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Posts posted by Elcarim

  1. People getting their panties twisted over outdated\non accurate information, another reason why i posted what I posted. It never said it was being pulled from 1.3.


    People keep harping about how bad bioware is doing, they really are not. I know other game developers that would of rolled up into the fetal position trying to handle the community that bioware has to put up with.


    You don't say? I know other game developers that get payed less, work for smaller companies, and most likely don't have as many people on their teams, who have made games that are more friendly to the users. I mean, how hard is it to let a person customize their own UI's? TOR didn't let us for months, and when we got the option, it was still highly limited.... off topic, sorry.


    Point being though, these guys are making rather large mistakes over problems that shouldn't even exist in the first place.

  2. lol the above post was a troll? I had no idea that having issue with Bioware's lack of any kind of concern for it's community or the ability to fix bugs was trolling. There are so very, very many issues with this game that in this day and age of gaming shouldn't even exist anymore.


    Don't get me wrong, I love the game. It's fun, but they've limited it so much, for God only knows why, that it's causing a mass exodus. People are getting fed up with the lack of concern for us as players. They're getting fed up with all the little bugs that keep never getting fixed. They say they're going to add something in one patch, something the pvp community was really looking forward to, and then they push it off. Here we are again, months later, and they're talking about pushing it off again. This is going to cause even more people to leave a game most of us still really enjoy.


    Hell, they're already talking about taking the game free to play because of all the people leaving. The games going to die before it even gets off it's feet at this rate.


    They could easily make this game better, by adding small things. Like games, or housing, or armor that doesn't look like someone someone was high and thought "woh, you know what would be cool man? dig it. A space jedi samurai! Dude! awesome!"... Honestly, what moron did they pay to design that b.s.?


    Whatever, that was a bit of a rant there... I just don't see how a business this big, that designed this game, could be making so many stupid mistakes.

  3. So I had a friend talking about how he was reading on how they were going to hold off (convoluted enough for ya?) on giving us ranked warzones because there aren't enough people on the public test server to test the system.


    I have an issue with this. Why didn't they give us the option to copy over our characters during all this server transfer crap? I didn't even know until today that there was the option to copy over characters there. I had talked to a GM about it about a month ago and he said that there was no system in place to do that.


    So if they want/need people testing over there, why don't they make things a bit more clear?


    On top of that, if they want/need people testing ranked warzones on the PTS, why do they require 8 man pre-made teams to even join them? Why not give the option of a pug ranked over there, if they wish to change it later for normal servers, fine. But most people on the PTS only play on it at random times and might only know a few people who are on at any given time.


    This just seems rather naive and moronic to me.

  4. So, as a body model 2 character (maybe 1 also) the male jedi (I don't know about sith) on the Republic side while wearing robes have a giant backside for some reason. Just under where the belt graphic/appearance is, it goes out away from your character, making it look like a Jawa is hiding under the backside of your robe. it's a bit asinine.


    What I don't understand is, why it doesn't show up the same way in the appearance window/dressing room window. In there it hangs correctly. But in the world, where everyone can see it, it's as if the junk in the trunk is overflowing. Can we please... For the love of god, get a fix to this appearance problem? I mean honestly, whoever designs 99% of all the Republic armor is already a moron. No on likes it. No one things the jedi space samurai look cool. No one likes the Jedi space Roman's either.


    We're forced as a faction to look around for armor/appearance gear that looks halfway normal just so we can have respect for our characters. And you guys don't make it easy. Can we at least not have giant "jawa hiding under my robe" issues with this on top of all the other crap we got to put up with?

  5. That one's blue quality. The Aspiring Knights Vest is the same style, but orange moddable. Also, it's crafted, so, ask a Synthweaver if you want one. On Jedi Covenant, they sell for 1K all the time.


    Ummm.. no, they are both orange crafted (by myself) Aspiring Knights Vests.. Again, I made both of those.

  6. I have 2 issues. First I'll start with the Aspiring Knights Vest (medium, orange, & jedi knight/smuggler only)... This vest seems to have 2 different appearances. The coloring doesn't depend on race or class. I've seen two human smugglers in the same vest and it have different coloring. If you inspect the person with the odd coloring and try it on in your appearance window it will look however the one on your avatar looks. ie. if your version of it is the lighter coloring and you try to inspect a person who has the darker version to try on his, it will look like the lighter version on you. same goes for darker trying on lighter.






    For the life of me I cannot figure out why they are different. And it's not just me seeing them this way either, I've asked people around and they all see it as well.


    My second problem in which I've not seen anything on yet... Head slot for Miraluka. Heavily bugged and in need of fixing. WIth 1.3 coming up, there any word on if this is going to be fixed soon? We can wear full face makes (trooper helm types, or the skin type light armor one) but nothing else. This shouldn't be a hard fix. I find it odd that it is even an issue to begin with.

  7. Hate to break it to you guys, but the person who gets the killing blow gets the toolkit to disarm the mine in the next field. However, I'm still not sure how the title is handed out. The person running the controls up top got it in our run, and I got it myself. However, the tank who also got a few killing blows and disarmed some, did not get the title. Also the person who disabled the field just before the boss fight didn't either.
  8. Answer is no.


    Would congtradict the whole system. You dont have a lvl 50 toon to support the legacy therfore should not carry past it. The actual legacu lvl itself is a different topic beyond your question.


    Not completely true. While I can almost understand your point, there is a problem with it. A person could opt to "retire" a character or have that character "die" out. He would still be part of the legacy. His works and all he did to contribute to the name would carry on to your other characters. Die/delete are kind of the same thing.

  9. Yea. I mentioned it earlier in a different post. But its relevant to how having more character space is important, since if there was more character space then a person would not need to delete their characters. And i presented the reasons why I think there should be character space. And then went into rant :D


    If a lot of poeple think they need space for 16 AC instead of 8, then it should be 16+5= 21 characters per server.


    the reason for extra 5 is because biochem is the important craft and therefore people would want to have biochem for all their AC's, unless exotech removes the restriction, but seems to only drop from ops.


    Ummm... I think you're tripping. While going Biochem you are a little bit better than if you take another crafting skill set, I don't think that it's enough of one to warrant it as a necessity. It's a difference of like 10 to your main stat. Which in the end, might give you a whopping 2 or 3 higher dps, if your lucky.


    to say we need 21 character slots per server is a bit silly. 16 is all there should be. Simply add it to legacy for unlocking more character slots and call it a day. But for the love of GOD! Do not make it cost 5 or 10 or 20 million credits. There are only a select few people who really have that kind of money. The rest of us normal players sit around 1 to 3 mill. and never get higher.

  10. ... uhhh, I like how you asked the question, "why would you" then basically went into a rant about another topic you care about... Maybe you should make your own topic/post? lol


    As for why would you. You are limited to 8 slots, and there are 16 class types. I'll grant you that the rep 8 and imp 8 are mearly clones. However, they have their own story lines and because of the difference in the way the skills look and appear to work, there is a different feel to them. I can think of a few reasons on why a person would want to delete a level 50.


    Back to the main question. I see one yes, but has anyone tested it or is that just an assumed yes?

  11. A few of my guildies and I were talking about the Legacy bonus stats to crit/surge/max health and so on. It reads,


    "Granted a bonus to your Critical Hit Chance. Increases duration of your Heroic Moment by 12 seconds and reduces the cooldown by 1 minute. You may only receive this bonus for one Ranged Damaged companion."


    Now does it mean that all of those effects are only granted 1 time? ie. If I've maxed out the affection on 3 level 50s and all their companions, will I gain the bonus crit 3 times or only the 1? It almost reads as if it's saying you only receive the cooldown bonus 1 time per ranged/melee/healer companion types.

  12. Is it in the works at all to give us more character slots per server? 8 is a good few I'll grant you, but there are 16 classes in which we can play. Are there any plans on giving us the ability to unlock more slots via Legacy maybe?
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