those OP faceroll things.


    I just can't take anyone serious that plays a mara/sent these days and thinks he is any good. Serious PVP would just abandon that class and wait till it will be halfway balanced again instead of facerolling people with that OP rubbish. I for one stopped playing my marauder because it is WAY worse than Sorcs ever have been. So yeah, don't take those mara/sent players serious.


    Ya we are, i go down just as quick as a sorc, i get my 4s of fun time then dead, again its still a l2p issue and always will be with 80% of complaints on any MMO...

  8. I am 28 years old, so fail on your side.....


    Have you read anything i said? i give plenty of advice and direction, and kept giving to THE SAME people for MONTHS in a row now.



    Whats with the straw man of getting 2 medals? i can afk the WHOLE game and get 5 for defense, i can play 1 minute from game start THEN afk and get 12 medals, they give you a medal chain even for blowing wind, these days. And go be in your 0 xper. premade and watch all 8 players melt vs 2 players.



    Again with the medals, ... *** is up with ppl? scoreboard means jack towards winning and losing a warzone. Scoreboard is NOT an accurate representation of how well you are doing, go fight eachother in the middle of nowhere and farm medals.. see how well your wz is doing.


    If some of these unskilled players would put half the effort they do complaining on the forums, in general etc into actually trying to grasp the concept of objectives and learning there classes i would be amazed...


    nice post tho, doubt most will care, they seem dead set in failing and complaining about it to everyone else...

  9. I really don't see how you can say they aren't OP (unless of course you are one then you might want to keep this easy mode class the way it is), the only sensible thing for me to do if Marauder targets me is to try and run away. As sage whether I have force armor up or not it takes no longer than maybe 3-6 seconds before they kill me. There is nothing I can do to stop it other than CC and run to my team hoping someone will help.


    Then you have no clue how to kite, play you're class, my 1k exp sorc survives the bad ones all day long, i have to try vs the skilled ones, so no clue on you're end...

  10. If you guys enjoy other aspects of this game (crafting, PvE etc.), I'm glad for you. I personally don't care for them and, since I've paid for this game, I'm allowed to write a 'letter of complaint'.


    Try to view the issue at hand from the point of view I presented. Do you think 2,000 credits per warzone is alright? It hardly seems so and I'm not asking for the world here, just for an increase of credits awarded.


    Please try to refrain yourselves with suggestions like:

    - do operations (it's not my cup of tea in this game);

    - play the market (I successfully did this too in other MMOs, I'm tired of it);

    - do other dailies than PvP (no thanks, I want a less time-consuming MMO and not spend THAT much time just so I can extract a freggin' mod from an item).


    Dualy noted and dismissed, same can be said if you want augmented stuff thats mainly pve tech, and the list can go on and on...

  11. This is not true, especially on the tank part. Pre-patch certain classes, BEFORE their buffs (marauders/sents) were able to kill me without losing more than 30% of their health. With me being full pvp cc guardian tank, with all my cooldowns up. And i emphasize, this was pre-patch.


    If you were a full Guard tank and you lost to a mara/sent then you're pretty bad no offense, a good tank will beat anyone 1v1 unless there sporting pve gear in pvp, or fighting nakid...


    Just simple logic and common sense...

  12. So we all know marauders/sentinels are running rampant in WZs pwning everything that moves so i wont even go into that. We already know they are over buffed etc etc. My question is, do you think BW will go as far as hotfixing Marauder/Sent damage say within the month rather than waiting for a full patch to be released?


    I know Blizzard was known for doing this from time to time when classes were just way to OP for other players to handle. If im not mistaken they did this to warriors and ret paladins basically making them go from an OP FOTM class down to a class that made everyone laugh. lolret comes to mind. Anyways what do you guys think?


    The only thing OP is a player with skill, and then there are those that aren't and complain on the forums...


    I top objectives and dmg on my sniper, so i must be op? i topped the charts again on my BH, so again they must be OP...


    Seriously just a horrible thread from incompetent players yet again...

  13. Hotfix? Doubt it.


    I'm unsubbing, if you're not playing powertech / assn / marauder. There's no point in playing.


    Looks like bioware got me on this one, I paid for 6 months in advance hoping that 1.2 would bring about exciting changes. But they broke pvp , which is the only reason I play this game anyway.


    So when a BH tops the boards in a few of my games, one sorc that still does really well, and a few Gs/Snipers i guess the player is just OP much like all the rest i should Unsub because they have skill and this poster doe's not?


    Pointless thread...

  14. I agree whole heartily with your post I play full bodyguard it is shocking what they have done to Bh I only pug mostly and i last not even 8 seconds to jug/sents/maras I am not going to complain am just going to go play my mara again:wea_03::wea_03::wea_03:


    Then you're quite bad, hate to break it to ya, or your playing with 100 exp...

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