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Posts posted by Eomy

  1. I have to admit, I expected nerfs, I knew it was coming however when I saw the nerfs I was reasonably shocked you guys were going to town so hard. I've played Sorc for the better part of five years with a couple of other classes thrown in on the add occasion. But now I'm facing a huge choice, I currently raid with a NiM team and quite frankly I feel like I'm not pulling my own weight anymore, I spent some time gearing a Merc and an OP though their play styles feel very clunky to me.


    So what now? Do I do what many others have done and reroll? Play something I dislike and pray that you realise the mistakes you've made? You've tried to fix the class but essentially you've removed it from the game for many people, why play something that's lack luster and boring, when there are other options?


    The biggest problem with Sorc in pvp was barrier, I understand that their sheer healing could carry them through most arena matches taking them to acid and then barrier allowed you to win. So I ask myself why you ignored that point, surely reducing the effectiveness of barrier would of been a start to combat this tactic?

    Secondly I know roaming mend was an issue, it's an extremely easy and effective heal to use afterall you press one button and it used to top a group. I believe a nerf here was warrented.

    In PvE I didn't feel like Sorc was over the top, Op could outheal in most situations, Merc could easily keep up if played well and both of these classes have something sorcs don't have which is a reasonable off dps output, and ofcourse with the nerfs to Sorc we can forget about off dps because when you aren't spamming your lack luster heals to try and top people as best you can, you need to spam the force regen like it's the only button on your bar.


    Going to end this post with the thank you. Thank you to the devs for putting the only class I truely enjoyed playing into the dirt, 6 feet under. Thank you for giving me some rough choices, like should I quit my NiM team and let them take someone who is better on one of the remaining two healer specs. I guess only time will tell if you are listening to your community. Perhaps next time when you consider such drastic nerfs, run them by the top pvpers, run them by the raid groups that I know you speak to already on the PTS. Use the player base and people who play these specs everyday to your advantage rather than pissing us off with unnecessary and harsh changes that just ruin the game for your loyal customers.

  2. I play Sorc, I understand it requires a nerf to balance it with other classes. However this nerf that you are planning will put it back into the dark ages when noone played it. I mean if this is your idea of balance then I really don't understand how your team gets it's numbers or where you get your information. You are nerfing the entire Sorc kit and also increasing the cost of the abilities, I mean this is just crazy, I may aswell install that other terrible mmo now.
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