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Posts posted by Baalazar

  1. Changes sound good to me. If all the gear is easily available it will be easy to sort out the good pvpers from the bad ones. Since everyone will be in the same gear.
  2. Alot of the people i see on the Forums are QQing and bashing a game thats barely 2 months old, the game is new, World of Warcraft had problems the first 4 Months of its release, the exact same problems that TOR has right now, Give TOR a Chance


    Comparing a 2011 launch back to a 2004 launch not so great. Try again.


    This game has has as much blind praise as it has blind hate. Neither of them help the developers.

  3. The paranoid imperial officer on Dromund Kaas.


    "I used to be respected, you know. My word carried weight. One tiny mistake, and suddenly no one trusts me!My troops were acting strangely-plotting something. Obviously, they were traitors; all the warning signs were there.The smart move was to kill them all. How could I know they were planning a surprise party for my promotion?"

  4. When player was killed recently game output message like


    John Doe was killed recently and worth no valor.


    But all of a sudden I see messages like


    No valor.

    No valor.

    No valor.

    No valor.

    No valor.

    What the hell is this?! How to avoid this? (besides obvious mass suicide)


    You need to die and it will be fixed. Only way i know atm to deal with it.

  5. Most hardcore PvPers want gear removed, not exponentially improved where it never balances out...


    The middle ground is easily obtained PvP gear that puts everyone on equal footing, then higher tiers of gear just look better than the tier before, but don't give an advantage.


    This. Developers need to learn that people don't want gear to be the end game goal.


    I'd rather see raids with mechanics that require thinking and strategy not just stats = we kill X monter faster.


    PVP shoudl be the same way. It shoudln't be I beat X class because i had better gear it needs to be i beat X class because i outsmarted them.

  6. As a world famous mmo gamer and pvp legend I know that these losses are not because I or the rest of republic side are bad players its merely that we are massively disadvantaged by ingame mechanics and the appalling bias toward imps overall.


    This line just made my day OP.


    Can i ask you a question? Who are you?

  7. I love all these players stating they went threw hell to get thier gear... when most likely they got it by rushing in the start of the game and farmed low levels...


    Remove Expertise dont let the no lifers turn this game into a WoW2 where everything is about gear!


    I walked 5 miles uphill in the snow to get to school too.

  8. removing expertise means that youll just get face rolled with people in pve gear that went to the hard modes of raids to kill you with.


    If expertise was removed, your next post would be "Nerf PvE gear"


    gear progression is gear progression, all expertise/resilience does is seperate career paths, so you cant go all out one way and be geared for the other.


    This. If you want every hardcore raider on your realm facerolling warzones thats all removing expertise would accomplish. Now if bioware made pvp gear same stats as pve then that would be different, but then people would qq about pvpers getting the same gear as the raiders.

  9. I vote to change the tiltle of this thread from "Too much CC in PvP" to "Too much QQ in PvP"


    I second that, good sir.


    Its almost impossible to find a positive thread about this game. I feel like i'm working customer service when i log on these forums...

  10. Sorcs utility does make them a very good class but they far from OP. If you think classes are unbalanced in swtor then you've never played other mmos in your life.
  11. You have the ball, and are being attacked by a large group of enemies. You're on the ramp just before reaching the goal, and there is a friendly standing on the goal line with no one bothering them. You obviously aren't going to make it, your health is dropping way too fast for that. What do you do?



    Go get a beer. It's more productive and satisfying.

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